Not when my familiarity is already almost 100% mate because V2 is so similar it shouldn't take a further 10 games to adjust.
Charlie, I think Jasonbhoys just meant that 2 games sample is kinda small to make any conclusion. ;)

Play with it about 10 games and if you aren't satisfied with results then throw it away. ;)
I really have issues with your tactic, but I understand it create wonders for most people using it.
My probem is that I loose most of the games. I dominate the games but my shots on goal are terrible.
Normal stats after a game is: shots: 20. On target: 3. Or something similar. Also my ***-Man is constantly
complaining during the game about that we create alot of chances but cant find the goal if it jumped up and
bit us in our behinds.

I have great players like Quintero, Josu? and Coutinho for the AM positions, and Berardi as a wiz-kid up front.

I just lost at home to Udinese 0-2. They had 2 shots on goal and scored 2. Sigh. Every game, the same scenario, or similar.

What am I doing wrong????
They had 2 shots on goal and scored 2.
Just bad luck I think. :S

What am I doing wrong????

Skaata, which version do you use? I saw you said you were using V2 but with "Control" mentality? Am I correct ? Also if you are using V3 did you change something? Maybe you put any shouts that your ***. Man. recommends during matches?

Realization of CCCs is in hands of players attributes and random ;), I’m afraid hardly the tactic can do something about, It only can help to create these CCCs.
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Diavolo: you are obviously 12 years old and have no Life. I refuse to waste time on you. *** or no ***, the result is the same.
TotalfootballFan: thank you for an adult reply. I'm using the latest version V3 and my team is used to it by now. I have made no modifications to it, you are right, I accidently used Control in V2, but that was an honest mistake, not sure how it happened.
I never taking advice from the assistant manager during the game, I want to see if this tactic works from scratch.

Like I said Before,I have a very good team, player-wise and they are suitable for this kind of tactic.

I just played my nemesis Arsenal again, this time away and they trashed me 4-1 :)

Ican live with this, but if I can't beat Udinese at a home game, a team stuck in the bottom of the table and with moral lower than
lowest, something is not right.
Thank you Jason, I will give this tactic the rest of the season and then evaluate (I've changed tactics more often than underwear lately), and if it is still not working I will try the tactic you suggested.

I just dont want to give up now, everyone seems to have success with this tactic...why not me? grrrr!
Thank you Jason, I will give this tactic the rest of the season and then evaluate (I've changed tactics more often than underwear lately), and if it is still not working I will try the tactic you suggested.

I just dont want to give up now, everyone seems to have success with this tactic...why not me? grrrr!
Not the tactics mate his team talks, this tactic is amazing
Ah! Reading about the team talk now, I will surely give this a go!
Thank you for the advice!
I'm trying the team talk as we speak :) Hopefully it will inspire the players.
Ehh… I always considered of making team talks guide but my laziness stopped me every time ;)

It isn't rocket science but if you don't familiar with it at all than it can sufficiently affect your results.
Charlie, I think Jasonbhoys just meant that 2 games sample is kinda small to make any conclusion. ;)

Play with it about 10 games and if you aren't satisfied with results then throw it away. ;)

V2 has been working well for me, so I will continue to try V3 cause I trust your tactics bud, no reason to doubt you yet :P.

I was only trying to offer some feedback to you in-case that is something that other users come up against and requires one of your magical tweaks ;).
Also, I'm playing as a Skrill South side, so struggling to get players to compliment it.

Although V2 worked well enough on the same save so we will see how it goes.
OK so we just scalped the top of the league side 2-1 away from home using V3. Nice!

Also I've had media comments saying that we are one of the most proficient tackling and passing sides in the league. Another bonus.