Osama Bin Laden Is Dead Breaking News

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He was wanted dead or alive, so I guess dead will have to do.

Even if the US government did release photos of OBLs corpse people would still say they were faked - ****, I could probably knock up some decent fakes with half an hour on photoshop so what's the point.

Obama doesn't have anything to prove, the US have killed Obama, if you don't want to believe it don't. If people are so convinced it's a conspiracy then go and prove it rather than sitting there going "hurr durr buried at sea".

exactly, of course they wont go and do that, they'd rather act elitist and say everyone else is stupid for listening to the mainstream media blah blah blah

More importantly, not one of his close followers have really denied this, and many have threatened vengeance, that in itself tells you about his demise. Becuase it would be a massive terrorist victory if they were to say he is alive
Because they are just that. Different people. They are called to press conferences as individuals, not as a nation, and unless you were actually in the midst of the raid or one of the few that watched it live, it's humanly impossible for you to cover each minute detail of such a large event. It's like someone telling you 100 facts, then you get quizzed - the moment you slip you and your organisation are called liars. Wonderful logic you're operating under.

Theres not 100 facts though is there? theres like 1 where that geeza, osama isnt it? gets shot, its just how he gets shot that no one seems to know what happened. Plain and simple logic. Its called communication, you dont go into press conferences without knowing the full fact its not impossible and its not hard either he was armed or he wasn't. Baffle me at how you kids trust the media.
Theres not 100 facts though is there? theres like 1 where that geeza, osama isnt it? gets shot, its just how he gets shot that no one seems to know what happened. Plain and simple logic. Its called communication, you dont go into press conferences without knowing the full fact its not impossible and its not hard either he was armed or he wasn't. Baffle me at how you kids trust the media.

sigh if you are gonna being patronising, move on
Obama doesn't have anything to prove, the US have killed Obama, if you don't want to believe it don't. If people are so convinced it's a conspiracy then go and prove it rather than sitting there going "hurr durr buried at sea".

And here I was thinking he stood a chance in the next election.
Theres not 100 facts though is there? theres like 1 where that geeza, osama isnt it? gets shot, its just how he gets shot that no one seems to know what happened. Plain and simple logic. Its called communication, you dont go into press conferences without knowing the full fact its not impossible and its not hard either he was armed or he wasn't. Baffle me at how you kids trust the media.

Don't insult my intelligence, thanks. The fact Osama got killed is the major fact in all of this, it is the MINORITY facts that you were complaining about. Seeing as you've just dismissed them as existing, the American government therefore could not have altered them and therefore there cannot be a conspiracy. Way to dismiss your own argument.

Brilliant job, genius. (Oh look, I can patronise too.)
Theres not 100 facts though is there? theres like 1 where that geeza, osama isnt it? gets shot, its just how he gets shot that no one seems to know what happened. Plain and simple logic. Its called communication, you dont go into press conferences without knowing the full fact its not impossible and its not hard either he was armed or he wasn't. Baffle me at how you kids trust the media.

1st. I'm shocked that a Non American can display arrogance, as I've been told it's purely an American trait. (this is based on the assumption that 75% of posters here are from the UK and non American)

2. Shocker an "old man" on the internet is into posting conspiracy theories on internet forums...

3. Curious user name you have as you call others "children" in a derogatory manner...

I'm just saying...
Don't insult my intelligence, thanks. The fact Osama got killed is the major fact in all of this, it is the MINORITY facts that you were complaining about. Seeing as you've just dismissed them as existing, the American government therefore could not have altered them and therefore there cannot be a conspiracy. Way to dismiss your own argument.

Brilliant job, genius. (Oh look, I can patronise too.)

Yawn, one being the whole thing the story is about, don't try to act 'intelligent'. The 'minor' facts change the view on how he was killed, what did the sun call him in big headlines...hmm what was it...COWARD. Day later turned out he wasn't hiding behind his wife after all!
lols. Precisely why you get your facts right the first time, what was that other sun story last year about the world cup, ah yeah england shirts being banned from every pub in the UK, provocative? slightly. Does anyone believe stories from tabloids? hope not. So why would you fully trust a inconsistent story that officials seem not to be reading from the same page.

Now trot off to bed young padawan.

1st. I'm shocked that a Non American can display arrogance, as I've been told it's purely an American trait. (this is based on the assumption that 75% of posters here are from the UK and non American)

2. Shocker an "old man" on the internet is into posting conspiracy theories on internet forums...

3. Curious user name you have as you call others "children" in a derogatory manner...

I'm just saying...

1st. ...
2. ...
3. ...www.dictionary.com
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Yawn, one being the whole thing the story is about, don't try to act 'intelligent'. The 'minor' facts change the view on how he was killed, what did the sun call him in big headlines...hmm what was it...COWARD. Day later turned out he wasn't hiding behind his wife after all!
lols. Precisely why you get your facts right the first time, what was that other sun story last year about the world cup, ah yeah england shirts being banned from every pub in the UK, provocative? slightly. Does anyone believe stories from tabloids? hope not. So why would you fully trust a inconsistent story that officials seem not to be reading from the same page.

Now trot off to bed young padawan.

