Unlucky last season but lets hope you can push for top 4 this season!
not trying to be offensive to liverpool , just surprised.

All good mate. Look I'm no Liverpool fan it just struck me as odd that you would say it is unrealistic. Surprised to see them win it? Well that I can agree with, just like I was surprised to see them right up there last year.
Unlucky last season but lets hope you can push for top 4 this season!

It was crazy mate. Pretty much every game for the last few months I was screaming at my laptop!! I've played plenty of FM over the years but doing this story has made me get into it way more.

Really hoping I can secure CL qualification. I think I've got a good chance.
Pretty much every game for the last few months I was screaming at my laptop!! I've played plenty of FM over the years but doing this story has made me get into it way more.

Glad to hear I am not the only one!!! My neighbours must think I'm insane!
13 August 2016

Preseason Summary and Transfer Roundup

Preseason Results
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A really solid preseason. The new signings (more below) seem to be gelling with the rest of the squad well. The only injury of note was to Jack Robinson who will miss the first 2 months of the season with a torn hamstring. Our best game, despite the scorelines, was probably the Bordeaux game where we went there and dominated. I see them as more indicative of the quality we will face than any other team we played in preseason.

August Fixtures

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The target here is 9 points. I want to hit the ground running and wins at newly promoted Leicester and Hull (who finished 14th​ last season) are imperative if we want to achieve our goals. Southampton finished a disappointing 17th​ last season having seen their side plundered in the transfer market in recent seasons (art imitating life?) so 3 points is the expectation in that game also.

Transfers - Ins
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Simeone Zaza was effectively the only striker identified who was willing to join for a reasonable fee on a reasonable wage. Very happy with the pickup though as he seems to fit what I want in a striker in our 1 up front system. We were very keen on Clyne at right back and had an offer accepted for him but wage demands were obscene for a player of his ability. Jenkinson was our 1b to Clyne’s 1a so we are happy to pick him up for a smaller initial outlay and less than half of the wage demands of Clyne. Rebic has been brought in for the year to provide cover across our attacking midfield trio and also Chun-Soo was signed as a veteran fall back in case of widespread injuries. Parmenter and Walsh are purchases for the future and will start their QPR careers in the u/18s.

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Simone Zaza is expected to lead the line for QPR this season.

Transfers - Outs

Too numerous to mention all and show but the key outs were Charlie Austin to Stoke for £4.6 million. He had fallen down the pecking order here and his wages were too high for what amounts to our 3rd​ choice striker. Vigurs, Traore, Suk-Young, Henry and Hoilett were all allowed to leave on free transfers as either they were never getting a game here or their wages didn’t justify their squad status.
1 September 2016

August Summary

August Summary
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Ay-ay-ay. After such a good preseason that is some disappointing results. We never should have lost at Hull after going a goal up... Need to improve and improve fast lest we be left behind. I have gone away from commenting too much on individual games but check out the Southampton game stats. Unfortunately only 1 clear cut chance though.
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August Table
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Man U and Stoke(???) are the only 2 sides with a perfect record after only 3 rounds. At least we haven’t fallen too far behind.

September Fixtures

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Tough month in the Premier League with Man U, Spurs and Everton spliced by cup games.

Player of the Month

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Simone Zaza. 3 games, 4 goals. He certainly can’t be held responsible for our issues this month!!!
1 October 2016

September Summary

September results
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Great Month! I’ll take 5 wins and a draw any day and twice on Sundays!! We actually could have won the United match by more and to pick up the 3 point at White Hart Lane was very pleasing even if I did have to endure a few nervy moments towards the end. The draw against Everton was slightly disappointing as I felt we did enough to win but all in all we played well and got good results this month.

September Table
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We are starting to set ourselves up well for a good run at the teams above us. We have already played 3 of the other sides in the top 7 so we can be relatively pleased with our results to date.

October Fixtures

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On paper a much easier month then the one just gone. We’ll be looking to pick up maximum points from our Premier League games to help us overtake a few sides.

