hey tff, what is the best position for kevin de bruyne?

I would sell him because you don't need such players for this tactic.

He is too slow for MR/ML positions and he is bad as the striker too because his CA is spent very ineffective way for the striker, it's invested in many useless things.

Heh... of course, he might be the much better player than everybody else you have so be careful if you are going to drop him.

But If I didn't have anyone better I would use him on ML or MR positions. He has "Strong" rating for the weak foot so he can play at both sides.

Also it's possible to use him on AMC position in case if you use the non manual marking version. He is really good for AMC position.
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Excuse the basic questions..


first and foremost thank you for your Predator tactic.
I started a save with Everton and am currently unbeaten in 6 games in prem with one loss in total from friendlies, Euro cup and capital cup.

i had some questions regarding positions, transfers and lack of goals now.

1. Positions
when you state that the ML should be right footed, do you mean that the player can be 'Accomplished/Natural' ML but right footed? And vice Versa for MR? At times I will have to field a player on MR who is right footed.

2. Transfers
i currently have mirallas playing on the right and I'll just use him as an example here but is it still ok to sign a player who is natural as AMR but accomplished in MR? I want to replace him with someone better end of season but will it make a massive difference if you play someone in a position accomplished rather than natural?

3. Lack of goals
i have noticed now that my team has started to score less. We still create a huge amount of shots on goal but not scoring often. Any advice on how to tweak this? My team is now fluid in tactics and I have started focus the training on attacking.

4. Any players you would recommend? For all midfield positions? I have signed Sergio Romero, Marcos rocha (on your recc. Great player) and sisto pione, tariq and jesus vallejo.

5. Last question
I asked the board for affiliates to send tariq away however they came back rubbish and I rejected the clubs. Any idea how I can sort this out as he is in reserves warming the bench?

sorry with all the questions but any help will be appreciated!

The Toffees Manager
1. Positions
when you state that the ML should be right footed, do you mean that the player can be 'Accomplished/Natural' ML but right footed? And vice Versa for MR? At times I will have to field a player on MR who is right footed.

2. Transfers
i currently have mirallas playing on the right and I'll just use him as an example here but is it still ok to sign a player who is natural as AMR but accomplished in MR? I want to replace him with someone better end of season but will it make a massive difference if you play someone in a position accomplished rather than natural?

Players have the rating for positions the same way as they have for the attributes it can be 1 - 20 but the rating for the positions is hidden and we can't see it(or we can if we have any editor ;)) but it's possible to get a clue about its approximate value:

20 : Natural

15 - 19 : Accomplished

12 - 14: Competent

9 - 12 : Unconvincing

5 -8 : Awkward

There are many players in the game which have suitable attributes for the position but they don't have high enough rating for that position but such circumstance shouldn't stop you from buying these players if you find they have suitable attributes for the position because it's very easy to increase the rating for the position and eventually you can make player has "Natural" rating for the position you want.

Most of time it takes about a month to increase the position's rating from "Unconvincing" to "Competent" or from "Competent" to "Accomplished". As you can see it takes really small period of time.

Of course, you want that your players have "Natural" raring for the position but I find that "Accomplished" rating is enough and it looks like a player plays at about 90% of his ability when he has "Accomplished' but as I said eventually it's possible to make your players have "Natural" rating for the positions you want.

In order to increase the rating for the position you need to make the player train that position.

3. Lack of goals
i have noticed now that my team has started to score less. We still create a huge amount of shots on goal but not scoring often. Any advice on how to tweak this? My team is now fluid in tactics and I have started focus the training on attacking.

When a player has a scoring opportunity whether he scores or not in hands of his attributes such as Finishing, Long Shots, Composure, Concentration, Foot Rating and others and of course, it's in hands of GK's attributes too.

I'm sure you understand that football consists of probabilities and nothing is guaranty.;)

For example, if a player has Finishing "11" then there's about 25% probability he scores one on one and so on...

If your team in matches creates 10 times more scoring opportunities than the opposition then you are on the right way, you have much more chances to win the match in this case.
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So I've started a save with Newcastle and I'm struggling to find players I'm looking for young players any had any luck with Newcastle or got any recommendations I have used filters but is not easy to find players in Newcastle budget
So I've started a save with Newcastle and I'm struggling to find players I'm looking for young players any had any luck with Newcastle or got any recommendations I have used filters but is not easy to find players in Newcastle budget
what is the budget?
So I've started a save with Newcastle and I'm struggling to find players I'm looking for young players any had any luck with Newcastle or got any recommendations I have used filters but is not easy to find players in Newcastle budget

Do you play with the official data base?
TFF I like to build my own teams but am stumped with a Newcastle starting 11 and could do with your expert opinion