Yea I agree. The tweak for big teams, the original for everyone else
I would say that I agree and disagree @ the same time. Explanation: Even being a non top European team, u still have games where u are the good team. And even if that doesn't happen, with hard work, talking about scouting, u can get really nice wonder kids that can make the difference (im home league games). If u are an underdog u just need to manage, (that's one of the beauties of FM) to get to CL qualifying places, get more money By playing in CL (16M in a Underdog team is a lot) and get a few more good under 19 kids and after a few seasons u will get the dream squad. Your first kids are just getting the experience of playing 1st Team and the new will complete the squad. So instead of using this as your run them all tactic, you use this as an extension, of another tactic like the original.
But yes, one of the things of the tweaked versions so far is that its about individuals and not the teamwork, that's ehy my prep match is Def Positioning or Attack Mov but in the original the TW is better, and the team get's really good after the mid of the second season, if no big changes are made in the fisrt 11.
And if u like to score just for fun... go for the tweaked... if u go for the tweaked... bcareful as your team may get complacent and any bad result can result in bad run... that can make u lose all of your hard work...
Good squad management is need with this tactic as well, I've seen that any player under 95% in the beginning of the game may not perform as expected, depending on who's in the other side, and any player under 15 of stamina can get really tired after a 3 or 4 nill and may not be up for an European match in the mid week.
The Fm is getting harder, but better... I still remember doing the treble holidaying in the games.... know u need patient and steel nerves just to get to the end of the season a live...
(note that I don't have the habit of Playing only Big Teams, Fm as almost 15000 to chose from, and MU, City, RM, BCN etc.. are there just for fun, and after the fun, if u still play FM u need to look for the real game)
Conclusion... have fun... and bare in mind that any of this tactics works perfect... as long as u do the right choices in the right moment