Official FM Base Network Game!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kris
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  • Replies Replies 576
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I can play those times and I would certainly like to take part, is there a application to do and what teams are avaliable.
I will post a screenshot of the talbe tomorrow **** start to the season for me :(
Was **** for first 2 games cos i didnt have 1 GK

But since Cudicini been back ive been good
That table is very good reading for me :P 5 wins from 5 woo! Last season I would of probably lost them.
I wanna join the network game if i may,

my first option is Man Utd
Second: Newcastle
Third: Everton

See ya around
I wouldn't mind joining either, I'll be able to do most of the days and times. I wouldn't mind being:

1=Man City
3=Man Utd

or any other uefa cup to mid table challengers. By the way if it does go down to dedication, I will be dedicated but I have only just joined so please don't judge on the amount of posts or how long I have been on the forum.
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As everyone is posting about joining :D ill quickly post some teams I would be interested when/if you decide to let new people join (im not sure if these are avaliable so ill post a couple):

1- Arsenal
2- Bolton
3- Man UTD
4- Newcastle
5- Wolves.
if where gonna start playing mid day games it will make it much easier for me to play so i guess ill keep my Portsmouth team if thats ok
oh rite i didnt have a clue otherwise i would of played dam we playing mid-day tommorow
I have football manager 2006 installed on my computer, but i sold the cd for £15. Is there any possible way to play this game without the cd remember its already installed on my comp.

No, why did you sell the cd when you still intended on playing fm?
Yeah I do, you can get a patch for the game if you know anyone who does them. My dads friend did one for me for fm05. He like puts a patch on this disc and once you have fm installed on your comp, you put this disc in and install it, then once the patch has installed you don't need the disc to play the game. I don't know how rare these "patches" are though....
I have a problem with my ip addresses for my network games can someone please help me out urgently! I have a combined I.P OR you could say two, this is how it appears: I.P Address: Can someone please tell em what's wrong? Has this happened to anyone else?

I'll need 2 get back in 2 the game, Iv been a bit busy lately trying 2 finish collage work. But Iv got most of it done now so I'll be back playing soon. :)
haha ur a freakin idiot,selling the disc but still wanting to play the game!!

Wow you've started a new season already...I might re-join,but revision now has priority :o
ajw said:
haha ur a freakin idiot,selling the disc but still wanting to play the game!!

Wow you've started a new season already...I might re-join,but revision now has priority :o

I've easily managed to split my time between net game/ work and revision, soo never a problem with me :]

on another note, i'm having bit of a weird start to the season, if i'm not winning by 6 goals... i'm loasing by 6 >_> hmm
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