Personally i didn't say V6 is not good. But V5 is best if you had good results with V6 try V5 and see the best.
Are the PPMS as same as they were for EXECUTIONER? It seems like the Trequartista has entirely different requirements.
Are the PPMS as same as they were for EXECUTIONER? It seems like the Trequartista has entirely different requirements.

Was just coming to ask this as well. What are the PPMs or were none listed?


It's cumulative update and it contains a good amount of tweaks which proved to be efficient.

P.S. Triumph V3 is still better ;)
That sound good. For me V5 is much more better than everything ??????
can somebody show v5's IO's

Page 48, Post 473.

I had to ask as well :p

Was killed in most of my friendlies with V5 with Prestatyn (Picked last) in Welsh Premier League.. but once season started having a ton of success 10 games in. Currently in 1st with only 1 away loss to TNS.
Haven't tried V7 but I seem to be getting a lot from V5