Mr Langvatn's Tactic Thread (Updated for 13.3.3)

What kind of striker for the rock 4-1-4-1 classic? And is it still no OI's?
Currently testing the original Rock. This will be a really close fight between the classic rock and the original rock...
But the playmaker box is ticked, if I don't set one then the AI will pick one anyway. Should the box be unticked or is this how it is supposed to be.

The A.I won't set one. It should be ticked, ye. Don't change anything, just plug and play :) I know what I'm doing.
8. If you get a player sent off, take off the Trequartista/Right striker (If you run the normal version, change playmaker in team settings to the Advanced playmaker. The classic version doesn't utilize playmaker or target man)
What to do if you using rock classic
I should have some reference tactics too in the test maybe. I've tried to find other decent tactics, but I struggle to find any. Any suggestions anyone?