Mate, just ignore what game says about attributes for positions and what your ***. Manager says, also never follow ***. Manager recommendation about PPMs and others stuff he recommended. Cancel all PPM’s training he recommended. There're atributes recommendation for every position you can find it at opening post.

For example, look how Technique attribute works.

Let's say player has maximum number for Technique - 20. This means that he capable of doing 100% of the stuff what ME allow to do for player, if he has Technique attribute about 16 then he is capable to do 80% of the stuff that ME allow to do, if he has Technique about 11 then he cable to do only 55% of the stuff, if he has Technique 7 than only 35% of the stuff.

Any pass or movement requires minimal level of Technique for it.

For example, your Right Full Back has the ball and opposition player is going to close down him and in order to avoid tackling your Right Full Back need to make pass to your Midfielder but in order to make this pass he need technique about 14 but he only has 11 and this means that he will be tackled or just clear the ball to nowhere and as result you lost possesion.

Another example, let's say your playmaker has the ball and there's excellent opportunity to make through ball to striker for one-on-one but in order to make this pass he need Technique 16 but he only has 14 so this means no through to striker and no one-on-one clear cut for your striker.

One more example, your striker has one-on-one opportunity and there's only way to score to make cheap shot but in order to cheap this shot it requires for striker to have 17 Technique but he only has 13, so this mean no cheap shot and no goal for you.

Sure, this explanation is very simplified but it can give understanding how things work and how Technique can be important.

How the **** do you know all that ****? You are little suspicious to must be employed in SI or something :P
Mate, there're attributes recommendations for every position at opening post and you need only quick look to get understanding which attributes are most important for position.


Muhahaha...XD Mate, I agree it's insane but I?m afraid the only what I can do is give you virtual hug ;)

Well, thanks. But i asked about the shadow striker because your filters pro AMCL and AMCR are the same. That's why i ask.
How the **** do you know all that ****? You are little suspicious to must be employed in SI or something :P
Muahahah ;) Maybe it comes as little disappoint but no ;)

This stuff has been explained many times on official forum but all these good explanations is lost somewhere in deeps of forum and to find something useful you need to spend a lot of time. Sure, I simplified things a little bit but it still gives good understanding how things work.

Soon, I'll add more explanation about some attributes I think it can be helpful to someone.

because your filters pro AMCL and AMCR are the same

These guys need similar attributes because most of time they do similar job.
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Me, 65% of possession 15 shots, 5 on target, 0 goals

Other team 2 shots 2 goals

Always the same scenario...
Here’s small guide about attributes. Probably I’ll add more soon ;)


Let's say if Central Defender/Defensive Midfielder/Full Back has Composure less than 11, this means if there's opposition player near him than that most of time he starts panic and do something stupid like clearing the ball to nowhere, if he has Composure about 14 and higher than he stays calm most of time and makes smart passes to his team mates.

Similar for Striker if he has one-on-one opportunity.


This attribute responsible for accuracy of shots if player has Finish less than 11 then most of time if he tries place his shot it goes far away from target, if he has Finishing 16 and higher than most of time it goes where he meant.

*Long Shots*

This attribute responsible for strength of shots.

For example, if your Striker has Finishing 11 and Long Shots 16 than it can be a good idea to teach him PPM “Shots With Power” it will make him rely more on strength of his shot and not on accuracy as result more goals from him.

*Work Rate*

Thise attribute responsible for willingness of player to close down opposition players during defense If player has Work Rate less than 11, this means that most of time he will be standing off and doing nothing just looking like his team mates do defensive work.

If player has Work Rate 15 and higher than he will be like pit bull during defense and if he also has Aggression about 15 than he is deadly for opposition

*First Touch*

This attributes responsible for accuracy of first touch passes and shots. If player has First Touch less than 11, than most of his first touch passes and shots go far away from point he meant to.


This attribute responsible for accuracy of passes.


This attributes helps player to choose excellent position during defense and cut all passing possibility for opposition. If player has Positioning less than 11, this means that during defense he will just stupidly running around and doing no harm to opposition attacking build-up play.


This attribute is very useful during attack and defense. This is how well player reads the game and it gives him advantage to react faster on though balls than opponent.


