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Season 6

Can't Believe I've already done 5 seasons :p

Right then we are officially a premiership team!


Lets see then so staff, the amount I was allowed from the board improved dramatically I increased the amount of coaches, scouts and physios I had at the club so they are all now above average in every department and for the coaching side a 5 of the 8 is the best in the league not bad :p

Oh we got the overachiever award, I now have 4 and a half stars compared to the original 1 I started out with not bad

sadly no real improvements to facilities somehow despite a negative net spending Portsmouth still made a loss! small stadium doesn't help I guess thats pretty much it I think with the exception of what you've been waiting for...


Ahhh the transfer window the pinnacle of fm and we had a bit of money to spend for once!

Lets See Haunstrup one of the kids at the start with high potential left he was awful this frankly he wasnt good enough for league one let alone the championship his contract ran out and despite me and portsmouth on his fav. personnel he wont be missed.

Sergiu Bus who? you might ask well I got him last year on a free he was my 3rd striker didnt play a lot wasnt gr8 got 100k

James Wilson 4th choice centre back wanted to leave fine by me need improvements if we have any chance of staying up 20k.

Ben Pearson another failed free signing of last year former man u wanted more games wasnt gr8 100k

And I loaned out my young goalkeeper Rio Campbell decent potential might do alright in the future.

So raised 220k and knocked off roughly 25k off the wage bill so far so good

This is when I ran into problems with the ins...

So lets start with the loanee's

I had 4 loanees last year

Bantsimba wonderkid AMR 19 very fast very good
Jay Dasilva needs no introduction
Ekeng CM/DM from OM played well
and Anton CB from Hannover also did well

so I tried to keep all got 3 out of 4 all except Anton
which to be honest is pretty good my main concern was Jay DaSilva couldnt buy him chelsea wanted 15m and then went off to sign a new contract
Bantsimba now has a future fee agreed with me :) 2.5m ill be sure to activate that at the end of the season.
Ekeng same deal as before only 20% off his wages.

I found this year that my rep really was an issue and I was either outpriced they werent intrested or they wanted so much money compared to what they were on I screamed at them and left :p

For example Joe Gomez LFC cb high potential from charlton you know the one

So he left LFC as his contract expired as he wasnt getting enough games good for you think get 1st team football

So I come along thinking great cb english solid enough to start even was he interested?


Not a chance apparently we werent "big enough for his ambitions" in the prem...

after talking he reluctanly agreed to allow me to make him an offer how generous of him to allow me to offer you a job...


So I told him to **** off and he did to Blackburn... in the championship on 14k...


anyway this happened a lot so didnt do aswell as I hoped however I do have a team

So in Goal we have Linder from last year and...


Declan Rudd!!! back from Everton!

Delighted with this! solid GK english got him for 750k half of what I sold him for its great to have him back!

Faraoni is still my 1st choice at RB, his back up replacement is Nathan Byrne nothing paticularly amazing about him former spurs player IRL and swindon if u recgonise the name engish cheap happy to be back up sorted.

Did the same thing for LB, Mitch Hancock got him from wigan birmingham player IRL 325k, cheap english happy to be back up and still a decent player

CB's so Dermaku and Insua remain meaning I needed two new ones with the loanee and wilson gone.

So for the highest amount I have ever paid for a player brace yourself it was wait for it...

:p great show

£3.9m for Pierre Bourdin! yea me neither plays for PSG IRL
on a eye dropping 25k a week

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I think he's pretty good though do you?

Along side him for 275k former man u player huh cool, italian CB

Michele Fornasier

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Better than last year's defence if nothing else

So then CM/DM largely the same Close, May, Fernandez and Ekeng just the addition of Federico Viviani from Lazio for £0

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for £0! pretty good signing I think :)

Out wide I got two new additions Yannick Bolasie on a free the crystal palace dude

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Not the best player in the world granted but free fast not to expensive adds a but of depth

My next signing im a bit iffy about I was struggling to find someone I really wanted a bigger name for this role (AML) anyway I settled on this guy gave a him a big wage 38k! gulp he's on far more than anyone else... never had great experience with big wages this year so I was trying to stay away

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Good Stats I mean im on the fence about this one a bit tbh I dunno we shall see how he plays!!

and finally upfront again didnt get my 1st 2nd or 3rd choice

and i went off stats rather than my scouts...

