Raoul Moat on the Loose

@ The Shots

Please stop mini modding, we have a general chat section for this reason, so members can discuss any goings on away from FM.

INCLUDING news stories.
I don't get why everyone is getting all hyped up about it. His problem is with the police, not the public, and there is next to no chance of him going anywhere residential anyway (at least around here), he's probably fled the area by now, since the latest evidence they have (mobiles) ties him here until Tuesday at latest. If he wanted to kill the public he had plenty of opportunity while he was patrolling East Denton and areas around it.
I don't get why everyone is getting all hyped up about it. His problem is with the police, not the public, and there is next to no chance of him going anywhere residential anyway (at least around here), he's probably fled the area by now, since the latest evidence they have (mobiles) ties him here until Tuesday at latest. If he wanted to kill the public he had plenty of opportunity while he was patrolling East Denton and areas around it.

So a guy killing someone and shooting two other people including a police officer and then saying he has started a war with the police is a bad reason to get hyped up?

Also there is belief that some memebers of the publice are infact at risk http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/tyne/10556948.stm
It has just said on BBC news that a man and a women have been arrested in Blyth.
@ The Shots

Please stop mini modding, we have a general chat section for this reason, so members can discuss any goings on away from FM.

INCLUDING news stories.

Haha Thanks Jake,you shut him right up
So a guy killing someone and shooting two other people including a police officer and then saying he has started a war with the police is a bad reason to get hyped up?

Also there is belief that some memebers of the publice are infact at risk http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/tyne/10556948.stm

He shot his ex, her lover and a policeman, and wanted to shoot more police, how does this threaten me or anyone on these forums? Unless of course they're in the police. If he was a real threat he would have made use of the opportunities presented to him before the manhunt started and escalated. Now he's on the run and if he has any sense (he has enough to evade the police thus far) he will not be turning up anywhere around here.

As for that link, until they provide anything further that's bullshit released to increase awareness as far as I'm concerned, if he wanted to kill civilians he has had plenty of chance to.
Heard city have made a 45 million pound bid for him, they dont have a clue who he is but everyone is after him

These jokes about him aren't even raoulmoatly funny <)
He shot his ex, her lover and a policeman, and wanted to shoot more police, how does this threaten me or anyone on these forums? Unless of course they're in the police. If he was a real threat he would have made use of the opportunities presented to him before the manhunt started and escalated. Now he's on the run and if he has any sense (he has enough to evade the police thus far) he will not be turning up anywhere around here.

As for that link, until they provide anything further that's bullshit released to increase awareness as far as I'm concerned, if he wanted to kill civilians he has had plenty of chance to.

Since when did an incident have to directly threaten you to be considered news worthy? Somebodys gone mental with a gun and shot 3 people and your complaining about people making a mountain out of a mole hill. I don't want to start a flame war buy you've got it all wrong mate.
If he's hiding in the woods, get a thermal helicopter over, find him in minutes? I'm shocked he's lasting this long.
If he's hiding in the woods, get a thermal helicopter over, find him in minutes? I'm shocked he's lasting this long.

I know, I can't believe they haven't thought of that!

(PS Why don't we have a rollseyes emoticon?)
police should just patrol the area with big guns no way hes gonna try anything unless hes got a death wish
Everyone knows about it, and if you don't then :S

If people want news there is something called the BBC. You may have heard of it.
This place is a forum, a place of discussion. The general section is to discuss general things. With this being the biggest news in the UK at the moment and his name being on the tip of the tongue of most people within the UK for the past few days I'd say it's hardly surprising people wish to discuss the relevant happenings of the Moat case...

I can't see Moat ending his own life nor can I see him rotting in jail. He's actually an intelligent man when it comes to the outside environment. He's got survival skills, goes camping, goes fishing etc. The woods he's hiding in is a vast area. This search could go on for weeks/months.

If/when he is found they'll shoot asap otherwise it'll be a shoot out. He wont surrender.

I however believe he's away from the area all together, the tent/car was a hoax imo. Just as this 'threat' to the wider public is made up by police thinking it'll scare someone who may hold information who wouldn't go forward because they believe the public is safe into coming forward.

As for the thermal helicopter, they've tried that but due to the vast amount of caves/holes it'd would be near impossible to find him.
I know, I can't believe they haven't thought of that!

(PS Why don't we have a rollseyes emoticon?)
i'm faily sure they're using it (RAF tornados are equipped with thermal imaging), but the area they are seaching is pretty large, and its a hot day, in difficult terrain, the readings wont always be good
They have a thermal imaging camera, but two problems:

1. Temperature - Its been hot recently which would make it distinctly more difficult to figure out certain objects.
2. They are searching heavy woodland which cannot be penatrated by thermal imaging.