Player of the Month
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Bernardo Silva has played really well this month. His official stats show one goal and one assist for the month but really he was the heartbeat of our wins over United and Tottenham. I expect big things from the young Portuguese midfielder this season.
1 November 2016

October Summary

October Results
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Another really great month. The draw at home to Stoke was a little disappointing (especially since Charlie Austin was the scorer of the Stoke goal!!) but we should resilience to come back and win – that was the type of game we were losing in the 2nd​ half of last season. The game against Lille was a bit out an anomaly as Jack Robinson was red carded with the 16th​ minute which led to us being overrun. He is developing a nasty habit pf picking up red cards that will need to stop if we wants to be considered 1st​ choice when Kolarov is past it.

October Table
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This is more like it!! A quarter of the season gone and we are sitting nicely in 3rd​. Liverpool look, even at this early stage, to be the team to beat. Surpisingly Man City, Arsenal, Tottenham and Chelsea are languishing and will need to pick their game up (although I hope they don’t!!) if they are to press for the Champions League spots.

November Fixtures
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We are itching for revenge in the return fixture against Lille first up this month. In the Premier Leaue we are pitted against Watford, Swansea and Arsenal with the London derby against Arsenal already circled on everyone’s calendars.

Player of the Month
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That man Zaza!! 4 game, 4 goals. He’s been worth every penny we spent on him in the offseason so far this year.
1 December 2016

November Summary

November Results
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5 games, 5 wins. The boys have been fantastic this month. In the Arsenal game we even went a goal down but managed to fight back away from home for the victory. That result is showing me that we have got the right mentality in the squad to keep up this fine form we are displaying currently for hopefully the rest of the season.

November Table
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Outstanding. The boys have risen to the challenge this year. One of the more pleasing aspects already is the 9 point gap between us and 5th​ place. Champions League qualification remains our number 1 goal.

December Fixtures
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Wow, what a busy and tough month. Games against City, Chelsea and Liverpool would be difficult enough to manage even in a normal month, let alone amongst all this congestion. Squad depth will be tested this month but we are relishing the opportunity to attack it head on.

Player of the Month
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After seeing the award being hogged by Zaza and Barnardo for the last few months Jack Grealish decided enough was enough. He was award the Premier Division young player of the month for November for his sublime efforts this month.

Manager of the MonthView attachment 283841

On a personal note I was extremely proud to be awarded the Premier Division manager of the month. Kudos must go to the players though – they have been brilliant.


Unfortunately Barnardo Silva has picked up an ankle injury. We will be hoping to have him back on deck ASAP although it is looking like a 2 to 3 week timeframe before he will be gracing the team sheet again.
You are in a great position going into the second half of the season, good luck!
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1 January 2017

December Summary

December Results
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Another really good month. The boys have been superb. The consecutive wins over Manchester City and then Liverpool were the highlight of the month and although we would lose in back to back game to Chelsea we have put ourselves right up amongst it. The West Ham game was a little nervy having to come back from a goal down but we are showing an increased resiliency this season and it will be required in the run home.

December Table
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What a view!! 2 points clear at the top of the Premiership at the half-way point is amazing. Let’s hope we don’t have a nightmare 2nd​ half of the season like last year!

January Fixtures
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Some tough games this month with trips to 4th​ placed Southampton and 2nd​ placed Manchester United on the agenda. Also we have a tricky home game against Tottenham to contend with.

Monthly Awards
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This month saw some improved performance from some veterans of the side. Whilst both Aleksandar Kolarov and Matt Phillips had months they can proud of it was Lucas Silva who took home the gong this month. He also took home the Premier League player of the month. With many clubs casting their eye over him it will be interesting to see if we can hold onto him over the January window.

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Also Jack Grealish deserves special mention here. He was award the Young Player of the month away for the Premiership and claimed the European “Golden Boy” away. Just desserts for a fantastic season.

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1 January 2017

Mid Season Strategy Day

We’d all gathered for our semi annual strategy session. I looked around at my management team and could sense their excitement at the way the season was unfolding. We were sitting top of the table and were playing a nice brand of football. I started by saying “Look, thanks for all being here again, no sense stuffing around so let’s get straight into it. I’m quite happy with the way the tactics are working. I think Steve, Jaap and I have a good handle on them and our in-game adjustments seem to be usually working.” There were a few chuckles at the word ‘usually’, we had tried some things during the recent Chelsea games that just hadn’t worked. All in all though we were travelling nicely.

