Scariest Thing youve ever seen

i can see something happening to that tower in Dubai

over two days... you have said that you think civil wars are going to happen in the UK, you think riots will happen due to voters not being able to vote, and now targeting an international landmark!

very destructive aren't we XD
is this due to fear? or what you want to happen? :$
yeah the dubai tower must be a target, whats about the petronas towers?
the world cup is a "Target"

not to scare you anymore mate, but ANY, major, mega event that involves such a volume of people and holds such importance to the western world, will always be considered a target for terrorism.

that doesn't mean it will happen, or wont happen.
event management processes now incorporate this area into all their plans to deter it, cant do any more.

going massively off topic here btw... on your own thread
Half my finger fell off when i was 10 :(

Also when i was 12 it was near Halloween, and 3 guys chased this one guy into the shop i was in and kicked the clean **** out of him. Only plus side to that day is i went out of the shop with a free can of coke.
when i was about 7 or 8 i was round reletives house with my mum dad etc ofcoruse and when we got home we walked in to see two men trying to break in threw the kitchen they saw us and ofcourse ran off but because of the age i was it was pretty ******* scary and i was scared they might come back
A couple of months ago, me, my mate and his older brother were walking back from school and there were these twin sisters, in Year 7, messing about in front of us. Then, one sister pushed the other on to the road and a van hit her. I have never seen someone in so much pain. She broke a leg and fractured her arm.

All I remember vividly is a scream, a thump and sobbing. Horrendous.
A couple of months ago, me, my mate and his older brother were walking back from school and there were these twin sisters, in Year 7, messing about in front of us. Then, one sister pushed the other on to the road and a van hit her. I have never seen someone in so much pain. She broke a leg and fractured her arm.

All I remember vividly is a scream, a thump and sobbing. Horrendous.

atleast 1 kid from my school gets hit by a car every year cause of the roads right outside my school so dodgy thres like cars coming from 5 different directions heading into the same place luckily i have only seen one and it wernt too bad the girl didnt really get hit by a car she just got her foot run over by a police car aswell
I was in the back seat of a car when we hit a a little girl. We were going slow and she jumped right in front of us. She was ok, got up and walked away and everything. But I was so rattled I was sick when I got home. Terrible stuff.
One time when I was 12 me and my friend went to the park and when we came back there were two men in his mum and dad's room, they had smashed their stuff and were taking all the valueble things, I said i had a gun and they just laughed, so my friend went downstairs got a knife and called the police, he nearly got in trouble for threat or something like that. I cried after LOL.
One time when I was 12 me and my friend went to the park and when we came back there were two men in his mum and dad's room, they had smashed their stuff and were taking all the valueble things, I said i had a gun and they just laughed, so my friend went downstairs got a knife and called the police, he nearly got in trouble for threat or something like that. I cried after LOL.

that must of been pretty scary and i would laugh if you actually had a gun and when you pulled it out the men would stop laughing and start running
Trying to open a packet of munchables but i couldnt ( i was like 7 or something) so i got a butter knife and tried to slice the packet open, failed and sliced by whole finger open, it was bleeding and spurting all over i had to run it over tap and go to hospital, to this day i still cant feel that finger much... im 14 now
oh yeah cant believe i forgot about this well anyway at school i do a subject called building and our teacher is a proper tree huger gardening lover end of the world frightened **** and he convinced us to do gardening first period when we was all tired in this garden bit at my school so i had this massive pitchfork and had put it on my shoe but didnt realise and then pushed it down with my other foot then bang the fork went threw my foot i then pulled it out and then screamed you **** lmao my teacher thought i swore at another student and was about to start telling me off and **** but when i took my shoe off he realised what happened lmao

I remember coming home from school that day I was 7 years old, I just remember every channel having 9/11 and the whole family sat in the living room.... in total silence. It was a vile cowardly attack, why bring innocent civilians into something political ? World peace will never exist in my lifetime. I don't believe world peace can be achieved :S.

The scariest things I have seen are : I was helping my uncle cut down trees in his house in France. He got onto a ladder so I was at the bottom holding it, he started cutting a branch with a chainsaw. Suddenly the branch snapped and he fell forwards with a chainsaw in his hand. Luckily he got straight back up with only a few scratches, I was shaking for hours.
Sean Taylor licking an Ice cream. If that doesn't scare you then I don't know what will :P