Let's say player has maximum number for Technique - 20. This means that he capable of doing 100% of the stuff what ME allow to do for player, if he has Technique attribute about 16 then he is capable to do 80% of the stuff that ME allow to do, if he has Technique about 11 then he cable to do only 55% of the stuff, if he has Technique 7 than only 35% of the stuff.

Any pass or movement requires minimal level of Technique for it.

For example, your Right Full Back has the ball and opposition player is going to close down him and in order to avoid tackling your Right Full Back need to make pass to your Midfielder but in order to make this pass he need technique about 14 but he only has 11 and this means that he will be tackled or just clear the ball to nowhere and as result you lost possesion.

Another example, let's say your playmaker has the ball and there's excellent opportunity to make through ball to striker for one-on-one but in order to make this pass he need Technique 16 but he only has 14 so this means no through to striker and no one-on-one clear cut for your striker.

One more example, your striker has one-on-one opportunity and there's only way to score to make cheap shot but in order to cheap this shot it requires for striker to have 17 Technique but he only has 13, so this mean no cheap shot and no goal for you.
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My 1st season with Dresden (MP 14 I think) - got 2nd place, automatic promotion.

Fixtures as follows (as you can see, roughly the 1st half of the season was pretty inconsistent, bu 2nd half I did much better than I had expected):


My striker Dedic was the highest goal-scorer in the league with 22 goals even though most of the time I played him at AMC. Only brought in 2 free players back in July (Carlos Diogo + Moise Bambara), no other transfers.
I liked a lot the v1 of this tactic ... at the moment is giving me excellent results. I also liked the fact that there were two sides to rotate according to the opponent's tactics because, in my opinion, surprised the ME and this contributed to excellent results .. can the same thing for the future versions of the tactic? I'm sorry the bad English but I use google translator ...
trying to get back to FM after a long break, not really looking forward working on new tactics with a ME I'll never understand at this point...

... so I'm trying a few tactics from the forum! This one looks quite popular and entertaining plus I tend to favor lone striker formations.

A couple of questions if you don't mind: same tactic/mentality for home and away games? Also who's the main goal scorer in this formation usually? SS or F9?

thanks for any advice :)
same tactic/mentality for home and away games?
Yup. Also there's Time Waste Tactic, the guide how and when to use it and other useful tips you can find at opening post

Also who's the main goal scorer in this formation usually? SS or F9?

Goals usually split between Deep Lying Forward, Shadow Striker, Advanced Playmaker and Winger. Deep Lying Forward usually has bigger share of goals.
Seriously, ANYONE who says this tactic is rubbish or anything negative is an idiot. The tactic is almost flawless and it's the ME that's the problem. The ME is far too random and problematic, but that is not a reflection on this tactic.

Just wondering what results people are having with the corner on this tactic?
Yup. Also there's Time Waste Tactic, the guide how and when to use it and other useful tips you can find at opening post

Goals usually split between Deep Lying Forward, Shadow Striker, Advanced Playmaker and Winger. Deep Lying Forward usually has bigger share of goals.

Seriously, ANYONE who says this tactic is rubbish or anything negative is an idiot. The tactic is almost flawless and it's the ME that's the problem. The ME is far too random and problematic, but that is not a reflection on this tactic.

Just wondering what results people are having with the corner on this tactic?

What versions are working best for everyone? I liked the V1 versions, but is the general consensus to go with V3?
i loved the v1 and the rotation of the tactics based on the opponents tactics
i loved the v1 and the rotation of the tactics based on the opponents tactics

Me too. And the work that was put in to it by the creator was awesome. That's why I am wondering why there are now two more versions (V2 & V3) which are staple, no matter how the opposition lines up.
A glimmer of hope

Hats of to you, oh divine creator of tactics!

With a few Cchanges, following your advice, things are starting to look bright.

A win like this one was an utopia before I had help from you.

Allthough, I Think that you were a Little harsh saying that the stats of half my team brought tears to your Eyes ;)

After comparing my players to your recommended skills, I ehink I have to throw out 40% of my players and replace them with new ones. :D

To my great joy, I already signed a World class central midfielder(Romulu from Gremio, he has got all the good stats you recommended and more) and a goalie for free (!) Jeronimo Rulli, who is even better than my current, Yann Sommer who is top 10 in the Genie Scout list. 75/78 potential ability. Things are looking bright!
Ehh? I always considered of making team talks guide but my laziness stopped me every time ;)

It isn't rocket science but if you don't familiar with it at all than it can sufficiently affect your results.

