Just use the PREDATOR ones - the actual one should be v3 or something like that..
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only the ferocity tactic with manual marking?
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only the ferocity tactic with manual marking?
Heh... it's also possible to use the Waste Time version vs dangerous opponents in the cases when you have very shaky lead and want to hold it... but currently in my save I usually up 2-3 goals by half-time and I'm too lazy to change for Waste Time :P and I allow massacre to continue ;)

Usually when I manage a very weak team compare to other teams in the league I use the Waste Time version very often but during the time the team becomes stronger and stronger and eventually I start to forget that I also have the Waste Time version in my arsenal. :P
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TFF - will you be working on another plug n play tactic without manual marking and oi's?
Why should be without OI's and Manual Marking ? This tactic is perfect ! Embrace it ! ;)
I will never understand why the people are that lazy..
it takes about 10 seconds to look for the opponents player and to mark him ;). Why shouldn't I use a tactic which is able to give me better results? :D
If you want something like P&P then you could think about using the V1 - it is nearly P&P without any marking - and the defense is **** good!
who do i need to mark?
Just a small tip for LLM. I realised that with semi-pro team I get better results when I set match preparation to match tactics. Dont know why. Maybe because of fewer time for training.
first match with the manual marking one. just beat az 9-0 :D my team is psv by the way
Some of us play FMC, so oi's and manual marking is not needed! TFF has released some amazing plug n play tactics, monstrous was excellent and I am using predator v1 which is really good, though I'm just wondering if he will be releasing something new that is old n play friendly and can be used in FMC