Mate, I'd say he is very weak even for Romanian League because as Steaua (romanian top club) you easily can afford to have 125CA players and this guy is only 100CA and such low CA suites more to the weakest clubs of Romanian League.

Also he has the extremely important attributes for a central defender such Strength and Jumping Reach at very low level and even if he reaches his full potential these attributes will not reach the optimal level so I wouldn't bet on this guys and get rid of him.

Btw, If you want to be competitive in the Champions League you should look for at least 145CA+ players.

If there are only DM and AMC which is very rare then don't set the marking at all.

TFF, maybe it's a stupid question but what does CA mean? ^^)
Thanks :)

One more question... I manage Swindon (Sky Bet League 1) and what CA players should I look for my team?

The strongest team in your league has 100-115CA players.

The weakest team in you league has 85-100CA players.

As you can see any players with CA close to 115CA would be great for you team because when your team consists of 115CA players then you are the strongest team in the league(of course, I'm talking about Sky Bet League 1).

Also it's important to understand that CA isn't the only thing which determines everything and it isn't less important how CA is spent. For example, you want that CA of your Inside Forward would be spent on Speed, Technique, Agility, Flair and so on... speaking other words you want CA's spent on the important attributes for the position and you don't want it's spent on the not important attributes such as Tackling, Marking, Positioning and so on...
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The strongest team in your league has 100-115CA players.

The weakest team in you league has 85-100CA players.

As you can see any players with CA close to 115CA would be great for you team because when your team consists of 115CA players then you are the strongest team in the league(of course, I'm talking about Sky Bet League 1).

Also it's important to understand that CA isn't the only thing which determines everything and it isn't less important how CA is spent. For example, you want that CA of your Inside Forward would be spent on Speed, Technique, Agility, Flair and so on... speaking other words you want CA's spent on the important attributes for the position and you don't want it's spent on the not important attributes such as Tackling, Marking, Positioning and so on...

Thanks a lot for your explanation, it's a great help.

May I ask if it isn't hard for you could you give the similar CA ranges for Sky Bet Championship and English Premier League? :)
Dear mate, which tactic did U use?

Ferocity v1, with OI's, man marking and all instructions from opening post.

it's worth to add, that i bought as a wingers players with proper skills (using filters from TFF), but without ML and MR postions - so i trained them all season to play on those positions, and even without green circles on tactic screen they played great.
Thanks. I have little problem because sometimes I win very easy for eg my local club Wisla Cracow v.s. Benfica 4-1 but two matches after i draw with poor team in domestic league.
Thanks. I have little problem because sometimes I win very easy for eg my local club Wisla Cracow v.s. Benfica 4-1 but two matches after i draw with poor team in domestic league.

bad things happens m8, just look:
View attachment 234211
but it's worth to stick with this tactic anyway, cos u can be sure that good times and results will come, sooner or later :).
Thanks. I have little problem because sometimes I win very easy for eg my local club Wisla Cracow v.s. Benfica 4-1 but two matches after i draw with poor team in domestic league.

jebać krakse nożownikow;)
Thanks a lot for your explanation, it's a great help.

You're welcome.

May I ask if it isn't hard for you could you give the similar CA ranges for Sky Bet Championship and English Premier League? :)

Sure, here you go...

Sky Bet Championship:

The strongest team has 125 - 135CA players.

The weakest team has 100 - 115CA players.

As you can see you should look for 135CA players to be the strongest team in this league.

English Premier League:

The strongest team has 150 - 180CA players.

The weakest team has 120 - 135CA players.

As you can see you should look for 180CA players to be the strongest team in this league.
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You're welcome.

Hey TFF, I just sign up for comment you. Your tactic is awesome but can it be more 4-2-3-1 style or 4-3-3 ?

Like I have very good wingers and AMC so I want to use them but I don't like others tactic yours is very good.

Can you make some tweaked versions of some formations please ?

Thanks, all best.