got ya i'll have a bash,

how does this tactic fair with all the ones you've tested?
The tweak I posted in #1206 is the one I always goes back to after testing other tactics. For me its the most consistent I've used yet, though there's still loads of tactics I've not tried yet
The tweak I posted in #1206 is the one I always goes back to after testing other tactics. For me its the most consistent I've used yet, though there's still loads of tactics I've not tried yet

did you make any tweaks for away games?
Okay, here are some screenshots from my test with W4nkers tweak. I tested the tactic with Manchester City as I wanted to know what the full potential of the tactic would be. I used the default city team and bought Alexis Sanchez as i feel City lack enough pure out and out wingers.

Here are the results, they speak for themselves really. Its a quality tactic, i feel with a bit more playing about with the match preparation there are more goals to be scored.

Team Selection:
View attachment 319572

Obviously, i would have started Hart in goal, just didn't notice i hadn't swapped him back in before i took the screen shot. ( He had been injured)

Team Stats (Disappointed with the return from Aguero tbh but oh well):
View attachment 319573

League Table (Domestic & European):
View attachment 319574View attachment 319575

View attachment 319576View attachment 319577
After failing with consistency especially in away matches I made a couple of tweaks to marking, set pieces and match prep.

Finally put a run of form together, knocking out Barcelona 4-2 with Ajax (a save where I make no signings and rely upon youth academy products. Basically a default Ajax team minus Eriksen and Fischer whom I sold)

View attachment 317369

View attachment 317370

Is it still same player types as Original MW
ok, been away from the game for a bit, on version 13.3.2 now, was destroying teams with Modern Warfare before, but it seems things have changed, whats the best to use now?

Im Ajax, just switched to this formation after using it on other saves, i have Fierro as my AF but im looking for a cheap Complete Forward or Poacher to fill the other role. I have about 15m to spend any suggestions? i sold Sigporsson and Siem De Jong.
has anyone tried the 4-3-1-2? how are the results?

great results here with the 4-3-1-2, far more superior to the 4-4-2 with the current patch. started the unemployment challenge, and took kirklarelispor(turkish 3rd tier) to a league win in the first season, doing well in the second season as well. with the right players in their roles, this is an absolute beast that works awesome with lower leauge clubs as well, as you can see. very solid in defense, and always grabs a goal
Are there any new versions of modern warfare? like modified for 13.3????
Sod it getting bored with my Crawley save, going to start a new game with Lazio, try out this 4-3-1-2.