Osama Bin Laden Is Dead Breaking News

even though they have changed there stories over the past couple of days? and disposed of the body so quickly...

we are learning new minor details everyday as more info is learned (e.g. today learned that Osama didn't use his wife as a shield, instead she ran at the US soldiers so was shot in the leg to stop her) but the main story remains the same. Already explained why the body was disposed of so quick twice so I'm not posting it again. 'Enough of the conspiracy theories' as Mike would say
already said enough with conspiracy theories

create another thread and discuss them there

Surely that would result in a mod closing it and redirecting to this one?

we are learning new minor details everyday as more info is learned (e.g. today learned that Osama didn't use his wife as a shield, instead she ran at the US soldiers so was shot in the leg to stop her). Already explained why the body was disposed of so quick twice so I'm not posting it again. 'Enough of the conspiracy theories' as Mike would say

They have changed minor details from the original story a couple of times. Im not posting conspiracy theories i believe he is dead, its just hard to believe a story that keeps changing.

So shush.
Originally Posted by Tezzz
You guys don't actually believe what the US are telling you... do you?
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What is the problem with the 'conspiracy theories'? It gets people talking, and tbf a separate thread for it would be kind of needless.
What is the problem with the 'conspiracy theories'? It gets people talking, and tbf a separate thread for it would be kind of needless.

becuase they completely detract from the story.

So if people are keen to talk abut it, talk in another thread
Sorry Mike my last post about conspiracy theories since this one is just too funny:

5. He’s been ‘on ice’ for years
Another controversial US radio host Alex Jones said the US concocted the story to justify a security crackdown. He reckons bin Laden was killed back in 2002 and his body has been “literally frozen” to be rolled out at a later date.
Sorry Mike my last post about conspiracy theories since this one is just too funny:

5. He’s been ‘on ice’ for years
Another controversial US radio host Alex Jones said the US concocted the story to justify a security crackdown. He reckons bin Laden was killed back in 2002 and his body has been “literally frozen” to be rolled out at a later date.

I remember hearing that when he was interviewed on Talksport couple of nights ago. Guy spoke so much garbage he had me in stitches lol
They have changed minor details from the original story a couple of times. Im not posting conspiracy theories i believe he is dead, its just hard to believe a story that keeps changing.

You said it yourself. They have changed minor details a couple of times but nothing major. I don't think that really throws the reliability of the story out the window. If they had changed major details then I would be more sceptical. But the same main points are remaining which is really all we need to know
I'm glad he was taken out, the same way he ordered those poor souls to be murdered-unarmed.
I'm glad he was taken out, the same way he ordered those poor souls to be murdered-unarmed.

by his fatwa: the killing of someone standing near the enemy is justified because any bystander will find their proper reward in death, going to Paradise if they were good Muslims, r **** if they were bad or non-believers
You said it yourself. They have changed minor details a couple of times but nothing major. I don't think that really throws the reliability of the story out the window. If they had changed major details then I would be more sceptical. But the same main points are remaining which is really all we need to know

First he was armed the following day he was unarmed then he was hiding behind his wife, inconsistence throws reliability straight out of the window, possibly straight into the sea.
First he was armed the following day he was unarmed then he was hiding behind his wife, inconsistence throws reliability straight out of the window, possibly straight into the sea.

when have you ever seen a clandestine story give you all the facts at once? if you ever checked the information came from different people so clearly not everyone had all the facts. It was assumed by people that because he resisted he must have been armed. It was also assumed that there was kill order (there wasnt, but given it was Bin Laden, him getting shot was highly likely)
when have you ever seen a clandestine story give you all the facts at once? if you ever checked the information came from different people so clearly not everyone had all the facts. It was assumed by people that because he resisted he must have been armed. It was also assumed that there was kill order (there wasnt, but given it was Bin Laden, him getting shot was highly likely)

Different people representing the same nation, why even bother to release inaccurate/unsure 'facts'?. Normally when you do stuff like this you make sure you have the facts before you speak the facts. Makes sense. Unless your the sun of course then you are exempt of speaking truth.

John Brennan, President Barack Obama's chief counter-terrorism adviser, had initially claimed Fatah was killed while "she was being used as a shield", but the White House later said that account was inaccurate.

Don't know why you people are defending the poor handling of media.
Bottom line, we'll never know exactly what happened. Like Mike said, not everyone had all the facts-only the people who took the action. Minor details are pretty irrelevant, just the main one-he's dead.
Btw, anyone know that there's already a film being made already? I have a sneaky suspicion it's going to be a little bit inaccurate. But no doubt, it'll be a box office smash
Different people representing the same nation, why even bother to release inaccurate/unsure 'facts'?. Normally when you do stuff like this you make sure you have the facts before you speak the facts. Makes sense. Unless your the sun of course then you are exempt of speaking truth.

Don't know why you people are defending the poor handling of media.

Because they are just that. Different people. They are called to press conferences as individuals, not as a nation, and unless you were actually in the midst of the raid or one of the few that watched it live, it's humanly impossible for you to cover each minute detail of such a large event. It's like someone telling you 100 facts, then you get quizzed - the moment you slip you and your organisation are called liars. Wonderful logic you're operating under.
when have you ever seen a clandestine story give you all the facts at once? if you ever checked the information came from different people so clearly not everyone had all the facts. It was assumed by people that because he resisted he must have been armed. It was also assumed that there was kill order (there wasnt, but given it was Bin Laden, him getting shot was highly likely)

He was wanted dead or alive, so I guess dead will have to do.

Even if the US government did release photos of OBLs corpse people would still say they were faked - ****, I could probably knock up some decent fakes with half an hour on photoshop so what's the point.

Obama doesn't have anything to prove, the US have killed Osama, if you don't want to believe it don't. If people are so convinced it's a conspiracy then go and prove it rather than sitting there going "hurr durr buried at sea".
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Bottom line, we'll never know exactly what happened. Like Mike said, not everyone had all the facts-only the people who took the action. Minor details are pretty irrelevant, just the main one-he's dead.
Btw, anyone know that there's already a film being made already? I have a sneaky suspicion it's going to be a little bit inaccurate. But no doubt, it'll be a box office smash

Indeed, i heard Nicholas cage is playing Osama. And the PG tip chimps are making special cameo appearances as Navy seals.
Indeed, i heard Nicholas cage is playing Osama. And the PG tip chimps are making special cameo appearances as Navy seals.

Cool. Monkeys have more talent than some of the actors that are around today
Bottom line, we'll never know exactly what happened. Like Mike said, not everyone had all the facts-only the people who took the action. Minor details are pretty irrelevant, just the main one-he's dead.
Btw, anyone know that there's already a film being made already? I have a sneaky suspicion it's going to be a little bit inaccurate. But no doubt, it'll be a box office smash

Already done: [video=youtube;RxZUM2Jd_vU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxZUM2Jd_vU[/video]