“Ok, what about the squad? Has anyone got any thoughts there?” I prompted and it was Jaap surpisingly who spoke first. “The squad is good and should be good enough to achieve the goal of Champions League qualification given our 12 point gap to Everton in fifth.” There were nods of agreement all around the table. “But,” Stam continued, “Our defence could still use improvements. Starting with goalkeeper. McCarthy is a good, but not great keeper. Our full backs are both above average premier league players, but nothing more. We are quite solid in central defence though.” “Perfect,” I replied, “So we are all in agreement we are happy with the quality and depth, for now, of the midfield and strikeforce?” More Nods of approval.

“Good, ok then plan-wise, we keep an ear to the ground and if anything comes up regarding guys who could potentially improve us at the back let me know, ok? Again nobody seemed to have an issue with that. Simon Ireland, who is usually pretty quiet at these days then broke the silence. “Look, I know this may be coming from left field, but I happened to on the phone to one of the new U/18’s boys agent who just so happens to be the agent for Jeronimo Rulli. Anyway he was saying how keen Rulli is to come and play in the Premiership and how much he admires what we’ve been doing here. I think we could make a run at him.”

“Really?” I asked incredulously, “Wow, if we are becoming a destination club for players of his stature then we must be doing something right! He’s at Sociedad at the moment, right?” Ireland nodded, “Ok,” I continued, “do we have an ideas how much we would need to get Sociedad to let us talk to him?” “Wouldn't be much less than 20 mill I would expect” Steve Coppell chimed in. “Way more than the 7 or so left in budget. We might be better off looking elsewhere.” “Yeah you are probably right.” I conceded. “Anyway he would have been nice. A world class keeper could be the thing that pushes us into that upper echelon of clubs. Let’s stick to the plan…”

Later that day, as I was leaving the strategy day, I ran into Tony Fernandes. “How’d the strategy day go?” He asked in his usual, casual way. “Yeah good thanks.” I replied. “Any transfer targets dicussed?” He asked with a smile. “Well one of the guys said the Argentinian Keeper Rulli’s agent said he is keen to come but we can’t afford him currently.” I replied. “Really,” Tony asked, his eyes widening, “You leave this one with me, I might have some strings I can pull.” And with that he turned and left. ‘I wonder what he is up to??’ I thought…

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PUBLISHED: 08:47 GMT, 2 January 2017 | UPDATED: 12:27 GMT, 2 January 2017
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In what represents a departure from the recent transfer strategy at Loftus Road Rulli has joined on a deal understood to be worth an initial 14 million pounds. This is a statement of intent from the West London club who have surprised all pundits by leading the premiership by 2 points after 20 games with 15 points now separating them and 5th placed Everton.

Manager Ferdinand admitted the deal even caught him by surprise saying, "Look when this all came about it wasn't driven by a desire to replace McCarthy but when an opportunity to sign a player of Rulli's caliber comes along you have to take it. I didn't think we had enough room in the budget either but a chance hallway meeting with Tony and next thing I know I've got Rulli's agent on the phone talking contract terms. Not that I'm disappointed, Tony did a wonderful job organizing this."

It remains to be seen if QPR have anything left in the kitty for reinforcements but there's no doubting the message they are sending to the rest of the Premier League.

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Rulli at his press conference earlier today.
1 March 2017

January and February Summary

January and February Results
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What a great stretch of results. Sure there were some ups and downs but really across the two months apart from some of the FA cup results we only lost one game (Manchester United away) and drew another (Tottenham at home). Another couple of months like that and the title just might be finding its way to Loftus Road.

February Table
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I am loving this sight!! A game in hand and a one point lead over United. Now anything can happen from here and it is certainly squeaky *** time but it appears that with a 18 point gap to fifth placed Southampton and only 11 remaining fixtures that we can consider our first goal of this season being Champions League qualification complete. Now to try and win this thing!!

March Fixtures
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We’ve got Everton in the EURO Cup knockouts and then 3 winnable, albeit all away, games at Stoke, Watford and Newcastle. Really hoping for 9 points from our Premiership games this month.

Player of the Month(s)
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Simone Zaza. The man has been an absolute revelation since joining scoring 27 goals in 27 games thus far this campaign. Bernardo Silva can consider himself slightly unlucky as he has also played out of his socks but there can be no denying Zaza right now!!