Ok so still got Benzia and Watt

now then this guy has
14 finishing
14 composure
pace 16
acceleration of 17
is only on 12.5k

So you based on that you think he's pretty good right? for a striker hes quick he can finish

anyway turns out he scored 1 goal in 25 games last year...

im hoping its because they played him on the right

anyway without further adue

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Thierry Ambrose yea the man city kid His stats are good but I have my doubts

So thats the team I still have a bit of money left no real big names which is a shame but there's always january


almost forgot.

You remember crowley?

ahh crowley the arsenal wonderkid on loan here for 2 years did amazing is now a club icon

which I still think is totally stupid


he got back from his loan at fulham!!!

dun dun deerrrrrrrr

(dramatic music its hard to type it out but im hoping it comes across :p)

anyhu had a bid accepted!!!!

had a contract accepted!!!

I couldnt quite believe

we were gonna get Crowley back!

and then...


yea you read that right... burnley


they came in and for some reason crowley decided he rather play there...

so he is now dead to me and all of portsmouth

which means you cant like him either?

okay cool?


cheers for reading


You deserve one of these ^^


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1st Month and we didn't embarrass ourselves!

So the arsenal match, a bombardment of shots against us somehow we held firm Declan Rudd was amazing

39 shots they had 69% possession! yea they were all over us all though there was moment in the match were Batsimba intercepted a pass from the goalie to their centre back and so very nearly scored still a point agaisnt our former parent team! not a bad way to start the prem!

Everton, 3 goals all came from corners! 2 headers and one shot after the inital header was blocked again ahving to hit teams on the counter even this match only 40% possesion we really cant keep the ball :p but thats ok fits well with our style being the underdog and all.

Crewe match, Capital One Cup 2nd Round pretty poor I rotated the squad had to change the tactic half way through lack of goals is going to be a problem not getting a better striker will cost us I think at least untill january still another win

Norwich FML, how this happened I dont know 2-0 up all looking rosy than very poor individual errors from Rudd and my CB lead them to get back into match and ofc 89minute the winner...

Also anyone else noticed how many goals youre conceding from he certainly didnt mean that! you know long high cross which somehow goes in to the top corner...

In terms of player perfromances, Rudd has been great as has Krejci (the AML former reading big wage guy I wasnt sure about) still early so harsh to critise people just yet but Bolasie was poor in his cameo appearances but still early

9th in the League Burnley next...


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Yea not a great start partly my fault havent really settled on a tactic yet but think I found one route one :p we just beat united!!!

it was a bit ridicolous not the fact that we went 2-1 up but in the 65minute Dasilva got sent off so i went 5 at the back, 2Dm's 1 WML, 1WMR and 1CM contained ultra ultra defensive and it worked! :p

terrible terrible football but 3 points mwhahahah crowley may have beaten me but we beat united

Congrats on the promotion! Looks like it will be a tough first season mate but I believe you guys have what (Watt?) it takes to stay up!!!
Just read your story my friend ! I like it a lot ! I will be following !!
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Well Were doing okay Morale isnt great and we desperatly need a striker come janaury and well a few more signings on top Bolasie and Watt are both moving on in Jan wanted to leave not good enough for this level.

Well in terms of results eh is how I'd sum it up got destroyed by villa oh chelsea gawh! we were so close got the lead we were somehow holding out even when they man sent off... they scored in the 91st minute such a shame

On the plus side we have found a tactic where the performances are decent regardless of results against reading it proved very effective, none of my new signings have been brilliant tbh but in fairness hard to judge to much I mean we are predicted to come 20th!

Either way a couple new signings and we continue our form we might might just pull it off
Your doing a great job to be in with a chance of stayin up considering the quality of player you can attract atm, hopefully if you stay up you will be able to fight for better players, surely the cash will help, how much prize money do you get for finishing 17th?
Your doing a great job to be in with a chance of stayin up considering the quality of player you can attract atm, hopefully if you stay up you will be able to fight for better players, surely the cash will help, how much prize money do you get for finishing 17th?

Cheers m8, yea that's the aim for sure coming 17th you get 7.6m but being in the prem with the tv deal gives you so much money!!!! I think if I can get a few decent players in january we'll be set :)

So pleased made it to january, were very much still in it and I can finally get some new players!
In fairness results have been alright performances good for us mainly our wingers again always with the wingers

Krejci especially has been earning his money 18apps 8 goals avg rating 7.22 by far our best player Viviani and johnson have been doin well in the centre too will be after a new striker for sure and a new centre back Ekeng, Watt Dermaku and Bolasie im hoping to move all on bolasie and watt already sorted

The Fa cup match was a shame though another late conceder bah!


