Official FM Base Network Game!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kris
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Here is an updated League table i done well last night beat Arsenal...again :D

Tonight at 11pm people.
aww the gap between me and the team above is widening..I'll have to do something about that :P I'll be on tonight.
I think I've gone 13 games without a win now. Although I should of beaten Liverpool pfft.
Lee said:
I think I've gone 13 games without a win now. Although I should of beaten Liverpool pfft.

after such a bright start aswell lee!

i think im doing ok i havent played as much as id like

should be ok from now on :)
Kris said:
Andy they do better without you.

Well clearly not as they were 14/15th with me,and have since dropped a few places without me
youll be glad to know I beat you 2-0 in the CC to win 3-1 on agg, I got Man Yoo in the final though :(
Are any teams avaible?


Name: Mark de Groot
Free Days/Nights: Most Days
Broadband Connection: ehm i dunno just normal,lol :P
Club Application: Which are free?

Also which patch must i download, with the transfers of the end of january or the patch without the tranfers of the end of january
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wouldnt mateer which patch tbh

Doubt you willl be allowed to play cos your a n00b
Hmm im a nub eh? well give me ur e mail and i will e mail all my stats of the previous games and FM 2006 cause im very Good with this game.
maybe you are but to be honest with only 3 posts to your name gregors right your a noob to the forum and if you read the first post it states only regular members
Its not fair to judge someone how many posts he made on the forum because when i say i really want to play online then i really want to play online and im sure i can tell you that i am going to be online as long as i can
Won't be able 2 play all weekend, :(

Cos this is the weekend am staying with my Dad, I wouldn't go but I aint see him in a while.
ThaRealM said:
Its not fair to judge someone how many posts he made on the forum because when i say i really want to play online then i really want to play online and im sure i can tell you that i am going to be online as long as i can

Its not about how good you are at FM or wether you can actually play.

Its becuase we want to play against people we 'know' otherwise its just a slow version of the offline game.
True i just about got in at first but i've been posting alot more and im trustworthy.

Btw tonight 11pm?? I'll B ther ;)
ajw said:
Well clearly not as they were 14/15th with me,and have since dropped a few places without me

Andy stop kidding yourself, When you last played I was 15th and you where behind me. So there is no way you where 15th or 14th.
yer greoger im trying really hard to keep playing it will get alot easier for me when we hit the summer but with stubborn parents and a little bro it means i cant play after half 9 and i have gcse's for the next couple of weeks so ill be on less then but i will try to keep playing and well done gregor good job your doing with brom
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