Guys, if you go few pages back you'll see a lot of results from Vanarama Conference...

Why are you people so lazy? :@

Point taken, but I originally asked the question on page 65 and nobody responded to me (yes the question was later answered, but nobody quoted me or responded in the pages following, so I missed that :P)
This tactic dosn't for me anymore.
In first season I was in CL, secong season I loosing so many matches and I dont know why.
Maybe somebody can tell me what Im doing wrong?

My savegame:
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hello guys anyone have advice on the corner exploit with not wingers not working.....any help please?
Maybe somebody can tell me what Im doing wrong?

I'll help you, mate. ;)

But at first I need to be sure that we speak at the same language… could you answer few questions? ;)

Do you think the results you get depend on the quality of the players you have?

Do you think the results you get depend on the Match Prep. you use?

Do you think the fitness condition of your players during matches matter? Do you think is there any difference in performance if player have 90% condition or 60% condition?