I can help you with that. i always use the same for the past 2 FMs and the results are great!

So, always be assertive at the beginning.
Ask the team to impress you, or to continue the winning streak, if it appears.

Important: against rivals, always go to impress the fans.

This is for the general chat, for all team.

then you have the defense, mids and attackers conversation.

Here you also go assertive and ask them to be confident, something like "i believe you will do great".

And this is it.

Now in the half-time:

If winning by 3 or more - go calm in all conversations and ask them to continue
If winning by 1 or 2 - go assertive and say that the work as been good, but they can do it better
Drawing or losing - go aggressive and just say whatever you want in general and go assertive in the positions conversation and say to them that they can do it better.

At the end of the game:

Winning - calm and say good work
Drawing or losing - go aggressive and say whatever its there.

Ofc, this is for big teams. drawing with Sunderland against City its a great result and you should use the winning conversations

And this is it. There will be times that players will not respond as you wish, but that's normal.

Also remember to not be cocky with them, morale is all that matter
yea, cant find the v1 for download, i really feel like against a stronger side away there should be another tactic like the v1 had? maybe is just me..

or should i change mentality for tought away games when im getting outplayed
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For example, your Right Full Back has the ball and opposition player is going to close down him and in order to avoid tackling your Right Full Back need to make pass to your Midfielder but in order to make this pass he need technique about 14 but he only has 11 and this means that he will be tackled or just clear the ball to nowhere and as result you lost possesion.

Another example, let's say your playmaker has the ball and there's excellent opportunity to make through ball to striker for one-on-one but in order to make this pass he need Technique 16 but he only has 14 so this means no through to striker and no one-on-one clear cut for your striker.

One more example, your striker has one-on-one opportunity and there's only way to score to make cheap shot but in order to cheap this shot it requires for striker to have 17 Technique but he only has 13, so this mean no cheap shot and no goal for you.

Sure, this explanation is very simplified but it can give understanding how things work and how Technique can be important.

I can't agree here, sorry :D

Technique is not the only point. Yes it can give you quality, but what about passing? The player that have 20 on tech and 10 on passing knows what to do, but does not have the skill to do it properly.

You also have decisions. A player with poor decision will not know what to do when the moment is good for it.

You can have the Muller example. Not a gifted player in technique, but has great mental attributes, witch means that he will know what to do when the times is right, like a dribble, and not doing it just because he is good at doing it, like doing it on your box...

For the striker you also have composure, that, imo, its much more important that shooting. A player with 13 at shooting but 20 in decisions and composure will make more goals than a guy with the skills 20, 13, 13.
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Allthough, I Think that you were a Little harsh saying that the stats of half my team brought tears to your Eyes ;)

After comparing my players to your recommended skills, I ehink I have to throw out 40% of my players and replace them with new ones. :D
Heh, I'm sorry no meant to offend your guys ;)

Btw, I saw you had Match Training 30% "Tactic Only". Have you changed it for 50% "Att. Movement"? Also have you get rid of those full backs? ;) I recommend to pay attention for DL/DR positions at first priority because these guys contribute a lot to defense and attack and quality of players for these position has strong impact on results.

I can't agree here, sorry :D

Ehh... I specially simplified things to show importance of Technique attribute.

The full chain looks something like that:

Let's say Full Back has the ball and opposition player is closing down him.

1) Creativity - how many pass options the player sees. If he has 5 for Creativity than this means that he sees nothing around him and at very high probability he clears the ball to nowhere. If he has 15 and more for Creativity than he can see almost all field and all options for pass.

2) Technique - it cuts off all passing options which hard for him and leaves only such option which his Technique level allow to use.

3) Composure - works similar as Technique, it cuts off pass options for which he not composure enough.

5) Decisions - now he has number of options that he sees and capable to use because of his Technique and Composure and what option he chose depends on Decisions attributes.

6) Passing - finally he decided to make back pass to Central Defender and this moment Passing attributes comes into play, accuracy of his pass depends on passing attribute.
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