tff, hey mate. whats kind of training i need to tell my central midfield to shoot with more power. i mean what i need to tell tp my coach?
I've bought balanta,andrija zivkovic and loaned in munir also saviola not sure if I should play sissoko or Anita in cen mid so any help is much appreciated

Andrija Zivkovic is a very poor player. His attributes are poor for any position in this tactic and his total CA is 113 which suites to the mid table teams from Sky Bet Championship the league below. :) It would be possible to use him in the starting eleven only when he reaches at least 140 CA and this could take him about 3 - 4 seasons.

Munir isn't improvement for Newcastle. He has only 133 CA but as backup he is great because he is able to cover many positions and you get him almost for free.

Jvier Saviola also isn't improvement for Newcastle. He has only 135 CA and he is 32 years old so his attributes decline at great rate every season but he is also a good backup for not more than one season because he costs really cheap for his ability but as I said you can expect the next season his CA will decline sufficiently.

Alvarez Balanta is a great transfer for any club. :)

I would prefer Anita over Sissoko as MC.
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tff, hey mate. whats kind of training i need to tell my central midfield to shoot with more power. i mean what i need to tell tp my coach?

"Finishing Training" ----> "... to try to blast the ball in the back of the net"
Andrija Zivkovic is a very poor player. His attributes are poor for any position in this tactic and his total CA is 113 which suites to the mid table teams from Sky Bet Championship the league below. :) It would be possible to use him in the starting eleven only when he reaches at least 140 CA and this could take him about 3 - 4 seasons.

Munir isn't improvement for Newcastle. He has only 133 CA but as backup he is great because he is able to cover many positions and you get him almost for free.

Jvier Saviola also isn't improvement for Newcastle. He has only 135 CA and he is 32 years old so his attributes decline at great rate every season but he is also a good backup for not more than one season because he costs really cheap for his ability but as I said you can expect the next season his CA will decline sufficiently.

Alvarez Balanta is a great transfer for any club. :)

I would prefer Anita over Sissoko as MC.
any chance you could post what you recomend as a starting 11 please
You know that left footed players are rare and if I can't get a left footed player for MR position then I start to look for players who have "Fairly Strong"/"Strong" rating for the left foot.

So if I had a very good player for ML/MR positions and he were "Either" footed than I probably would played him on MR position because it would released me from the need to find a left footed player for MR position.

But if you have any other left footed player for MR position who is better than him then play him on ML position.

I'm ur tactic fan .TTF thank for great tactic.I have some question.
Wide Midfielder:

2.55 - Acceleration, Pace
1.8 - Crossing, Dribbling
1.63 - Weak Foot

For ur opinion for WML between one players who have 'Right Only' and another players who have "Fairly Strong"/"Strong" rating for the left foot but lower Acceleration, Pace and Dribbling than first.

Thank again and sorry for my bad english.

Guys, I've updated the filters.

It's really hard to find a good left footed player for MR position so I eased that requirement and now the update filters for MR position show also players who have "Reasonable", "Fairly Strong", "Strong" and "Very Strong" rating for the left foot.

You should avoid players who have only "Reasonable" rating for the left foot but players who have "Fairly Strong", "Strong" and "Very Strong" would work great as MR.

I haven't made similar change for ML position because I see no need for it there are a lot of right footed players for ML position.

any chance you could post what you recomend as a starting 11 please

Here you go...

View attachment 230237

I would strengthen the positions under the red circle at first priority.

Of course, if a player doesn't have at least "Accomplished" rating for the position then he should be set to train that position. For example, Ameobi should be set to train MR position.
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Guys, I’ve updated the filters.

It's really hard to find a good left footed player for MR position so I eased that requirement and now the update filters for MR position show also players who have "Reasonable", "Fairly Strong", "Strong" and "Very Strong" rating for the left foot.

You should avoid players who have only "Reasonable" rating for the left foot but players who have "Fairly Strong", "Strong" and "Very Strong" would work great as MR.

I haven't make similar change for ML position because I see no need for it there are a lot of right footed players for ML position.

Here you go...

View attachment 940877

I would strengthen the positions under the red circle at first priority.

Of course, if a player doesn't have at least "Accomplished" rating for the position then he should be set to train that position. For example, Ameobi should be set to train MR position.
Thanks for the help buddy but would you start munir over ameobi??
For ur opinion for WML between one players who have 'Right Only' and another players who have "Fairly Strong"/"Strong" rating for the left foot but lower Acceleration, Pace and Dribbling than first.

It's a good question, mate. :)

It's always hard to make a choice in this case. For me the main factor which determines what choice to make in this case is how much the difference in those important attributes and if it's only 1 point difference than I would prefer the player who has "Fairly Strong" rating for the weak foot because the ability to play with both foot gives him great advantage, the player are able to dribble in both directions and pass/shot with any foot.
Thanks for the help buddy but would you start munir over ameobi??

No, I would prefer Ameobi over Munir because Munir has the key attributes such Acceleration, Pace and Dribbling below the minimal level for this position.

It's very important for players who play on ML/MR positions to be able to dribble their opponents and in order to do that they must have Acceleration and Pace at least no less than their opponents but if you look at Munir’s Acceleration and Pace then you'll see a really average numbers and almost all full backs in the English Premier League have similar or even higher numbers.

Potentially, Munir is much better than Ameobi and he is able to become as good as Messi, Neymar, Ronadlo but he needs time for that.

If Munir had 16 Acceleration and 16 Dribbling than I would preferred him over Ameobi without thinking. :)
any chance you could post what you recomend as a starting 11 please

Btw, Ayoze Perez has good attributes for the striker position but he has a bad PPM - "Likes To Beat Offside Trap Often". Try to unlearn that PPM and train him "Come Deep To Get Ball" PPM instead.

