Right thats me done...finally had enough, this game should be upto standard by now, but its failed miserably in my opinion!
These are my experiences..
1st update: Improved ME...my favorite update

still problems, but was for me the better alround ME to date! Never got bored. played over 3 seasons on it.
2nd update: Improved ME..but made some ludicrous problems with CB's..was unplayable, only played 6 games + almost ruined my save!
**** update: Improved ME..again improved, players lookin more life-like, in moves an possession. But seem more out of touch with my team.. they dont play anything like they did before or anything like i'd want them to play. Played 7 games, an ruined my save!!!
I dont like pitty-patty passing from the half-way line! I prefer more direct play (its a personal choice right?), in my time in football ive found it so much more enjoyable to play an watch! My games since the latest patch (it is good patch) have been takeing almost twice as long, because of this crappy passing about ****..that i never wanted my players to do...an they never did before!
lump it!! lump it to a winger...lump it to my CF! Lump it into the crowd.........not play 3 yard balls around an get no-where! Ive always played on all management games wingers..love wingers! runin with the ball..takein on anyone who gets in their way...never worked on FM13!
Im obviously not given up..but this game as been raped by updates that should of been sorted out before it was released!
sorry if this post seems extreme in areas..but hey im passionate person, who wants this game to work to the masses.
Its in no mind the best simulation game thats available, much better than previous versions...but im still left with a ME to tactical problem, where nothin says what it says on the tin..
I will be back