Scariest Thing youve ever seen

atleast 1 kid from my school gets hit by a car every year cause of the roads right outside my school so dodgy thres like cars coming from 5 different directions heading into the same place luckily i have only seen one and it wernt too bad the girl didnt really get hit by a car she just got her foot run over by a police car aswell

Same. We had three accidents in 3 weeks. :S
Haven't really had that many scary experiences..

9/11 when I was 7 was scary. I remember when I came out of my school and my mum was late picking me up and we spoke about a few things.. Then she asked me "Did you hear about the towers?" and I was just so confused.. Some of those images still send a chill down the spine..

I did crack my head open in Germany. My second personal scariest experience. I was playing that 'Peekaboo' game when I was younger and he did it to me, I turned and ran head first into the point of a solid wall. I cracked the top of my head open, blood was rushing down my face and I had to go to a german hospital, I've now got a big scar at the top of my head, and was pretty wary of walls after that.

The first personal scariest, not sure if it classed as 'Scariest thing i've ever seen' but I was so scared. I was snorkelling around Spain with my Dad, my sister and an instructor. The instructor led the way into this cave, this was last year btw. And fair play, the cave was pretty cool, just off the coast, but then he turned to me and said that we were going to go into the next cave and I actually had no idea where to go and I just followed him, then right in front of me, almost pitch black, he dived underwater and swam out of my sight into the darkness.. Of course, I was next.. So I just tried to follow his path, I took a deep breathe and just dived under and tried to swim. Then I got stuck in pitch black. I was so scared and was panicing underwater, I couldn't breathe and it was pitch black, I didn't know how to get out of the water, so I just kept flapping around underwater, hitting my head against the side of the rock. I did actually think at one point "This is it" and just thought maybe I was going to die, but then I just kept trying to find a way out of my situation and eventually and somehow, I still can't work it out.. But I managed to get to the otherside of this underwater passage and I just threw my snorkelling stuff off and just breathed like mad, that instructor was the biggest **** ever. It was so freaky..

I'm not sure things i've personally seen, through my eyes and witnessing something. I haven't really experienced that much in all honesty.
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That instructor should be sacked. What a ****.

I agree with 9/11. Shocking.
Gay ****, really scary

Watching the the 9/11 pictures on TV when I was 5

Just read the title again, I've never watched gay ****, I just thought the title said 'scariest thing' so I've never watched gay ****
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Not so long ago I was walking through a park (which has a reputation for being quite...dodgy) with two of my mates. It was tipping it down with rain. Suddenly, a group of about 5 people from a rival school started swearing at us. We didn't even provoke them, but they obviously wanted a five. Since we were outnumbered there was nothing we could do really. They spat at us and kicked us, kneed us etc. We would have fought back, but they could have had knives or anything on them. That shook me up.

The scrariest thing though was when I was waking up in my bed one day, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and pressed right up to my face was my nan, just standing there grinning. I shat a brick. :O
Maybe this is equal to my other experience but here's what happened.

1. I went to the toilet at about 3.00 at night.
2. I heard a noise outside.
3. Cautiously look out the window.
4. There is a man standing on the conservatory staring through the window at me.
5. I nearly ****** myself.
6. My dad phoned the police but he was gone.

Horrible. Still have nightmares now.
When i was about, 9 or 10 i was out one night around 8-9 in winter (so pretty dark) with some mates. The area was known for Kidnapping and the Police said to be aware of White vans. So just my luck,, soon as my mate went home and i was walking home this white van came driving upto me. He stopped beside me, opened the window and luckily all he said was "Do you know where Co-op is lad?" After that it made me be so paranoid.
Maybe this is equal to my other experience but here's what happened.

1. I went to the toilet at about 3.00 at night.
2. I heard a noise outside.
3. Cautiously look out the window.
4. There is a man standing on the conservatory staring through the window at me.
5. I nearly ****** myself.
6. My dad phoned the police but he was gone.

Horrible. Still have nightmares now.

when i was like, 3-4 i always thought there was a man outside my window who looked like a monster. It scares the **** out of me whenever i think of it,, Obviously it wasn't true, but it still so scary. I can still remember the monster,, It was green with like, Fins on it's back like sharks, and and spiky top of it's head, with like Scaly face. It just shows your not safe anywhere now.. :S
Blue Waffle was pretty horific

