Official FM Base Network Game!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kris
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Why o why did sell my footy manager cd.

I know there is a crack somewhere out there that will let me able to play it without da cd.(Already installed on my comp)
pelican ure such a tight ******* u can get the cd 15 quid or less so why do u keep whinin about the patch and u sellin it...errrrrrr lets move on to a new subject!how bout that!
Pelican stfu before i report you to si for trying to purchase illegal copies of fm.
and i will because i hate him :P and here is the updated table.


Also im not doing nout tonight so if people wanna play fm?
Don’t think I can play anymore, I think ill slow the game down.
I keep getting a message popping-up saying virtual memory is low. I restart but it just comes up again after a while.

And in the summer I wouldn’t be able to play midday games as Im working all summer.
I can play tonight soz i couldn't make it last night my mum doesn't have an internet connection but I am usually at my dad's anyway. Be there tonight. Does anyone know how I did against Chelsea? :D
Ant, Liverpool sacked you anyway but it was good having you. TBH i dunno whats going to happen with the net game as i start a new job week after next and dunno if i will have time for fm much.
Yea not long untill im with bt anyway. See what happens.
i can no longer make it sorry guys im going to have to pull out hope you can fill my space with someone
No worries Barca Boy. If circumstances change feel free to join in again. :)
Hmmm I'm 13th in the league but I do have 4 games in hand on most other teams so not too bad. I also have more home games left than away games so should hopefully get a finish somewhere around 6th-8th :D
Im 2nd with no games in hand now, got a 6 pointer with Arsenal coming up
I can't remember where i'm at, honestly are having a weird season... i'm like 8th, and Defoe is top goalscorer in Premiership with 32 goals... yet i'm pants at defending, been 'tweaking' my tactic all day whilst you and Sean played most the ****** matches this aft'noon Greg!
Didn't play a single league match though. 3 UEFA Cup and a FA Cup replay :)
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