Firstly, we're not going off tabloids.

Now then, lets take a look at your post:
Theres not 100 facts though is there? theres like 1 where that geeza, osama isnt it? gets shot, its just how he gets shot that no one seems to know what happened. Plain and simple logic. Its called communication, you dont go into press conferences without knowing the full fact its not impossible and its not hard either he was armed or he wasn't. Baffle me at how you kids trust the media.

You see, here you're claiming there is a single fact. Since majority and minority facts are both considered 'facts'. You have clearly dismissed all of them. But now you claim there are in fact minority facts that change the view? And you also say that if you change your story, you ruin your reliability. Considering your previous and current post, you have also changed your story. Fact. Which, by your logic also ruins your reliability.

Also, as I said it isn't possible for someone who's acting as a 'messenger' to get all the facts correct. You cannot recall every event in an action that you did not single handedly witness. America hasn't been called up to recall facts of the day, an individual has been called to recall events from second hand experience. This individual cannot humanly recall every single fact. You do realise there are discrepancies between what two individuals from an organisation say every single day. It's just funny how you only choose to point them out when it suits your theory.
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Yawn, one being the whole thing the story is about, don't try to act 'intelligent'. The 'minor' facts change the view on how he was killed, what did the sun call him in big headlines...hmm what was it...COWARD. Day later turned out he wasn't hiding behind his wife after all!
lols. Precisely why you get your facts right the first time, what was that other sun story last year about the world cup, ah yeah england shirts being banned from every pub in the UK, provocative? slightly. Does anyone believe stories from tabloids? hope not. So why would you fully trust a inconsistent story that officials seem not to be reading from the same page.

Now trot off to bed young padawan.

1st. ...
2. ...
3. ...Dictionary.com | Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at Dictionary.com

The key flaw in that argument you just made is that the sun is the shittest paper in England. They purposefully make retarded headlines to sell the paper. Already given my explanation on the minor facts. Bottom line is the story of the death has not changed, only minor unimportant details. The new info about the wife does not change the overall story at all
Why the patronisation for ?

He began it. And it's generally how conspiracy theorists operate. It acts to diminish the other person's argument and thus puts them in a stronger position and the arrogance gives them a superiority complex, so no matter what you tell them they choose to ignore, because everyone who doesn't believe what they do are just 'brainwashed fools' and they are the greatest in society to be able to see through the veil of lies.
He began it. And it's generally how conspiracy theorists operate. It acts to diminish the other person's argument and thus puts them in a stronger position and the arrogance gives them a superiority complex, so no matter what you tell them they choose to ignore, because everyone who doesn't believe what they do are just 'brainwashed fools' and they are the greatest in society to be able to see through the veil of lies.

Like Alex Jones on the radio last night

1. It is what it is
2. You also use Star Wars references...again another proclaimed "adult" posting conspiracy theories on internet forums while using star wars references. Should you reveal more and perpetuate the stereotype?

- no dictionary results

But let's just pretend like children don't commonly use that "word" while teasing or "trolling" other children.

But of course, I really didn't expect you to make any sort of reply. Your silence is incredibly damning
Firstly, we're not going off tabloids.

Now then, lets take a look at your post:

You see, hear you're claiming there is a single fact. Since majority and minority facts are both considered 'facts'. You have clearly dismissed all of them. But now you claim there are in fact minority facts that change the view? And you also say that if you change your story, you ruin your reliability. Considering your previous and current post, you have also changed your story. Fact. Which, by your logic also ruins your reliability.

Also, as I said it isn't possible for someone who's acting as a 'messenger' to get all the facts correct. You cannot recall every event in an action that you did not single handedly witness. America hasn't been called up to recall facts of the day, an individual has been called to recall events from second hand experience. This individual cannot humanly recall every single fact. You do realise there are discrepancies between what two individuals from an organisation say every single day. It's just funny how you only choose to point them out when it suits your theory.

Don't know why you continue in the attempt of calling me a conspiracy theorist when all i have posted is that i don't fully trust the story, i have yet to accomplish a theory.

It really SHOULD be possible for the messenger to get the facts correct. You should recall every action in the event may not be a witness but im sure the soldier who shot him got a clear view.Either he was armed or he wasnt, either he was hiding behind his wife or he wasnt its not hard to see or miss as being armed is quite a major fact itself.

Dont really think i changed my story...Just dumbed it down (you can tell by the slang lols). And im pretty sure i havnt changed my story, im still questioning the reliability...

Im not denying the fact osama is dead, the sun isnt a flaw in my argument its a point about 'facts' and twisted stories and believing them. They may be minor details that have changed by they are still important.
1. It is what it is
2. You also use Star Wars references...again another proclaimed "adult" posting conspiracy theories on internet forums while using star wars references. Should you reveal more and perpetuate the stereotype?

- no dictionary results

But let's just pretend like children don't commonly use that "word" while teasing or "trolling" other children.

But of course, I really didn't expect you to make any sort of reply. Your silence is incredibly damning

**** me, type arrogant in the dictionary your post was completely irrelevant hence the ellipse's.
President Barack Obama has decided that photos of the dead Osama Bin Laden should not be released.
i agree with this decision