Hello long time lurker here,
I've been playing the FM-series for quite a long time too and honestly FM13 has me gotten beyond my normal border of
The ME; meh.. I don't know even where to start.
- Seeing defenders "jockeying sideways" as fast as my attackers at their maximum sprint.... is kinda funny
- Seeing my goalkeeper walking to give the ball back to the opposition for their free kick and not being able
to be fast enough back in his goal = conceding a goal...huh?
- Seeing my attacker "skating" (not running) THROUGH (not past) but actually through the body of 3 defenders and scoring
a goal... wut?
- Seeing my defenders being glued (jumping 19 - heading 17 - anticipation 15) on the ground when the opposition drops in a cross while the attacker outjumps them like Spiderman... really?
- Scoring a goal and immediately conceding a goal in the same minute (FM12 had this flaw too), man I don't even had
the time to push -> instructions -> consolidate
- ...
I can go on but surely you folks will have seen sort of the same things, fact is that this ruins my gaming experience 'cause I really like the 3D display of the previous FM11-12 series. 2D Pacmans just don't cut it for me.
The loose-win ratio is another issue but there are already to many threads about that for me to start another one

Where is my screen between the 3D highlights of the match (you know the screen with the actual goal scores and the buttons), I found a workaround with a mod but it's not the same, GIVE ME THAT **** SCREEN BACK!
Why are ALL journalist questions the same as in FM12?
Why are ALL commentaries during the 3D display (in the horizontal beam) the same as in FM12?
Why are ALL my teamtalk options the same as in FM 12?
Jeez this is not a new game, it's just an updated game with a new player database and a broken 3D view.
I re-installed FM12 with the latest December '12 transfer update, face- and logopacks, Suzie's real name mod, 3D kits +,
normal kits, new balls and goalnets pack, the Fahrenheit skin and I'm HONESTLY having a blast at this moment.
The ME of FM12 feels polished; players actually run and don't "jockey" half of the field, tackles are carried out properly, my defenders can jump, I see different type of goals (long shots, crosses, lobbing the keepers, making an overhead goal), etc. Sur FM12 ME has it's flaws too but these are less comparing to FM13.
I truly hope SI will bring out more patches to polish the ME because I quite like the layout of the new screens, staff handling and
training but untill then I'll stick to FM12.
Now if you excuse me I have to beat ManU in the FA cup.
PS : the injuries in FM13..... training intensity low, personal training low, match preparation low and still I get
that many injuries. FOUR 3-4 weeks injuries in 1 match when playing standard playstyle.... pff..
FM12 gives 1-2 injuries in some weeks playing time, maybe more if you have a tight playing schedule but that's
ok with me!