Post Your Frustrations

i made an offer for marcelo and it was rejected, he got ****** coz it was rejected and then requested transfer, then his agent didnt want to enter negotiations with me! he went to inter! Im napoli!
Is it just me that notices that when you sign a new player he gets injured for three or four months far too often. I have actually started to use editor to cancel the injuries to new signings because they happen all the **** time.

For some reason i feel sick when i play my 360 now so i dont play it but if i didnt feel sick i'd stop playing this complete mess of a game. Oh and SI as a company your customer relations is ******* terrible.
I love watching Kevin Davies outpace the whole Newcastle back line who are all faster then him, then seeing their 22 year old Korean Winger with 9 strength out muscle your defensive mid, and two centrebacks all at once to score an injury time winner jeez must be the hulk or something :(
requesting a parent club in pre season and holidaying for 2 weeks while i went to the shop.. come back and see that i got offered ac milan,bordeaux,schalke and hoffenheim. because i went on holiday it rejected all the choices. taught me a lesson -.-
I had 6 CCCs in that game,but their GK decided that he was a GK God and got a 9.4 rating and MoM

When was the last time your goalie got a rating of 9.4?

Hardly ever happens because the user goalies are ******* hopeless
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When was the last time your goalie got a rating of 9.4?

Hardly ever happens because the user goalies are ******* hopeless

I can't remember that ever happening to me....most I've had is a 8.2 or so....
Was amazed I managed to score the goal I did tbh
I can't remember that ever happening to me....most I've had is a 8.2 or so....
Was amazed I managed to score the goal I did tbh

As i have posted before i have never had a goalie finish the season with a rating average over 7.00.

Mind you when you have your team losing goals all season from the AI's only shot on goal then its no wonder your goalie stats are horrid.

On a seperate issue, I must have the most dangerous weight room on the planet because everybody that steps in it gets injured.
I had 6 CCCs in that game,but their GK decided that he was a GK God and got a 9.4 rating and MoM

9.4 for a gk is epic. barely had sopmethinglike that. must be a bug.

if it a ST, then not a priblem, even for a Cb that scores a hat trick.
From all the clubs I could get in 3rd Qual. Round of Euro Cup gues which did I get...yes I got the best of all - Liverpool!
Why can't I just get an Swedish or Albanian or Bulgarian or any club that isn't one of the best clubs in the world?! -.-'
9.4 for a gk is epic. barely had sopmethinglike that. must be a bug.

if it a ST, then not a priblem, even for a Cb that scores a hat trick.

It's not a bug,I was just very unlucky I guess...
But atleast I was lucky enough to be able to score once and get the draw.

Okei listen up guys.
I am Leverkusen and i was in the CL quarters against Barcelona, i won the first game 2-0 in Camp Nou.
And the secund game on my homefield the match started fine until ekstra time of the first half, Villa scored a fa**ing luckygoal, but i thought that its was fair, and the secund half started as the first, I had the ball most and Barcelona got a ****** goal again.
Så in the first ekstra half Kiessling scored my first goal and i thought that the match was over, but then again Barcelona came and Villa scored the most shittiest goal i`ve ever seen, but then again i scored by Ganso, and in the ekstra time of the secend half of the ekstra time Barcelona got a nother ****** goal(not suprised) and it was a fa**ing own goal by my own Phil Jones, my percus Phil Jones who i paied 20£ for :(
what should i do with that *******, plis need help ?
PS: ( my goalkeeper Adler was injured)

---------- Post added at 10:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:11 PM ----------

I feel you man :(
Personally,I wouldn't do anything at all to punish him. Own goals this game it seems.
And unless he smashed the ball into the corner deliberatly,then I wouldn't blame him.