Not sure if it's the standard of my coaches, but in my Walsall save in league 2, I'm struggling to get them trained in long throw they keep on failing to Learn it
I'm Everton and I have 3 left backs and not been able to train them either and finding a decent left with long throw is like finding rocking horse ****
I'm Everton and I have 3 left backs and not been able to train them either and finding a decent left with long throw is like finding rocking horse ****

Not sure if it's the standard of my coaches, but in my Walsall save in league 2, I'm struggling to get them trained in long throw they keep on failing to Learn it

I find there are two main factors which have strong influence on success rate to teach player "Long Flat Throw" PPM. These factors are player's age and the level of his "Throw-in" attributes.

The younger player the easier to teach him any PPM(including "Long Flat Throw" PPM).

I find it's very hard to teach players any PPMs when they are older than 24 years.

For example, I usually in my team have 4 left footed players for DR/DL position and 4 players for CD position so total 8 players who potentially can have this PPM and I train all of them this PPM in hope that at least someone of them will pick this PPM.

Of course if player files to pick this PPM at first attempt then you should keep trying till you succeeded.

P.S. Guys, don't forget that Central Defenders also can have this PPM and take the throw-ins.

Heh... Guys, I haven't used "Long Flat Throw" PPM before in my saves because I always believed that it's possible to achieve "acceptable" consistence without it but recently a crazy stuff happened in my Middlesbrough save which made me reconsider my view. (6)

I had 4 matches in row and the summary statistic for these 4 matches was looking like that:

My team had: 126 Shots, 13 Clear Cuts Chances, 15 Half Chances and scored only 1 goal!

My opponents had: 20 Shots, 2 Clear Cuts Chances, 0 Half Chances and scored 4 goals!

As you can see my team had 28 scoring chances and scored only 1 goal and my opponents had only 2 scoring chances and scored 4 goals. (6)

So I lost 2 matches and draw 2 matches because my team used only 3% of scoring chances and my opponents used 200% of their scoring chances... (6)

Is this tactic bad? Nope! Just look at the statistic you simple can't wish for more! Your team creates a ton of scoring chances and not allow your opponents to create scoring chances! But ME is just too random when it comes to using of scoring chances... as you can see my team used only 3% of its scoring chances and my opponents used 200% of their scoring chances and you can't do nothing about it... my players had very good "Morale" in all matches and they have really good attributes to score goals...

Ehhh... I really consider to start use "Long Flat Throw" PPM because without it the game is too frustrating. :)

Here you can see the statistic of those 4 matches... it's jus insane: :S

View attachment 249445 View attachment 249446

View attachment 249447 View attachment 249448

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Where can I download the V1 base player filters, different version on OP.
I'm Everton and I have 3 left backs and not been able to train them either and finding a decent left with long throw is like finding rocking horse ****

Faouzi Ghoulam and Giorgio Chiellini have "Long Flat Throw" PPM.

Here's a list of central defenders who potentially can be trained "Long Flat Throw" PPM:

Sorted by PA

View attachment 249437

View attachment 249436

Here's a list of left footed full backs who potentially can be trained "Long Flat Throw" PPM:

Sorted by PA

View attachment 249435

View attachment 249434
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Can you make player filter list for this TFF, is it possible just DL

Just add the "Throw” attribute to the full backs' filters and central defenders' filters and set value "13" for this attribute and you are done.

Btw, it's possible to have emergency boost to "Throw" attribute for your full backs and central defenders because it's possible to train this attribute through "Individual Training" focus "Specific Attribute Traning" with "Heavy" intensity... so this way you can greatly develop the "Throw" attribute of your players and make it more easily for them to learn "Long Flat Throw" PPM.
Just add the "Throw” attribute to the full backs' filters and central defenders' filters and set value "13" for this attribute and you are done.

