Not signing a player due to uglyness

most modern playas look like poofters these dayz wid there funny hairstyles,fancy earings,botox etc ie:beckham,there were alot of ugly fookers in tha olden dayz as well and they was just the wags.

but yeah i too hav been put off buying ugly playas especially Gingers with pale complextions! just lowers the tone in my team and i cant have tht,weird as its only a profile pic,people say Tevez is like a terrier running round the pitch well least he has the looks to go with it lol
heres soem more uglies :D

Denis Behan: he looks like a tomato :D


Mesut Ozil

Ozil looks like bin ladens right hand man lol :p
cant believe that no one has mention brian sarimento he got recommended by my scout so a thought ad buy him just before a signed him a downloaded a facepack seen the face a thought nah he's blatantly retarded lol

this lad ??

ronaldinho is prob one of the ugliest mr goofy himslf
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If thats the case all of these would be free agents:







Avram Grant

Yeah I do this all the time, if anyone on my team is ugly there gone. Think it was John Joe O Toole on FM08 I was gunna sign him until I saw him.
ronaldinho is prob one of the ugliest mr goofy himslf

Are you all forgetting about the two ugliest footballers ever i was going to sign them for Forest Green saw there face and thought naa Dean Windass and John Akinde ( his head is well weird)
this was Ronaldinho spotted out on a nite out with his mates only last week, i think he's ageing well considering :p

The Elephant Man!!!

---------- Post added at 02:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:55 AM ----------
