Post your bullying experiences

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Just really makes you wanna rage shitless! Feel bad for the family. He just wanted to be a part of the other kids. ******* ********.

Excuse my language oO
Never been bullied but has been targeted because im fairly quiet in my school, get called 'lanky *****' and stuff like that luckily i just keep my anger in
never got bullied in school, i was far too big, and never bullied anyone either. my younger sister was bullied at school though, and struggled with it a lot. not nice :(
bullied my junior when at college but finally got jail for 5 days..great experince for me:P
I've not been bullied, I've never bullied. I'd say I'm a pretty nice guy, and since now I'm in year 11 the top of the school, I'd say I probably won't be. My year's all nice people I guess.
Have a mate who usually gets bullied because he was on a bbc programme about a year ago and likes to do card tricks. It just annoys me when people take the **** out of him for being on that show when he earned about 3k for it and he is also going to be on a disney show soon so why he is making money as an actor all these so called "gangsters" will most likely have **** jobs or will be unemployed.
Oh I have experience, one time I gave a kid a wedgie and a swirly simultaneously.
Seen a lot of bullying in my school but one person sticks out in particular. When I went into year 7, my brother was just going into year 11. There was this boy in his year who got bullied to the point where you wouldn't be surprised if he ended up commiting suicide.

The boy who was getting bullied used to ride a bike to school every day and used to leave it around the back of the school so people wouldn't find it. One time when one of the bullies found out where he leaves it, he ****** all over his bike and in his helmet, which the boy later put on not realising what had happened.

That was the last year he was in the school, but about 4 years later when I was in year 11 there were a lot of rumours circulating about him. Basically he had a *** change, changed his name to Jenni Lee and had videos on YT - sort of like a weekly blog thing. As a result he got terrorised even further, but that was only online.
Update on the OP the kid who started it all off yesterday was knocked the **** out today
I just had to post this when I saw this thread!

Basically , there is a lad in my year at school who can be alright when he wants to be but other times he can be a complete ***** who'll bully someone just because he's bigger than them.Anyway , he is seriously addicted to COD and one time I was on it with him over Xbox Live and he was raging because someone killed him whilst he was on a 24 killstreak and close to a nuke(this was on MW2) , so he starts giving it all the -
"Yeah mate , i'm going to come to your house and **** your sister , blah blah blah"

Anyway , the other guy was from Hull(same as us) and my "mate" didn't know , so the other guy looked him up on Facebook and found out what school he went to. About a week later , the other guy turned up at our school at dinnertime and knocked the COD addict out cold! XD

I've never laughed so much before then! XD
I just had to post this when I saw this thread!

Basically , there is a lad in my year at school who can be alright when he wants to be but other times he can be a complete ***** who'll bully someone just because he's bigger than them.Anyway , he is seriously addicted to COD and one time I was on it with him over Xbox Live and he was raging because someone killed him whilst he was on a 24 killstreak and close to a nuke(this was on MW2) , so he starts giving it all the -
"Yeah mate , i'm going to come to your house and **** your sister , blah blah blah"

Anyway , the other guy was from Hull(same as us) and my "mate" didn't know , so the other guy looked him up on Facebook and found out what school he went to. About a week later , the other guy turned up at our school at dinnertime and knocked the COD addict out cold! XD

I've never laughed so much before then! XD

ROFL!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAAHAHAHH LOOOL dat is jokes imagine the guys face
me and my friend(14/15 people)do bullying
so im and my friend hit my friend use chair,table,spidols,food,and we hit,punch,do some smackdown,and kick his ***
i feeling bad after that,but he start first :(
Blank 27 , how sad... would love to see you idiots do that to another group... oh wait your cowards.
haven't been bullied and doubt i will now guess it's cause im cool with everyone in my year and i'm the oldest in my year so i rarely get trouble.

Saw people getting bullied when i was in year 8 and didn't do anything cause that would have just caused more trouble for me ( Feel quite bad for not doing anything).

Now i'm in Sixth Form and more than able to look after myself i try to help the younger kids
This one time, so bullys, called Jake and Kris, drew a penus on the face of one of my pals, Alfie, while he was sleeping.

How rude.
This one time, so bullys, called Jake and Kris, drew a penus on the face of one of my pals, Alfie, while he was sleeping.

How rude.

So, in revenge, this 'Alfie' character spoke to Kris while he was on the bog in a successful attempt to ruin his poo.
So, in revenge, this 'Alfie' character spoke to Kris while he was on the bog in a successful attempt to ruin his poo.

After turning up for lunch the next day, still covered in pen(is).
No Blyndreaper,i just kidding :P
the truth is,we playing smackdown,and we all happy(weird right)
but that kid is really get bulliyed by someone
of course im not bullied him because he is my friend,even he always make me little bit of angry
(im too scared to hit people face,im loooser)
I had/have a rather "big head" (or did the other kids have small heads?) and therefore I was bullied. If these things didn't happen, I would have probably grown into a more social person, my confidence would have been alot better and my grades probably would've been better too.

All this because my head was just a bit bigger than the rest. Kids can be cruel..