Very, very tight there!! Just need to steal a couple of wins!
View attachment 207061End Of January! So transfers :D Out goes Bolasie Watt Dermaku Sinclair and I terminated Ekeng's loan lowering the wage bill giving us some funds and more importantly keeping the morale of the squad higher! I'll miss watt but he had to were moving forward and hes a player for the past.


Again I struggled I mean I kind of get it who wants to join a prem club for 6 months if they're going to get relegated right?

So I resorted to my usual tactic im trying to get out of it but hey ho it works LOANS!!!

actually just before that I bought Batsimba permanently couldnt resist £2.5m and cant remember if I already mentioned it New contract! :p 3 years now they have faith!

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So there's this chap on loan from PSG pretty quality altho hes only played 2 matches so far and he was bit naff so he'll be on the bench as he's taking time to adjust!

View attachment 207057On loan to replace Bolaise he's been poor so far too wont be buying him in the summer but he'll do in the mean time!

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Another wonderkid this one's from bayern theyre so cheap to loan :p fast and can finish glad to have you on board!

View attachment 207053Finally this guy was on the fringes at LFC im really excited hes got a point to prove and the stats to back it up altho hes at the african cup of nations atm! D'oh!

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Our form has been erratic to say the least... WLLWLW in fairness we cant really be expected to do anything at arsenal so its been decent hitting teams on the break seems to be doing the job so as long as we take our chances which we certainly did agaisnt Burnely :p

Now BURNLEY! you remember dont you? ^^ Not only was this a great win reli hope they get relegated burnely were dreadful so poor defending Benzia got 4 and frankly none of them were great goals all simple finishing from inside the box but I dont mind!

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Weve put a bit of distance between us and the bottom 3! still very tight seems likely that stoke will go down now so that means only 2 teams to beat and we have 5 points on them!

View attachment 207042And as for you Crowley...

I think Nelson sums it up best :p


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Well firstly well done! Pretty hard task to get Portsmouth from where you did to now!
Although it pains me to see them back in the premiership without Southampton above you ;)
Well firstly well done! Pretty hard task to get Portsmouth from where you did to now!
Although it pains me to see them back in the premiership without Southampton above you ;)

haha seem to be a few saints fans on this site luckily uve got patrickLFC and SaintBotMots adventure to help you out :p

cheers tho
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ooh err... Its tight very very tight we've had some big games recently and sadly no upsets spurs chelsea and man utd were all too strong for us not surprising really but losing to aston villa was a huge blow to our chances

However we are still above the relegation zone were scoring a lot more goals as well now which is good Benzia and Anwoniyi have both been decent its our defence that has been letting us down in games well maybe thats harsh really its because we have so little possession and we rely on not conceding and then hitting teams on the break either way its going to be a bumpy ride!

Also I feel that this is coming to an end not a big fan of playing with regens so tempted to say this will be my last season with pompey dunno might change my mind anyway I was thinking of doing maybe an england story?

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3 games left!

After beating Leicester in a nervy 3-2 win it puts us out of the relegation zone 3 points clear

Look how tight this is tho!

Fulham, Everton, Villa, Reading & myself all desperate to avoid that 18th place I think its fair to say that Stoke and Leeds are gone so its between us 5 5 teams!

So then first off our success has been really down to our attacking wingers Krejci and Bantsimba have been great making those dribbles and either cutting inside to find Benzia or whoever to pounce on the rebound or going through their selves so kudos to them

Our Last 3 games of the season Include Man City... No hope their
West Brom and then Fulham last time we beat fulham but lost to west brom so if that happens we will be on 41 points 1 above the magic 40!

Fulham are playing Reading, swansea and ourselves

Everton have spurs, LFC and Reading there unlikely to get many points there

Villa have burnely... Leeds and west ham now they have been in decent form recently and I expect them to beat the drop

while reading have fulham arsenal and everton

So we should be ok the fact that a lot of these teams are playing each other helps if i had to guess I reckon it will be reading to go down as they have lost the last 7 games in a row!

but time will tell!
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Sooo we got DESTROYED by man city 5-1 as for everyone else well lets see

Leeds turns out drew with stoke :p helping everyone above them so yea they are dead in the water

Fulham lost to reading 3-2 which I find surprising given readings form so reading are now on 40points in 14th and might be safe. Fulham have to play swansea and us...

