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Gotta admit that's a pretty convincing argument!

Everything Expanded/Upgraded

Southampton got promoted!

and best of all

they finally decided to

Congrats man!! Done so well! Keep the story going.. Buzzing for your updates lol
Very impressed bud. That was some really good squad management :) lets see where you can go from here with a pile of moneys!
Congrats man!! Done so well! Keep the story going.. Buzzing for your updates lol

Very impressed bud. That was some really good squad management :) lets see where you can go from here with a pile of moneys!

Cheers Guys :D

Very much appreciated we will continue!

SaintMotBot I reckon my team could give yours a run for its money after the transfer window :p
Cheers Guys :D

Very much appreciated we will continue!

SaintMotBot I reckon my team could give yours a run for its money after the transfer window :p

Lets not get TOO carried away! :p There is no world, fictional or otherwise.. where Portsmouth are better than Southampton!
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So for the first time in the 6 years I have managed Pompey Not only did we make a profit, we actually had money to spend and we are classed as rich!


Ok Lets bring you up to speed

1st year Play Off Victory League 2
2nd Year Play off victory league 1
3rd year 14th Place Championship
4th Year 20th Place Championship
5th Year 6th Place Play Off Victory
6th Year 14th Place Prem

Read the other pages for the full adventure!

Ok Let's see let's see transfers!
So this year we had money and for the first time ever


literally have survived through poaching gr8 players from bigger clubs well no more

so I had a few players on loan last year most notably our beloved left back Da Silva and a good striker from LFC Taiwo Awoniyi

Everyone else has gone back to their parent clubs while these two lovely chaps have been purchased!

thats right Da silva after 4 years on loan from chelsea is officially a Portsmouth player has that ever happened irl? not sure :p

7.75m in the end more then I would have liked but he is english young and talented so fair enough

Awoniyi was reluctantly purchase after baulking at Daniel Sturridge's wage demands at lazio now :p anyway got him for £11m! smashing the Peter crouch record of 9m for highest transfer fee paid.

Anyway I got ahead of myself Outs!

Bourdin, Byrne both leave after one year both were disappointing both sold at a loss :(

they will not be missed

however it is with mixed feelings we let go Benzia and Faraoni

Benzia has been with us 2 years picked him up for 500k in the championship did well but failed to meet up to expectations in the prem average rating of 6.89 8 goals 18 appearances not awful but we have bigger targets this year he goes to blackburn for £1.8m making a cool £1.3million profit

ah Faraoni been with us 3 years and probably the best right I have ever had but with his age and his decline I felt that he too should be moved on bought on a free sold for £1.5m

Right the INS!

Lets start with the players you havent heard of

A Monster Regen player Brazillian need I say more :D

no awesome right back called Foguete can play as a qing back 2 which im hoping will help as I rely on wing backs strong goof stamina 21 years old expect to him get a lot better had to over pay to get him tho but 5 year contract expect him to pull his weight 15m I know!

then there's this guy


Derby IRL for me he was at villa english and while not brilliant should de decent back up and an improvement on byrne 500k

Another Englishman has joined us you'll recgonise him itssssss


Zaha! 1.6m from Bournemouth 28 now but still fast can dribble and happy being a rotation option which is great as batsimba and Krejci are still 1st choice


Next up is Alberto Masi a Solid CB was playing at Cagilari picked up for 4.5m strong, good heading and a good tackler hoping to make us more solid at the back


Then there's this guy look at smile :D

Portugese CM 26 good first touch good vision can pick out a pass played well for benfica just not often picked him up on a free


Jake Cooper English strong another decent centre back to add to the rankspicked up on a free worth £7.75m! now how crazy is that!

and Finally I needed one more striker and frankly I wanted a name weve never really had a big name start here at pompey at least not purchased and he who shall not be named at burnely is now dead to us so im not counting that either

Anyway I decided just like every other manager out there that I was the one the guy who could reach him that could find that great player inside him and drag him out leaving the rest of him behind yea I did I brought the one the only Mr



