Raoul Moat on the Loose

It was not that bad but I think he is at a relatives somewhere or what Edsyers said a cave.
Prison/Suicide/Killing him wouldn't solve it, he deserves torture; I don't give a toss how it's served.
He will have to be found, he is a danger to the public now and I don't think he will go without a fight. It will be so hard to find him though because he is probably hiding in the woods or something.
He said the public are safe and that he is only after the police
It was reported he had made threats to the wider public but no one specific. But since the shootings on Saturday he hasn't doing anything else so either hes just bluffing or dosnt want to take the risk of getting caught. Nice bounty on him at £10,000 apparently people have been travelling to the area just to find him.
Pretty scary stuff as Im a few miles from where he is supposed to be hiding.....but I guess England's Finest will eventually catch the useless ******
I hate to imagine how much this is costing the state now they are using RAF Tornado jets
because it's possibly the biggest news story out there atm

Hope the policeman and Sam Stobbart will survive, and RIP to the man :(

Raoul will probably kill himself IMO, the police will close in on him at some point
Everyone knows about it, and if you don't then :S

If people want news there is something called the BBC. You may have heard of it.
Everyone knows about it, and if you don't then :S

If people want news there is something called the BBC. You may have heard of it.
Just **** off for once you is not a Mod.

If a Mod decided to close this thats there choice not yours.
Its sad to think that society has come to this. Even his mother wishes him dead. He has issues which no one can resolve so he is using this to blame everyone else for the **** up of a life he has made for himself.

If he so wants to go out in a blaze of glory which it looks like then he should just give himself up and let the police marksmen and women take him down.

Someone has created a valid thread and yet again we get idiots who want to turn it into an argument.
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Its sad to think that society has come to this. Even his mother wishes him dead. He has issues which no one can resolve so he is using this to blame everyone else for the **** up of a life he has made for himself.

If he so wants to go out in a blaze of glory which it looks like then he should just give himself up and let the police marksmen and women take him down.

Someone has created a valid thread and yet again we get idiots who want to turn it into an argument.
pretty much sums it up for me.
Well, iam not sure if you people have herd but he robbed a chippy next to my school and iam in the mood for Sausage and Chips this aftrenoon ....... DAD !!!
Everyone knows about it, and if you don't then :S

If people want news there is something called the BBC. You may have heard of it.

Yes I can read about it on the BBC then discuss it on this site, you are an awful attempt at a mod and come across as an arrogant little ****.

On topic this guy surely cannot hold out for much longer, must have some ****** up life if this is how he sorts out his problems. Good luck to the police that have to track him down.