Russia World Cup 2018

Taking out Lingard or Alli for Loftus-Cheek doesn't turn it into a Hodgson team though, it just adds a bit more balance, but he still has the creativity, ball carrying ability & final third x-factor to make things happen.

Henderson needs a supplement passer to help dictate the tempo, and I think Loftus-Cheek can be that, though he'll probably turn to Dier. Belgium will give us an idea of what he feels his best XI is.
Loftus has to start imo. Dier comes in and it will be a hodgson team!
Taking out Lingard or Alli for Loftus-Cheek doesn't turn it into a Hodgson team though, it just adds a bit more balance, but he still has the creativity, ball carrying ability & final third x-factor to make things happen.

Henderson needs a supplement passer to help dictate the tempo, and I think Loftus-Cheek can be that, though he'll probably turn to Dier. Belgium will give us an idea of what he feels his best XI is.

Yes I get your point but in first half Lingard and Allis movement was sublime and causing them so many problems.

In bigger tests will need that balance better but I'm thinking he might know that, even if it is Dier.

It was just really satisfying seeing some great football from England in that first half. I'm making the most of it!
Loftus has to start imo. Dier comes in and it will be a hodgson team!
There is no need for Dier until the Belgium game. The second half was basically 1 player in midfield in Hendo who had no option but to recycle possession. Then he has to run back into the position he just vacated for his midfield partner to move into but now he has been pressed by the Tunisians so he has to go back again. That coupled with Lingard and Alli never coming deep it was frustrating to watch. In this case you need walker and Maguire to step into midfield and take the position vacated by Hendo but they stopped doing that in 2nd half. Walker defo showed that he is a fullback playing CB the amount of times he let the ball run across him like he is aiming a pass down the line. Southgate got it all wrong today for me.
Southgate got it all wrong today for me.

Bit harsh, if you're trying to play a possession based system with 3 at the back, all your CB's need to be good with the ball and Walker is our best option, that's why he was used. Look at the alternatives and it is basically Cahill....or Jones... who are both awful with the ball.

All about Lingard and Alli's movement between the lines and off the ball generally, it was superb first half, second half big drop off. Not using it as an excuse but apparently the heat in that place was hotter than anywhere that has been played in WC thus far.

I wouldn't change much at all, other than Loftus-Cheek perhaps filling in alongside Hendo. As soon as you start sacrificing attacking players and introducing Dier you're getting conservative again.

Ok it's only Tunisia, but apart from penalty they didn't create anything really.
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Just watched highlights off the game, Henderson was fantastic, he has come on leaps and bounds as a player over last few seasons.
Bit harsh, if you're trying to play a possession based system with 3 at the back, all your CB's need to be good with the ball and Walker is our best option, that's why he was used. Look at the alternatives and it is basically Cahill....or Jones... who are both awful with the ball.

All about Lingard and Alli's movement between the lines and off the ball generally, it was superb first half, second half big drop off. Not using it as an excuse but apparently the heat in that place was hotter than anywhere that has been played in WC thus far.

I wouldn't change much at all, other than Loftus-Cheek perhaps filling in alongside Hendo. As soon as you start sacrificing attacking players and introducing Dier you're getting conservative again.

Ok it's only Tunisia, but apart from penalty they didn't create anything really.
Maybe its a bit harsh to say he got it wrong but he certainly got lucky. Sure we got the win but apart from the first 20 when there was space in behind due to tunisia pressing we were poor. Once they got the goal and sat back it was 4 forward players and one person in midfield, credit to Southgate for bringing on the subs but he took to **** long. Nothing wrong with playing 3 at the back but we saw in the second half that once they don't step into midfield you get maguire, Walker and Hendo just recycling possesion between themselves and the wingbacks, with 4 forward players stepping on the toes of the Tunisian backline.
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Feeling lonely? in need of a hug? Why not visit the Tunisian penalty area today?


Saw this comment somewhere and it killed me.
Big loss for Colombia against likely the weakest team in the group. They’re going to have to have a couple really good games
**** me instead of comfortable knockouts for us, this is shaping to be group of death.
1-0 Senagal. Lucky deflection but Piszcek was weak as **** in the build up.

Yeah Piszczek showing his age here. Other than Lewandowski it's probably the last tournament for our core group of players to be honest.
Bit confused winner of England/Belgium group faces 2nd in group H right? So could be Senegal//Poland/Japan/Colombia?
That shouldn't stand, they rolled back the substitution? I haven't seen a goal like that.
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