Hey guys! Just letting you know we have a new testing environment and an updated testing database now
In this test, we use the program "FM fitness coach" to freeze morale and fitness for the whole league, not only the test team! So this will increase accuracy by a lot! In addition, this program removes injuries if they happen, automatically (very rarely that happens, but it can happen). Due to this, we now have the possibility to increase the number of matches tested, and that is what we have done. The test now has 186 matches tested per tactic! We will then also move on from simulating matches to holidaying them (after extensive testing we found out that simulate match = holiday for 1 match, same results, same everything - retested same tactic over 10 times - full seasons - to be sure). Results would of course be more accurate if playing the matches ourselves, but 186 matches tested on holiday / simulate match is without a doubt more accurate than 30 matches playing every match. In addition, this has given us the option of having two test teams in the league, one with CA145 and one with CA120. We will then combine these two results in the end (93 matches per team).
All this results in a much harder test, and also a much more stable testing environment (due to fm fitness coach for the whole league). We will most likely see other teams performing very consistently every test. My own tactics, at least the attacking ones, will most likely be butchered to small pieces by this warmachine of a tactic test, but I have high hopes for my 4-4-2
There will probably never be a tactic that gets first place with either team though, and some will be in the relegation area with the CA120 team (depending on how weak it is for underdogs).
Edit: We will stick with simulate match afterall
I see that the holiday changes formation sometimes late in the matches. It's not many minutes we are talking about, so still pretty accurate considering the amount of games and parameters set, but enough to alter the test results.