Also Papiss Cisse and Ferreya have the same bad PPM "Likes To Beat Offside Trap Often" for the stiker in this tactic as Ayoze Perez has... so I would try to unlearn that PPM or get rid of them... also their attributes aren't great at all so wouldn't bother with trying to unlearn that PPM and just get rid of them :)
Btw, Ayoze Perez has good attributes for the striker position but he has a bad PPM - "Likes To Beat Offside Trap Often". Try to unlearn that PPM and train him "Come Deep To Get Ball" PPM instead.

Also Papiss Cisse and Ferreya have the same bad PPM "Likes To Beat Offside Trap Often" for the stiker in this tactic as Ayoze Perez has... so I would try to unlearn that PPM or get rid of them... also their attributes aren't great at all so wouldn't bother with trying to unlearn that PPM and just get rid of them :)
thanks again any tips on the best way to find the way to build a great squad using fmtre
Btw, Ayoze Perez has good attributes for the striker position but he has a bad PPM - "Likes To Beat Offside Trap Often". Try to unlearn that PPM and train him "Come Deep To Get Ball" PPM instead.

Also Papiss Cisse and Ferreya have the same bad PPM "Likes To Beat Offside Trap Often" for the stiker in this tactic as Ayoze Perez has... so I would try to unlearn that PPM or get rid of them... also their attributes aren't great at all so wouldn't bother with trying to unlearn that PPM and just get rid of them :)
may i ask u mate, which ppm for the ''1'' striker should i start 1st ,move into channels , or come deep? ty
thanks again any tips on the best way to find the way to build a great squad using fmtre

Btw, If you are going to play a long term save then I would recommend you to install "Instant Result" skin because soon or later the game will become boring as **** without it. ;) There'll be a lot of unimportant matches which you can easily win by 5 goals margin like friendly matches, cup matches vs teams which are few divisions below and many other... so with "Instant Result" you will be able to skip all that boredom... :)

Now about FMRTE... You have the players' profiles at the OP and the in game filters so you can easily make the similar filters for FMRTE which are based on those filters. Without doubts FMRTE is much more powerful searching tool. For example, if you need to look only for the players who have "Fairly Strong" rating for the left foot then you easily can make it by setting the rating requirements of the left foot to minimum value "13".

may i ask u mate, which ppm for the ''1'' striker should i start 1st ,move into channels , or come deep? ty

I would choose to train "Come Deep To …" at first because I find it's more important than "Moves Into Channels".
Thanks very much :) i was focusing at move into channels , i am getting up to low leagues and strikers have very bad ppms for teaching :P so trying and trying until they get it :D ill focus at ur suggestion thanks :)
Leicester-1st season Predicted 20th(Predator v3)

Hi again,guys ;),
Basically,i have no words,this tactic is insane,is too good for mortals like us :P
I've made some good transfers,but still one of the weakest team in the toughest league.And I'm sitting confortable on 3rd place,5 points over Citeh,and on course to win Capital One Cup,playing the finale with Reading,from Champs :)
Screenies time :P. Cheers ! ;)View attachment 230187View attachment 230186View attachment 230185View attachment 230184View attachment 230183View attachment 230182View attachment 230181View attachment 230180
The Blackburn save was a failure,103m debts,transfer ban,players asking to leave...I deleted it instantly. :D
Hi again,guys ;),
Basically,i have no words,this tactic is insane,is too good for mortals like us :P
I've made some good transfers,but still one of the weakest team in the toughest league.And I'm sitting confortable on 3rd place,5 points over Citeh,and on course to win Capital One Cup,playing the finale with Reading,from Champs :)
Screenies time :P. Cheers ! ;)View attachment 940991View attachment 940994View attachment 940997View attachment 941000View attachment 941003View attachment 941006View attachment 941008View attachment 941011

Heh... I see you play Huth as the left central defender and Balanta as the right central but if you swap them then you'll get a great boost to your performance.

Balanta is left footed and when you play him as the right central defender then the most of time he can't make passes to the right flank and just clear the ball.

Huth is right footed and when you play him as the left central defender then the most of time can't make passes to the left flank and just clear the ball.

As I said just swap then and you'll get more possession and better performance. :)

Btw, Alvarez Balanta is a great transfer for any club and it's not just only because he is an awesome defender but he is also left footed which is rare so you can use him as the left central defender.

Usually clubs fight to death for good left central defenders because they are rare and everybody need them so they always cost some "extra".
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Heh... I see you play Huth as the left central defender and Balanta as the right central but if you swap them then you'll get a great boost to your performance.

Balanta is left footed and when you play him as the right central defender then the most of time he can't make passes to the right flank and just clear the ball.

Huth is right footed and when you play him as the left central defender then the most of time can't make passes to the left flank and just clear the ball.

As I said just swap then and you'll get more possession and better performance. :)

Btw, Alvarez Balanta is a great transfer for any club and it's not just only because he is an awesome defender but he is also left footed which is rare so you can use him as the left central defender.

Usually clubs fight to death for a good left central defenders because they are rare and everybody need them so they always cost some "extra".

Thanks for the tips,mate ! ;) Heard some rumours about that,but You "iluminated" me :D
Will try that,for sure. ;)
Hello. I have a small question, ive got 2 strikers. One is Left footed (more of a false nine type) and one is right footed (more poacher like). Should I play the right footed one on the left and left footed on the right, even if the left footed is more suitable to track down oponent with manual marking? Or should I mirror the tactic? So the STR should be the one with manual marking? Thanks for response!