Official FM Base Network Game!

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I'm definitely gonna play tonight gotta get West Ham out of the relegation zone.
Thank you Martin :D

Comes the comps not in your room or in a room every1 uses
Greg it was a Citizenship exam started at 9.05, lasted hour an half got back home for 20 to 12 :)

See you all at 11 ;)
Are you an imigrant like?

'TherealM' if you stick around and postfor a wee bit you can play next season :)

Me, little old WBA won the first cup!, I beat Man Utd on pens, 2-2 AET

So im in Europe and ATM is the most usccessful out of you all, whos **** now Ian!
Well Done i must say. If Gregor finishes in the top 6 the club behind him will now be in Europe.

The League is more or less over and Arsenal,Liverpool will be in the champions league but the other place is up for grabs and anyone could get it from 4th-9th. Down the bottom half West Ham have picked up and it looks like Sunderland might be going down.Andy will have a figfht i think and might just make it.Lloyd is still sitting on the fence at mid table.

Here is the league table.
I know this sounds stupid but cant i take charge at everton and get them out of the 20 place
im pleasently suprised to be in 10th its not as well as it like to be doing or would be but considering i havent played much its not to bad
First time i'd tried my new tactic on the net game (prob only about 10th match ive used it on at most) and I beat lloyd 5-0...EASY :D
I hope newwcastle and west ham do **** for the rest of the season so i wont get relegated. Dissapointing season for me ... tut tut.
Thats not nice, I've been doing **** all the way through the season and I'm still above you.
Or maybe i might just have to improve my performances on the pitch to ensure i won't get relegated.

Btw i can't play for a few days my bro's friend is borrowing it and have any of you guys gotta clue to play withoutt the cd.
Sorry Pelican but i cant have people turning up once and never playing again. Im removing you from the game, You can re join next season.
:yikes: Oh my ******* god u serious.

Dont worry this week coming up is ma last week till a one week holiday so ill b playing alot more how about just let the assistant take over dis week n ill b on for the rest of the season. Im serious.

The reason why i don't play alot is cause im 15 nd wake up 7 in the morning and how can i possibly play at 11pm when im asleep at 11 !!!

I have coursework after coursework after another,
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Well i start work at 6am so if i can cope then im sure you can and what i do is alot more than you sitting on your **** reading maths ****. If you cant play when we do then it isnt my fault. Users in the game and not turning up just slows us down.
I'm on holiday from thursday 25th May to 3rd June so I won't be able to play then so I'll prob miss transfer window and the start of the season.
pelican said:
:yikes: Oh my ******* god u serious.

Dont worry this week coming up is ma last week till a one week holiday so ill b playing alot more how about just let the assistant take over dis week n ill b on for the rest of the season. Im serious.

The reason why i don't play alot is cause im 15 nd wake up 7 in the morning and how can i possibly play at 11pm when im asleep at 11 !!!

I have coursework after coursework after another,

didums, im 17 and at school and doing highers which is hard...unlike what you are doign which is a pice of ****
It don't matter now like i said i'll just miss this one week then i'll be on evry night/day after that hopefully. 120% sure
ok, I belive you now, you do need the sleep, becuase you def need to pay for attention in maths, you cant get mroe than 100%
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