It's a risk I know but in fairness this dude can finish 16 composure 16 and relatively quick now he is 30 but he took a wage cut altho granted hes still on bucket loads for us 60k a week! but im hoping he might be worth it
He's had quite the career on fm
so afrer going on loan to ac he comes back to LFC plaues 19 games 10 goals not bad avg raing of 7.24 maybe klopp is the one ^^

either way he decides he hates the weather so moves to paris I could see that for £13m
And he tears it up in paris 15 goals 20 games avg rating 7.51 apparently Paris suits him well
He does so well in fact that Man U decide despite playing for man city and Liverpool that they want him anyway so he moves back to england for £15.5m

Anyway at this point Balo is annoyed because he liked france and doesnt miss the weather so he puts up a sulk and plays poorly 17 games 5 goals
United decide they want him out but Balo puts up a fight and says he cant be arsed to move again so stays at united for another playing 0 games...
^^ Next year United get him out he moves to Napoli for £4.9m he plays **** 10 games 1 goal untill one stupid portsmouth manager decides he can recreate his former form and buys him for £2.3m!

So that's the squad we still have a bit of money left over but was reluctant to make any more changes at least to Jan

So in goal we still have Englishman Rudd and Linder Back up
Defence Beloved Da silva LB Regen and £15 signing Foguete
with Insua, Masi, Fornaiser Cooper all competing at the back

The Pompeyians? club grown May and Close are still here just...
Viviani Guzzo Fenrnandez Johnon ocuppy the middle
Bantsimba Zaha Krejci occupy the flanks
and Balotelli Ambrose and Awoniyi upfront

and who do we have to play 1st?

It is He who shall not be named and his minions

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Yea didnt really work...

Either way Boo crowley!
Enjoying this mate - massive achievement to get Pompey up the leagues so quickly.
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We go again! 1st month what 5/10? team still developing an understanding been working on team cohesion will carry on with that for another month or so

So Burnley bah! it was fair result in honesty we couldnt give crowley that spanking shame

I'll be honest I played these matches a few days ago and I cant reli remember them but err oh the norwich match last minute winner by Awoniyi so yea

Apologies dont reli now what to say other than were in 15th, 4 points out of 12 roll on next month

Anyway enough about me and Portsmouth how are you? :p
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This was something else :p

Ok Leicester so play my usual line up and tactic 26minutes 2-0 down after masi my expensive cb who has been awful so far I its been 7 years and I still cant buy a decent cb! Anyhu 2-0 down at 26 gave it another 15minutes and there still all over us so im like ok... lets stick Balo on so i take off Masi and switch to having 2 upfront.

Right after the first half they score again 3-0 so at this point I've basically given up but I keep watching

Much to my delight 1 minute later Krejci finds Awoniyi in space boom back of the net 3-1

1 minute later :p fernandez intercepts the kick off well like two passes after the kicck off finds zaha on the right who plays it forward to balo who runs out wide and has a ridiculous attempt on goal keeper had to parry it cleared another pass led to the cross from my regen right back Foguete Awoniyi on the volley 3-2

So at this point feeling quite pleased with my self 49minutes back in starts to reek of istanbul :p

so then 2 minutes later yea really we mange to get another cross in the 6 yard box balo manages to miss somehow but hits the defender who is marking him... 3-3

but it goes on! only 4 minutes later corner to leicester this time but no its not them who score its us! on the counter direct fast balls, leads to Krejci putting in an amazing 40 yard cross only for the their defender to head it towards their goal for Balo to score a 3 yard finish nice 4-3 55mins gone! it was so crazy

4 minutes later ^^ its Leicester's turn who get a goal

and our response? 3 minutes ANOTHER GOAL! they came so so quick same again to be honest Krecji with the cross finds Anoyibi header this time goal

only for leicester's main striker regen to get a hattrick and spoil the day still crazy kinda decent result aswell considering 3-0 down

and then Utd! HAHA WE CAN BEAT UTD

then again their gk got a minor injury they kept him on :p it may have contributed especially as he was an 18 year old as de gea is also injured and they have no other alternatives! still not complaining

And Our cup quest continues destroying leyton orient as we should with a rotated team 4-0 desperatly want a trophy this year havent won one yet with pompey meaning havent won one in fm16! League cup is surely do-able?

finished off with a fair result at everton 1-1

Ok players!

