One aspect that I've been finding amongst people that play a possession-based style is that somehow the opponent in the last 20 minutes find a way to come through, start pressing, and possession starts dropping. When asked, the reply from some moderator (SI Forum) was that it's very logical to happen because the players from the team playing the possession style were tired, so it was natural the possession percentage to drop. Other reason could be the players becoming disciplicent.
Now, the argument is some peace of art: the team playing the possession-style is stronger, the players are better, body language is fine, and the team is winning. It would be natural that the players from the other team, with worse attributes would be even more tired and since they were loosing and they would be nervous or furious. On top of this, that argument simply forgets that any team that has to run after the ball for 65-70 minutes, the players will be much more physical unfit than those circulating the ball during that hour. So, the being tired argument is completely nonsense. As for the body language argument, it might be that the 2 or 3 subs (if there are any) were disciplicent, the problem is that the body language argument must be used to both teams and not just against one and the body language from worse players of a weaker team that is loosing for sure is not better than the other. Just another nonsense and dilusional argument.