Btw, it's possible to have emergency boost to "Throw" attribute for your full backs and central defenders because it's possible to train this attribute through "Individual Training" focus "Specific Attribute Traning" with "Heavy" intensity... so this way you can greatly develop the "Throw" attribute of your players and make it more easily for them to learn "Long Flat Throw" PPM.
This without long throw View attachment 249403 This with long throw View attachment 249402
you want the "long throws" attribute to be 15 if you're teaching a player the ppm

i've never had a problem teaching someone who is under 26 and has 15 long throws the ppm, if it's 14 or < then there's a chance to fail, very high chance
This without long throw View attachment 895644 This with long throw View attachment 895645

I see that you used "Pick" bottom to add "Throw" attribute and that set all other attributes to "15" and that's why you can't find anyone.

You need to add "Throw" attribute through "Quick Search" button. "Quick Search" ---> "Atributes"

P.S. but before to do don't forget to reload the filters because you have changed values for all attributes by using "Pick" button.

you want the "long throws" attribute to be 15 if you're teaching a player the ppm

i've never had a problem teaching someone who is under 26 and has 15 long throws the ppm, if it's 14 or < then there's a chance to fail, very high chance

Players who have 13 for "Throw" attribute also can be trained "Long Flat Throw" PPM at reasonable time because you can train "Throw" attribute through individual training focus with "High" intensity and it will help to add 1-2 points to this attribute at reasonable time frame. :)
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Sorry lads, dumb question do you get all those filter options..??
Go to "Scouting" menu and you can create different filters there.

Also you can download the filters which can be found at the OP.

Heh... Guys, I haven't used "Long Flat Throw" PPM before in my saves because I always believed that it's possible to achieve "acceptable" consistence without it but recently a crazy stuff happened in my Middlesbrough save which made me reconsider my view. (6)

I had 4 matches in row and the summary statistic for these 4 matches was looking like that:

My team had: 126 Shots, 13 Clear Cuts Chances, 15 Half Chances and scored only 1 goal!

My opponents had: 20 Shots, 2 Clear Cuts Chances, 0 Half Chances and scored 4 goals!

As you can see my team had 28 scoring chances and scored only 1 goal and my opponents had only 2 scoring chances and scored 4 goals. (6)

So I lost 2 matches and draw 2 matches because my team used only 3% of scoring chances and my opponents used 200% of their scoring chances... (6)

Is this tactic bad? Nope! Just look at the statistic you simple can't wish for more! Your team creates a ton of scoring chances and not allow your opponents to create scoring chances! But ME is just too random when it comes to using of scoring chances... as you can see my team used only 3% of its scoring chances and my opponents used 200% of their scoring chances and you can't do nothing about it... my players had very good "Morale" in all matches and they have really good attributes to score goals...

Ehhh... I really consider to start use "Long Flat Throw" PPM because without it the game is too frustrating. :)

Here you can see the statistic of those 4 matches... it's jus insane: :S

View attachment 249393 View attachment 249392

View attachment 249391 View attachment 249390

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First season done with Napoli:

View attachment 249377

Im used to having same GD as points in the leauge, o well you can't get everything in the first season ;)

I can also report that having a defender with long-flat bullet throw can make a great difference!
Heh... Guys, I've got a revolutionary version :P which shows crazy performance but it isn't possible to use this version with "Instant Result" and when I figure out how to make it work with "Instant Result" I'll post this tactic. ;)
Heh... Guys, I've got a revolutionary version :P which shows crazy performance but it isn't possible to use this version with "Instant Result" and when I figure out how to make it work with "Instant Result" I'll post this tactic. ;)
i dont use instant result, so post it mate
Heh... Guys, I've got a revolutionary version :P which shows crazy performance but it isn't possible to use this version with "Instant Result" and when I figure out how to make it work with "Instant Result" I'll post this tactic. ;)

TFF, pooooost it please :P I don't use IR so I don't mind it doesn't work with IR :P
Heh... Guys, I've got a revolutionary version :P which shows crazy performance but it isn't possible to use this version with "Instant Result" and when I figure out how to make it work with "Instant Result" I'll post this tactic. ;)
Who cares about Instant Results
Heh... Guys, I've got a revolutionary version :P which shows crazy performance but it isn't possible to use this version with "Instant Result" and when I figure out how to make it work with "Instant Result" I'll post this tactic. ;)

When you are writing something like that then you can't let us wait! :D My Ingolstadt & QPR squads are waiting ;)