Scariest Thing youve ever seen

Blue Waffle was pretty horific

So you haven't seen Meatspin?

Also in Bulgaria with a few friends some old taxi man took us about 10 miles out and asked us topay him 40 euro.

Another thing, maybe doesnt count as seeing, but about 4 months ago i was jumped in a park when i was walking my girlfriend home.
Being bought up in Luton (Very Dodgy) you become very streetwise, and I know the ins and outs of my area like my house. Walking home one night and you here 'oi you c*nt, come here', turning around to find around 5 or 6 people on bikes, legging it after me. I'm not one to usually ***** out of something, but 1 on 6 people is a bit extreme, I think I was about 6 doors from my house, but if I went into my house it would probably have got bricked or something, so I ran around dived into a bush, where I was breathing heavily ... they ran past me and stopped basically right out that house ... do you know how much I just wanted to die? I was freezing to the *****, and shaking like a *****. By far the scariest experience
Being bought up in Luton (Very Dodgy) you become very streetwise, and I know the ins and outs of my area like my house. Walking home one night and you here 'oi you c*nt, come here', turning around to find around 5 or 6 people on bikes, legging it after me. I'm not one to usually ***** out of something, but 1 on 6 people is a bit extreme, I think I was about 6 doors from my house, but if I went into my house it would probably have got bricked or something, so I ran around dived into a bush, where I was breathing heavily ... they ran past me and stopped basically right out that house ... do you know how much I just wanted to die? I was freezing to the *****, and shaking like a *****. By far the scariest experience

Know how you feel :-/

But one question, how did they leg it after you when they were on bikes :P
Being bought up in Luton (Very Dodgy) you become very streetwise, and I know the ins and outs of my area like my house. Walking home one night and you here 'oi you c*nt, come here', turning around to find around 5 or 6 people on bikes, legging it after me. I'm not one to usually ***** out of something, but 1 on 6 people is a bit extreme, I think I was about 6 doors from my house, but if I went into my house it would probably have got bricked or something, so I ran around dived into a bush, where I was breathing heavily ... they ran past me and stopped basically right out that house ... do you know how much I just wanted to die? I was freezing to the *****, and shaking like a *****. By far the scariest experience
I had an experience like that, walking home,late-ish at night, a year or two ago, and they seen i had long hair, so they shouted abuse. These were two people on bikes, wearing jet black clothes, all Nike, with their hoods up,as is the norm'. I was really happy at the time, so i turned around, and said "yes?" and they buggared off.
Used to deliver papers in the Royal the hospital in glasgow and one of the lifts wasnt working right when I pressed to go up it went down to the morgue and stayed there for ages. Probably scarier stuff happened. Had plent of them being jumped when walking home late at night but I live in a place where that is common.
dunno if this counts as actually seeing it, but the three guys one hammer video was pretty sick
dunno if this counts as actually seeing it, but the three guys one hammer video was pretty sick

Yeh that is disguisting, us brits drink for fun, them 3 ukranians kill for fun
Yeh, Luton is so common for muggings, thieving etc etc. Although I'm nearly 18, walking home by yourself, I still am always that bit cautious and worried from that night. But now I drive so its all good (H)

And IrishScouser, some were on foot :P
In my old house in the Filton area of Bristol I heard shouting and glass smashing. I jumped out of bed and looked outside and there were 3 men smashing a car up. My Mum ran outside and told them to **** off before she calls the police. 1/2 an hour later they come back and torch the car Mum calls the police and fire brigade then they get arrested :L. The scary part was as they were getting put into the cop car they threatened to "kill the ***** who snitched". I have never been more proud of my Mum. What makes me lol the most about it, after the incident she walked indoors and updated her Facebook :L
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In my old house in the Filton area of Bristol I heard shouting and glass smashing. I jumped out of bed and looked outside and there were 3 men smashing a car up. My Mum ran outside and told them to **** off before she calls the police. 1/2 an hour later they come back and torch the car Mum calls the police and fire brigade then they get arrested :L. The scary part was as they were getting put into the cop car they threatened to "kill the ***** who snitched". I have never been more proud of my Mum. What makes me lol the most about it ; after the incident she walked indoors and updated her Facebook :L
Pahahahaha, i like your mumXD



---------- Post added at 01:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:27 AM ----------

I remember when I was about 9, I went swimming not knowing I jumped in the deep end. All of a sudden I just felt my legs touching nowhere, just floating I struggled to keep my ahead above the water. But in the end my dad, jumped in and saved me from then I've always been careful when I swim
massive bump I know but was just looking on this thread and thought I would bring it back to life :P

Well anyway back in March one of the most scariest moments of my life happened. Basically me and my mate were waiting at the bus stop at about 9am on our way to Dag and red v Sheffield weds and two men who liiked they were about early 20s walked past and they looked pretty rough and then all of a sudden they began walking back and one went to my mate was you just looking at me. My mate then said no I was just talking to my mate and waiting for the bus. Then he said to us come take a walk I wanna talk we said no just leave us alone and then he put his hand in his trousers and said come unless you want to get hurt so me and my mate decided to go as he could of had a weapon such as a knife in his trousers. He then asked my mate to empty his pockets. my mate had his phone and 30 quid on him but luckily most of the money and his phone were in an inside pocket in his jacket which the men couldnt see so they only got about 5 quid from him. one then started touching my pockets and felt my phone and told me to give him it. I said no please I only got it recently which I did I oonly had it about 2 weeks. He was like I dont give a **** do u wanna get hurt blah blah blah. I also had 20 quid on me and cause I didnt wanna get hurt I just told him to take the 20 quid and let me keep my phone and luckily he did.

What made it worse was there were about 3 grown men at the bus stop too who didnt bother helping us when the two men started :/ My mate then called his dad who came down with about 5 mates and I gtried to get in contact with my parents but couldnt. My mates dad and his mates went looking for them and thankfully found them and got our money back :).

I have thought about what happened so much since it has happened and think to my self it could of been worse as I got my money back and we didnt get hurt etc but it still shook me up alot and I havent been to dag and red game since and dont plan on going again any time soon :/
Well, mine could sound faggy compared to all these thiefs, and car accidents.Buut, i saw a ghost when i was 11 ish. And each time through the summer, i hear noises on one night, i remember last year i was watchnig Batman, so i legged it up stairs. The year before, whispers outside my bedroom door. I dread the summer. Oh, also last week i went to the bathroom, came out, my mum & dad called me to their room, so i did. It was like 2 in the morning at this point. They told me to turn the hall light off, but it was so i told them. Then they told me to turn my brothers light off then, i heard the light click. So i walked away, then remembered he was downstairs, so i checked it out. Nearly ****** myself.
sorry, for the long amount :3

Aaaw man, way to bump it lad, completely forgot about the second one >.<
Finding my friend halfway through the process of hanging herself? That was pretty scary ****. Can't think of anything in my life that could top that.

EDIT: *Inevitable joke about Joss here to lighten mood*
Maybe this is equal to my other experience but here's what happened.

1. I went to the toilet at about 3.00 at night.
2. I heard a noise outside.
3. Cautiously look out the window.
4. There is a man standing on the conservatory staring through the window at me.
5. I nearly ****** myself.
6. My dad phoned the police but he was gone.

Horrible. Still have nightmares now.

That'll teach you to get the midnight *****.

---------- Post added at 04:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:23 AM ----------

Yeah I quoted someone from over a year ago without realising, now not sure whether or not he uses the site anymore.

What of it?
I once saw a midget carrying an axe in the middle of a housing estate