As you probably have guesed Awoniyi kicking *** 5 in 5
Da silva's form has returned after last years sub-par performances and Krejci has also been key for us

On the negative side

we have Declan Rudd oh dear another keeper to bite the dust why do all my keepers turn poor in their second year? happened to delac happened to linder avg rating 6.67 looking out for a replacement in january

and balo?

Well he hasnt been great you know what thats not accurate hes been poor he also complained about playing 1st team football I told him he could go he backed down so hopefully he can improve but he's so lazy still early in fairness but yea dont rule out a January transfer.

12th in the league Spurs next who are top!
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:p got carried away expect more updates in a year from now on!

We went through a rough patch in October especially partly due to a number of unhappy players and individual mistakes

So the unhappy ones:


all were complaining about not getting enough footie Zaha's case I found confusing because his contract was rotation and he had played quite a bit!

So I salvaged this by playing Zaha and Fornasier apparently one match was enough to wet their appetite

Balotelli has been ****** awful he's so lazy and he cant even score so after many many many attempts I finally managed to upload him ... to Celtic! weird right?

he was at 78k from napoli went down to 60k for me no subsidy from me he's gone down to 22.5k! only got 1m back from my original 2.3m lesson learnt I suppose

Masi has been sold on he was awful managed to get steven Caulker on Loan for the rest of the season as a temporary replacement but I have the option of purchasing if he plays alright

Rudd has been poor all season shame seems to have picked up the 2nd season syndrome he moves to leeds 950k


His replacement a good all round goalie no real weaknesses most of his goalie stats are around the 14/15 stage 9m

May has also gone meaning I only have one original person left from my original squad Ben Close and the only player trained at club...

We've manged to get a cup run! 1st time for everything but we have drawn liverpool in the semis... we'll see how that goes

Also got a tooon of injuries and long term aswell Basimba 3/4months cooper 1 month
Da silva 1 month

Awoniyi has been my star player of the football year 9 in 16 a solid record

14th in the league fairly tight hopefully we can push the top 10

and we have burnley next!

freaking burnley and of course he who shall not be named is playing really well

oh **** match of the day is on!

gotta go :p


I'm a Pompey fan so i wanna see what further magic you can create with the team! :-D
Now then let's see so I had a few games left in january and we'll we lost them all took me some time to remember this team style etc

I've had a break from fm for a few months now but I feel reborn haha

Ok so where are we?

Well im in 2022 so in my 6th year as portsmouth

My team well its pretty naff to be honest but there a few gems in here.

Re-looking at my team i've made some slight alterations in tactics little less Barcelona more old stoke haha mainly because our passing is the worst in the league...

Anyhu 6th year 1st Feb man utd are tied with us on points in 14th :p despite coming 2nd last year crazy chelsea top

*also on a side note IRL Leicester! amazing better than my fm accomplishments if they win lol

so the team certain names are ringing a bell

JayDasilva! at LB english from chelsea been with us for over 4 years 3 on loan
Ben Close english captain not gr8 for prem but club grown
Bantsimba regen fast has me and pompey favoured personnel ahhhh only 21
Awoniyi LFC youngster irl, big beast of a dude for me
and the newest key player is well if you played/saw last years chairman game you will recognize him

Gerson! brazillian wonderkid at the start he hasn't quite got that far on this game but versatille quick attacking midfielder Brazilian and for 6.5m im happy :)

Just a quick recap for those of you who haven't seen this story before im lazy so expect lots of pictures/memes and not that much detail :p

Will be going back to monthly updates after this post but as a special treat because I know all you've been doing for the last 3months is waiting for me to come back :p jk


A match report! and guess who were playing?


Happy Easter all!
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Man U Vs Portsmouth

So United have Kane upfront with Beradi pretty impressive a deep 442 formation... less impressive and a bunch of dudes in defensive I dont recognise but a decent team none the less.

Me on the other hand Ive got 3 players on loan including caulker! when the **** did i loan caulker? he's pretty good in fairness haha and a much poorer team we'll see how we do!

So playing counter trying to get the ball to my pacy wingers and just cross it in.

