CA and the actual attributes are connected so CA just can't be irrelevant.

CA represents the total amount of points that a player has to spend on his attributes.

For example, the cost of some attributes for different positions might look like this(please notice these numbers might be different for the current game version):

(cut data)

As you can see if a full back has "15" for Positioning, Acceleration, Pace and Tackling attributes then it already "costs" him about 130 CA! So a full back with total 80 CA amount would never satisfy the OP's attributes requirements.

When you see that any wide midfielder has "17" Acceleration, Pace, Agility, Dribbling and the rating of his weak foot "Fairly Strong" then it tells you that his total CA already just can't be less than 130 CA.

Heh... I doubt that only 100CA would be enough to satisfy the OP's attributes requirements but I tried to make the filters and the attributes at the OP to be useful not for only top clubs such as Barcelona or Real Madrid but also for the mid and bottom table clubs of major leagues so these attributes can't be the end of dreams and as top club you want these attributes even higher.

You are right CA isn't the only thing you should look at, it just shows the total amount of points that players have to spend but it isn't less important "how" these points are spent. For example, it isn’t rare to see how two players have the similar CA but one of them is much better for the role because his CA is spent better for the job which this role requires.
Here is the full-back I'm talking about:

I made him like that and he has 84CA

He's playing like god.

Here another one, Left Midfielder:

He has 77CA:

However this doesn't apply to all positions, as my MC has 150CA, but this justified my question, that sometimes, the needed attributes won't affect CA that much.
My team is getting better now!
Thank u anyway :)


Can anyone tell me where De Bruyne plays better?

His physical attributes are'n good enough for a LW/RW,so if you're using Predator v3 +mm,use him as CM,but if you're using the non manual marking tactic,use him as an AM.
Here is the full-back I'm talking about:

I made him like that and he has 84CA

He's playing like god.

Here another one, Left Midfielder:

He has 77CA:

However this doesn't apply to all positions, as my MC has 150CA, but this justified my question, that sometimes, the needed attributes won't affect CA that much.

Heh... :) such CA allocation isn't possible in the game and you can get something like that only by using the editor.

The game is designed that way to avoid such extremes and players develop their attribute over time in balanced manner. For example, when defenders reach their PA then you can expect to see that they have Finishing, Long Shots and Off The Ball attributes at least about "5" and the same for strikers when they reach their PA then you can expect to see that they have Tackling and Position at least "5".

He's playing like god.

Mate, I don’t know what league you play but if we take the top divisions of major football nations like England, Spain, German, Italy and so on then you will be struggling with players like him because for example, his Stamina is only "1" and this mean that after 1st half his conditions drops to 50% and he starts just walk on field and becomes useless. :) Other example, his Natural Fitness is only "1" so he can't handle the playing rhythm which the major league offer, with such low Natural Fitness he can't recover fast enough in order to play more than 1 competition...

Also I see that your left midfielder is "Only Right" footed but this is huge issue for the attackers so you alwasy want that your attackers have "Fairly Strong" rating for their weak foot but the rating for the weak foot also cost CA and for attackers it cost expensive. Just edit his weak foot rating to "13" and you'll see how his CA jump.

I raised just few issues whcih such extreme CA allocation might bring but there's much more left...
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Med pre 32

Do I HAVE to do manual marking? I understand it can give me better results, so I'll do it in the tough fixtures, but isit a must for every game?
there is a version which doesn't require manual marking that performs slightly worse

use that one if you can't be bothered using manual marking

it's at the BOTTOM of the first post
Hello all i have 1 question for all ... i play v1 long time and show good resultat and now i want try v3 .... and my question is use manal marking for v3 main tatctic and what is Opossition istuction now for V3 main tactic ? 10x all
100ka- yes you have still got to use manual marking for v3 and the OI is the same as v1 as well.

ty man i try now and i win Bayern :D and what individual trening use for stikers ?
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Still rocking V1. I am afraid to switch, after this type of results.

Heh... no need to be afraid to switch for the new versions :) because before I updated the tactics I had double and even triple checked that the new versions are better and as I said the different was sufficient about 20-30%.

Of course, you can't expect that you win the next match by 10 goals after you plug the new version :) but on "a long road" distance about 1-2 seasons you can expect to see a solid 20-30% performance increase.
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