rishmanisation's English Premier League Chairman Game (FM16 Edition)

But the TV deal should see everyone return to the positive over the course of the season shouldn't it?
Rish did u see my answer on the last problem with my transfers? :)

I did.

Depending on what your situation looks like some players might not go through, because C2C transfers are processed as soon as I receive them.
Scrap that. I think I'm going to let them go through.

I think that's kind of fair enough. The whole point should be to end the season not in the red!

So I could have spent whatever I wanted!?

Well, the c2c-window is still open, so if we get some sort of official statement, you still have a shot at spending! Also the "emergency window" might be another chance!
I think that's kind of fair enough. The whole point should be to end the season not in the red!

Well, the c2c-window is still open, so if we get some sort of official statement, you still have a shot at spending! Also the "emergency window" might be another chance!

I missed out last season because of this! Not unfair isn't it!
I purposely made cheap deals to try and avoid debt and I feel like I'm at a disadvantage now because of it
Well you've already got the emergency window to buy more. However, I feel that if we're going to go with, you can go into debt now as long as you're out of it by the end of the season, punishments should definitely be handed out for those clubs in the red at the end of the season.
I purposely made cheap deals to try and avoid debt and I feel like I'm at a disadvantage now because of it

Exactly. Its all well & good to say we can now go out & buy "better" players but we've already ****** money away on targets that, in other circumstances, we wouldn't of went after.
I purposely made cheap deals to try and avoid debt and I feel like I'm at a disadvantage now because of it

I think we all planned our deals according to our balance, to avoid being in the red. Or almost all at least!
Well I have planned my deals based on what the manager gets given on the game if you load yourself up. Although Palace only had £8m budget but gets given £17m in transfers and £200k wages.
Hmmmm. I have purposely tried to make profit this season so not to go in the red. Meaning having to sell Stones who is a huge player. If I had known we could go in the red I maybe may not have made that decision. Not happy especially as my transfers got stopped last season!
I think there is a fair way of doing it now, if we want to allow players to go into debt, as long as they are in the black at the end of the season:

You secretly cancel the deals that would put a team in debt now without announcing which they were, but announce that teams are allowed to spend more in the remaining c2c + emergency window. That way it will be similar for everyone.
If you look over the season, your manager has the option to sell players so there is a chance that they will get you back in to the black.
I have been trying to sell players to get into the black but no-one wants them. Shame we don't have something where certain teams of Rish's choice, come in with offers for the players you no longer want and its up to you whether you want to sell them or not.
I have been trying to sell players to get into the black but no-one wants them. Shame we don't have something where certain teams of Rish's choice, come in with offers for the players you no longer want and its up to you whether you want to sell them or not.

Well the point of this is that you have to handle the squad and budget you've got, you can't force other teams to buy your players in real life :) And it's the chairmans responsibility to remain financially stable, not the manager!