Post Your Frustations Thread

  • Thread starter Thread starter Goalie1234
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This isn't like previous FM's where you could just rocket up the leagues at a whim. From your description it would seem as though your players aren't up to scratch. Persist with the game, complete the seasons and sign some new, better players (especially a decent striker by the sounds of things!)

Exactly. This is what a good climb should look like - once you hit the competitive leagues you're going to need sack obsolete players and bring in fresh faces while avoiding relegation. And hit up that board to give you as much money as possible.
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But there are people who are winning and aren't having problems, so it is partially a valid reason

Maybe they just don't care reporting problems and you assume they don't have it. Not reporting and not having seems to me are different things. Or maybe since they are winning, they just don't watch their matches in full mode. I'm winning and I like to see my matches in full or extended mode and when I see a problem I like to report it and I also like answers from the people that are responsible to give it. If I have in return is silence, I think I'm entitle to express my frustration, even if some moderators think other way. If on top of this I get arrogant answers, then the moderator is not even doing is work properly.
I'm still not sure how they work the transfer thing out. I have a player worth 27 million, I'm offered 9 million and turn it down. Then I get a message saying the player wants a new contract! Give over!

I, however, offer twice as much for a player's value, and am turned down. LOL.
Maybe they just don't care reporting problems and you assume they don't have it. Not reporting and not having seems to me are different things. Or maybe since they are winning, they just don't watch their matches in full mode. I'm winning and I like to see my matches in full or extended mode and when I see a problem I like to report it and I also like answers from the people that are responsible to give it. If I have in return is silence, I think I'm entitle to express my frustration, even if some moderators think other way. If on top of this I get arrogant answers, then the moderator is not even doing is work properly.

You get arrogant answers because you are unreasonable and expect a perfect game. And before you say you don't, you wrote "when I see a problem I like to report it", if you are doing that for everything, you are expecting a perfect game. Yes there are bug in the game, there always will be, but it's your job to find them and find a work around. Some examples from one of you previous posts:

Crosses hitting the post/crossbar - this can be frustrating, but it not exactly a game changer. If you really must avoid it though. Don't play any wingers, play narrow football and work it through the middle so you don't play crosses.

Throw ins - "Go Forward" is extremely vague. What sort of position is the throw? And what position is the player you asking to get forward playing in? This shout doesn't tell them to get into the box or anything, just for forward a bit. Give them a more specific shout

Corners - What is your fluidity set to? The most fluid, the more likely players are to ignore your instructions. And also, if a player knows he is marked it is a little pointless him going short because he will be more easily dispossessed
The transfer thing is the most annoying "bug/feature" of FM. Prices are too high for players you want to buy, while clubs bidding for your players offer insulting amounts. If you're Barcelona and you want to buy Bojan off me as Arsenal, when he's my top scorer and worth roughly fifty million, don't come with an offer of 2.5 million up front and 15 million spread out over 48 months.

A related annoyance is the scouting, where the scouts, all supposedly the best in the business are raving enthusiasts about a given player, I buy him for too much money and then the coaches go, "actually boss, he's a bit ****".
You get arrogant answers because you are unreasonable and expect a perfect game. And before you say you don't, you wrote "when I see a problem I like to report it", if you are doing that for everything, you are expecting a perfect game. Yes there are bug in the game, there always will be, but it's your job to find them and find a work around. Some examples from one of you previous posts:

Crosses hitting the post/crossbar - this can be frustrating, but it not exactly a game changer. If you really must avoid it though. Don't play any wingers, play narrow football and work it through the middle so you don't play crosses.

Throw ins - "Go Forward" is extremely vague. What sort of position is the throw? And what position is the player you asking to get forward playing in? This shout doesn't tell them to get into the box or anything, just for forward a bit. Give them a more specific shout

Corners - What is your fluidity set to? The most fluid, the more likely players are to ignore your instructions. And also, if a player knows he is marked it is a little pointless him going short because he will be more easily dispossessed

You could at least read all that I've wrote and not just some parts that suits you, because if you have done so you'd also read that I stated that:

a) all tactics have flaws;
b) this game and any game will always have problems and this also means that it can always improve;

So, I'm not sure exactly where do you see me expecting a perfect game as I'm also not sure where did you read that I reported everything. I didn't say this, I didn't wrote this. So where is this coming from ???? Or you just enjoy twisting my words around ?

As for the your reply of some specific examples I previously gave, your logic seems to be some sort of "well, just change all your strategy, your width, your roles and you'll be fine". Yeah, that's something full of good sense. Maybe, just maybe, it would make more sense SI fixing those issues instead of a policy of "you want that fix ? well, wait 6 more months until November and then will talk about it". As for the throw-in issue I don't know if Go Forward or Stay Forward (I don't know what's the right instruction in english) it's extremely vague, neither it's up to me to know that. What I now is that in Set Pieces some players comply with the instruction to get closer to receive the ball and the Striker also comes closer having a different instruction. If it does, it's wrong and it should be fixed.