Aston Villa also lost, to burnely thanks crowley! he didnt score but still actually turns out he didnt play :p anyhu so villa have leeds and west ham you would expect them to beat leeds... oh eck

and of course everton beat spurs so there probs safe also

so then probably down to us 3 now Aston Villa Fulham and Portsmouth 2 games left we have 2 points on villa and 3 on fulham and we get to play fulham thats going to be fun :p

Also weird fact i was thinking about this and doubled check weve drawn 2 games this season 2! won 12 drawn 2 lost 22 weird isnt it? i mean weve won 4 more times than villa and fulham crazy
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Here we go game 37... so we need Fulham to lose Burnely to lose just because :p and Us to win ^^

30mins: 0-0 here very tight not much in it Fulham still drawing 0-0 everton 1-0 down

HT so west brom have the advantage but only in possession ^^ still 0-0 not sure what the outcome will be but everton are losing 3-0 fulham still drawing 0-0

69: still 0-0 quite a boring game here with neither team being able to dominate the few chances taken from both sides have gone well wide of the mark

Stoke are winning but shouldnt make a difference, fulham still drawing and burnley are losing

FT what a boring match 0-0our 3rd draw of the season! so then Fulham also drew

which means

we are in 15th 37 games 39 points
Everton 16th 37 games 38 points
Fulham 17th 37 games 36 points so almost clear out goal difference is worse tho!
Aston villa 36 games 36 points when are they playing!

leicester beat man city 5-0! how did that happen I suppose man city have already won the league after beating us! classic but still 5!

Argh! aston villa beat Leeds!

So then we play Fulham if we win were safe

if we draw were safe

if we lose and aston villa were safe
if we lose and aston villa draw or win were out


wait a minute i totally forgot about everton there also on u know what let me just post the table... ^^

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Here we go game 38!!! can we stay up????


We are at Craven Cottage for this one and they are going to be up for it the only chance of survival they have is if they win good luck with that! :p


Dont you lose lads... and for god sake put on a portsmouth kit! :p

"You reckon we'll win today?"
"Nah probably not... lovely tea tho"
Fulham fans gotta love them :p

Kick off!

Another huge journey in the life of portsmouth...


Ok so it wasnt that quick but in the first minute Origi has scored for everton! not good...
As it stands Eveton will come 14th we will come 16th

5min: Dasilva with the throw deep into the opposition's half find batsmiba who is in the box play it back to Viviani to Krejci who is leading the prem in assists! back to Bantsimba hes in the box!

He tries an audacious attempt with his left foot...

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He missed! calm down lad its still early!

11min: Tulissi for fulham on the right he passes through to Christensen
thats a great looking ball by Christensen for Jenkinson
with a pass to the feet back to Tulissi
Viviani gets himself in front of the shot! the shot is blocked!
Da silva with the counter he shows romero a clean set of heels he is quick!
He sprays the ball out to the right wing
Finds Bantsimba nicely
Bantsimba is looking for Awoniyi to run to his pass
Awoniyi Strikes it!


1-0 Portsmouth


Too soon? :p

20min: Tulissi moves across to take the throw in
Romero finds Hyndman tackled and cleared by batnsimba
falls to Grillo (fulham) plays it back to Van Beek
back to grillo
he moves the ball left to romero
passses through to Hyndman
Goni inercepts the pass
he clears
Grillo with the header finds Hyndman
across to Christensen
hits a 30 yard ball ahead to Tulissi
who send the ball right to Elyounoussi
its a tight angle but he tries the volley!
Rudd Pushes it away...
He pounces on the Rebound 1-1


As it stands we are still avoiding relegation

Aston Villa are still drawing 0-0 with west ham meaning we are tied on 40 points each currently

41min: Corner Krejci takes met by the head of Insua!


Goal! Get in 2-1 :)

HT 45minutes to go before we are safe so far so good despite only having 38% off the ball its all good

Currently in 14th now!

62min: Deulofeu long freekick finds Rose with the HEADER!!!

oh this is exhausting ^^ 2-2

Aston Villa have just scored in the 69minute oh my god....

So now we ar in 17th still safe but one goal...

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Krejci with the freekick hits it well saved by Mvogo

Awoniji is in a 50m sprint with Jenkinson to get to the ball first

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AWONIYI he scores! on loan from LFC

15minutes to go surely we are safe!!!

89min: come on ... I cant take another goal :p

Ben Close finds Fernandez
angles a 45 yard pass to Faroni
curles it in first time to the far post
Benzia has acres of space!!!
the shot is charged down by grillo!
but falls to bantimba!!




Game Over and weirdly desptite going down to the last game of the season we came 14th!!!

on the fence about doing another season maybe ill pause like the idea of doing an england one and had a funny idea to tie this one over to it xD

thanks for reading if you have a prefernce by all means post it!