3min: Herrera long ball up to kane controls it just ourside the box on the left hand side crosses it in ... Beradi with the header... BAR!

and bounces it ... why I am replaying this? :p

8min: Vrsaijko with the throw in plays a one two with witschge back to him again mata finds beradi oh ... :(

10min: oh we have the ball! Dasilva throw deep in their half fyi im doing this live so I have no idea whats gonna happen lol
Finds Mauri now awoniyi outside the box picks out Krejci in acres of space!

Saved! ugh he should have scored

23: Januzaj on the left ball comes in beradi shoots saves! rebound! saved! kane...

u see this is why i stopped playing :p


This isnt much of a new comeback is it? 3 months off and i greet you with a 4-0 loss ... lol I could restart how would you know!

42min: isnt that nice we got one back! Quaschner yea me neither how the **** do you pronounce that! he's german if that helps plays for RBL in IRL according to fm a one two with Awonyi and its 4-1 :)

lots of highlights!

45min: our throw on the right this time da silva finds foguete picks out gerson! slices it home past de gea left hand corner oh that is a beauty

what a game so far!

Wouldn't it be marvelous if we came back from this 4 goals behind!

that would be something and a great read!

if we win I promise you this is live haha


I tell the lads there unlucky there motivated and were off!

60mins: Caulker looks uninterested and is playing poor off he comes

70mins: times running out gone attacking, Shaw with the throw plays a one two with blind to herrera now not really making progress up the pitch
cuts inside 30 yards away from goal maybe?
long ball let outside to shaw
I dont like this...
cross comes in
beradi cant get hold off it
Memphis with a shot!
Saved corner
cleared away we burst down the flank
please please pretty please

long ball to Quaschner he's through on goal!


He's gonna Shoot!




oh ...


i bring on zaha and cry


yea 4-2 loss...

on the plus side
its nearly my birthday

Isn't that nice :)

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2 wins 3 losses.

Well my first proper month since coming back not bad considering.

Having altereted tactic to make more sense considering the team I've got ah the josh of 2015 was so clueless :p

We are off no cup games means I can play my first choice XI which on reflection isnt a bad team at all sure the squad depth is weak and the passing is atrocious but its a good enough team to stay in the prem.

Awoniyi scored all 4 of the goals :) he's been a good buy 11m finishing 16 acceleration 18 and being a lfc fan irl makes it all the sweeter

He's been playing well alongside Quaschner so turns out I loaned this striker in january from hoffenheim 8 apps 1 goal but 5 assists making a solid partnership with Awoniyi quick but not as clinical good for loan will I buy him? probably not

Batsmiba is still injured :( but close to return and caulker gets the wooden spoon of the month who has scored 2 own goals and managed an average rating of 6.61 over 10games... so he's officially dropped.

In terms of matches not an awful lot to report got destroyed by spurs right from the off and they deserved their victory.

27 games gone 15th in the table 27 points 2 behind utd xD

realistically target would be to improve on last years 14th.

Oh and finally sold Ambrose bought him last year due to his pace but he's been poor got 1m back from 1.3m purchase good enough.

roll on march


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2.5/4 - 62.5%

Better altho given the opposition maybe just on par.

We start with west brom off the back of a 4-0 loss we reli needed a win and well we were lucky.

It was an awful game from start to finish we couldnt keep the ball but west brom couldnt hit the target 13 shots 4 on target for them despite 61% possession.

and it would hav been 0-0 bar a last minute tap in from gerson hit them on the break cross came in and goal 3 lovely lovely points.

Similar thing happened agaisnt reading they had 54% possesion 20 shots! compared to our 10 as we cant keep the ball due to poor passing long balls to the flanks and crossing them in makes sense goal came from a cross with Insua sticking his head on it another tight 1-0 win.

The watford match was far more entertaining watford playing really good high tempo fluid football with us repeatably hitting them on the break allowing us to get a deserved point from the match. Munir and Gnabry both scoring for watford munir the kid from barca i love fm haha

before ending in a disappointing 1-0 loss to finish march off.

This month Gerson gets my POM award scoring 2 goals in the last 4 games and an avg rating of 7.18 from his last 5 looking like a good signing and with batsimba now back from injury the my bench is looking just a little stronger.

we are now 12th in the prem with united in 13th one point behind but with a game in hand.

Can we beat united? only time will tell join us next time on