Finally, regarding corners I think you didn't understand the issue: my corners are set to short, I have a player that is supposed to come closer to receive a the pass from the corner. The problem is that this player is bad positioned, he should stand very near the ball to receive the pass instead of standing almost near the penalty box which leads to being man-marked. Is his position were to be fixed the opponent player could not man-mark him because, as you might know, when there's a corner there is a distance a player has to keep between him and the corner mark.
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The transfer thing is the most annoying "bug/feature" of FM. Prices are too high for players you want to buy, while clubs bidding for your players offer insulting amounts. If you're Barcelona and you want to buy Bojan off me as Arsenal, when he's my top scorer and worth roughly fifty million, don't come with an offer of 2.5 million up front and 15 million spread out over 48 months.

A related annoyance is the scouting, where the scouts, all supposedly the best in the business are raving enthusiasts about a given player, I buy him for too much money and then the coaches go, "actually boss, he's a bit ****".

well said !!!
Did you try bargain ? it helps a little.
You could at least read all that I've wrote and not just some parts that suits you, because if you have done so you'd also read that I stated that:

a) all tactics have flaws;
b) this game and any game will always have problems and this also means that it can always improve;

So, I'm not sure exactly where do you see me expecting a perfect game as I'm also not sure where did you read that I reported everything. I didn't say this, I didn't wrote this. So where is this coming from ???? Or you just enjoy twisting my words around ?

you said when you see a problem, you report it. That is the same as saying reporting everything.

As for the your reply of some specific examples I previously gave, your logic seems to be some sort of "well, just change all your strategy, your width, your roles and you'll be fine". Yeah, that's something full of good sense. Maybe, just maybe, it would make more sense SI fixing those issues instead of a policy of "you want that fix ? well, wait 6 more months until November and then will talk about it". As for the throw-in issue I don't know if Go Forward or Stay Forward (I don't know what's the right instruction in english) it's extremely vague, neither it's up to me to know that. What I now is that in Set Pieces some players comply with the instruction to get closer to receive the ball and the Striker also comes closer having a different instruction. If it does, it's wrong and it should be fixed.

but unfortunately, it never will be fixed, that is just something you are gonna have to come to terms with. There is no, they should do this, they should do that. That is just the way it is I'm afraid. Yes keep reporting the problems, because it will improve future versions of the game.

But it yeah this is my last post on the matter. You can say whatever you want now because nothing is gonna get resolved here. We aren't SI so there is nothing we can do.
Funny how when someone expresses his frustration, the answer is "go and report the problem, and use screenshots and pkms"; then, when problems are reported we get some "you report too much, games aren't perfect" :P
you said when you see a problem, you report it. That is the same as saying reporting everything.

but unfortunately, it never will be fixed, that is just something you are gonna have to come to terms with. There is no, they should do this, they should do that. That is just the way it is I'm afraid. Yes keep reporting the problems, because it will improve future versions of the game.

But it yeah this is my last post on the matter. You can say whatever you want now because nothing is gonna get resolved here. We aren't SI so there is nothing we can do.

Ok, I've got it ! You have a problem with interpreting what you read and you like to add some words of your own. I guess you also miss the part where I wrote that I see my matches in full-mode and the part where I wrote that any player, even word-class players make mistakes. So, considering all of this, don't you think it's kind of obvious that to report a problem I have to look for some pattern and a frequent occurrence ?

I don't and I didn't expect anything to be resolved here. It's a frustration thread.

And you are wrong: the relationship with a customer implies such words such as "should". It seems the UK gov also understands this with his intent for approving some legislation regarding games being released into the market so badly. But maybe someone from SI or some moderator is willing to tell the UK gov "it's your tactics!"
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Ok, I've got it ! You have a problem with interpreting what you read and you like to add some words of your own. I guess you also miss the part where I wrote that I see my matches in full-mode and the part where I wrote that any player, even word-class players make mistakes. So, considering all of this, don't you think it's kind of obvious that to report a problem I have to look for some pattern and a frequent occurrence ?

I don't and I didn't expect anything to be resolved here. It's a frustration thread.

I don't remember ever seeing you post a screenshot.
and your point is ? do you have something useful to add to the previous conversation ?
Disappointing start? What the ****?

Those minor news reports are slightly irritating..

I got this after.. wait for it.. 20 straight wins (my best start ever to a career on FM btw). I posted in Random/Funny thread. D: