Raoul Moat on the Loose

exaclty why they are using a tornado to cover more terrain, and it has better definition
Just get the Tornado to drop a few GBU-43 bombs around the wooded areas that would soon flush him out!
Did i say drop them on the town? Seems you cant even make jokes on this forum anymore before someone jumps down your throat.
They've found him... he's got a gun to his head. Getting interesting.
I am sorry if it came across as if i ment just bomb the whole area obviously i wasnt suggesting to bomb the entire area just in fields near to the woodland. I realise it must be pretty scary if you live local and i can understand why local people are not in a joking mood, i am sorry if i caused offence i didnt mean to.
waoh what the **** happened to that car?
Apparently 2 police cars crashed getting to him, its amazing how the police can keep calm and not loose it with the press.
I know this isnt a great situation but this womans mum is going to be rich after this, the papers will be going mad for the story of her house being broken into.