HI guys, First of all great work TFF ... Due to my commitments with my family and work i dont have that much time i use to play FM Still play game here and there...and after noticing TFF got a good tactics as lot of u guys were having good results,so i tried it and liked it .But as always I like 4-2-3-1 so i tweaked this tactics into that formation ....Tested only with manu and here it is ...... Hope u wont mind me posting here as its ur work that i tweaked and I dont have time for a thread​
I've been using this tactic in my save game since I prefer the 4-2-3-1 formation over 4-4-2 and it works great, really like the way the football flows. The only downside is that compared to Predator the opposition do get off more shot and therefor score more goals which can lead to a few more frustrating results where you only get a draw when you've dominated the game but they still get those shots. I've been tweaking the BWM midfielders to try and make the tactic better defensively, haven't been able to succeed so far though.
I don't understand really. I think Ferocity (no need manual marking ) better than ferocity v1 (with manual marking) ?
I don't understand really. I think Ferocity (no need manual marking ) better than ferocity v1 (with manual marking) ?
I think that the one with manual marking are much better, this my opinion
does the manual marking change by its self now i have noticed that when the opponents make a sub my left F9 is already marking them, or do i still have to go and redo the marking??
does the manual marking change by its self now i have noticed that when the opponents make a sub my left F9 is already marking them, or do i still have to go and redo the marking??

No,if the team you play against only make a substition,then your STCL automatically mark the substitor,you'll have adjust manual marking only if they change their formation or if they have a red card.
does the manual marking change by its self now i have noticed that when the opponents make a sub my left F9 is already marking them, or do i still have to go and redo the marking??

Yes, you have to redo the marking in that case.

No,if the team you play against only make a substition,then your STCL automatically mark the substitor,you'll have adjust manual marking only if they change their formation or if they have a red card.

As I said at the OP don't be fooled by the fact that it shows the manual marking is set correctly when you go to the tactic menu after that the opposition substitutes the player who was marked, actually it doesn't work until you press "Confirmation Button"(it becomes active even there were no changes made).

It's kinda a bug/glitch.
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awesome TFF thanks for clearing that up maybe explain a few bad results iv been having in my AC milan save which is ****** hard red cards and injuries galore!!