There's been a recent craze about shock sites for some reason. I've seen worse though. All of them are pretty scary...if someone gives you a link to specialfriedrice or prolapseman, do yourself a favour and don't click it :P
Well, mine could sound faggy compared to all these thiefs, and car accidents.Buut, i saw a ghost when i was 11 ish. And each time through the summer, i hear noises on one night, i remember last year i was watchnig Batman, so i legged it up stairs. The year before, whispers outside my bedroom door. I dread the summer. Oh, also last week i went to the bathroom, came out, my mum & dad called me to their room, so i did. It was like 2 in the morning at this point. They told me to turn the hall light off, but it was so i told them. Then they told me to turn my brothers light off then, i heard the light click. So i walked away, then remembered he was downstairs, so i checked it out. Nearly ****** myself.
sorry, for the long amount :3
Well, mine could sound faggy compared to all these thiefs, and car accidents.Buut, i saw a ghost when i was 11 ish. And each time through the summer, i hear noises on one night, i remember last year i was watchnig Batman, so i legged it up stairs. The year before, whispers outside my bedroom door. I dread the summer. Oh, also last week i went to the bathroom, came out, my mum & dad called me to their room, so i did. It was like 2 in the morning at this point. They told me to turn the hall light off, but it was so i told them. Then they told me to turn my brothers light off then, i heard the light click. So i walked away, then remembered he was downstairs, so i checked it out. Nearly ****** myself.
sorry, for the long amount :3

How could it be Faggy, i would be scared shitless. lol
The Pantry Ghost.... not sure if it is real. Still makes the hairs stand on end :s
i kno this isnt as good as yours. but a few years ago i saw a UFO. yes i kno its gay but it reallyfreaked me out as it was at night and it was just a long shape in the sky and it was very low with no lights on it and you could just see a dark shadow over the sky. it kinda freaked me out. still dont know what it was and it was only me and my mom that saw it. Nufin in the papers or anythin bout it

Also when i was in year 7 in school we was on a trip to some castle and me and my mates decided to have a race up this we started at the bottom and ran up these stairs and near the top there was this locked door all boarded up so i decided to rest there because i was fair ahead. I hear noises and i thought it was my mates still coming up. Then i heard something mumblign behind the locked door. then it started knockign the door. i **** a brick and ran to the top. on the way back down there was still something mumbling and groaning behind the door and there was no way of getting in there or out so it really freaked us out so we left and said nothing
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Jealousy of strangers on internet message boards.
I have seen it thousands of times over the years and it's scary to think that these people with really low self esteem may actually be in a relationship with another person.

I can almost see it now..

"Did you have a good night out??.. I suppose there was blokes there??...Did ye talk to anywone?... Were blokes coming over?..."... etc...

You know who you are.

the ****?
Was in a taxi in New York with my cousin and my mate.We're going along nicely when out of nowhere this Asian guy sprinting for his life (turned out running from the feds) comes out in front of the car. We were going ******* fast too. Needless to say we hit him, he got hurt pretty bad but it was a scary experience 'cause I really thought he was dead.
i kno this isnt as good as yours. but a few years ago i saw a UFO. yes i kno its gay but it reallyfreaked me out as it was at night and it was just a long shape in the sky and it was very low with no lights on it and you could just see a dark shadow over the sky. it kinda freaked me out. still dont know what it was and it was only me and my mom that saw it. Nufin in the papers or anythin bout it

Also when i was in year 7 in school we was on a trip to some castle and me and my mates decided to have a race up this we started at the bottom and ran up these stairs and near the top there was this locked door all boarded up so i decided to rest there because i was fair ahead. I hear noises and i thought it was my mates still coming up. Then i heard something mumblign behind the locked door. then it started knockign the door. i **** a brick and ran to the top. on the way back down there was still something mumbling and groaning behind the door and there was no way of getting in there or out so it really freaked us out so we left and said nothing

That could've been an alive dude!
the ****?

Makes perfect sense to me XD
I am listing jealousy on internet forums as one of the scariest things I have ever seen.

Over the years you get used to the different types of people who frequent message boards.
Their personality becomes fairly transparent after a few days or so.
The type of person I am referring to is the bitter little trolls who jump from thread to thread, following another users posts and being a complete **** towards them.
Jumping on every bandwagon that pops up, to try and score points against them.

It could be an ugly member who takes exception to a better looking one. Or a fiscally challenged one, who is envious of a more successful poster.

I witnessed people literally being stalked off boards by other idiots, and it was patently obvious that the troll had an attack of the green eyed monster.
I related that to their real life relationships (if they have one) and imagined how scary their behaviour would be in real life.

:D Make more sense now??
i kno this isnt as good as yours. but a few years ago i saw a UFO. yes i kno its gay but it reallyfreaked me out as it was at night and it was just a long shape in the sky and it was very low with no lights on it and you could just see a dark shadow over the sky. it kinda freaked me out. still dont know what it was and it was only me and my mom that saw it. Nufin in the papers or anythin bout it

Also when i was in year 7 in school we was on a trip to some castle and me and my mates decided to have a race up this we started at the bottom and ran up these stairs and near the top there was this locked door all boarded up so i decided to rest there because i was fair ahead. I hear noises and i thought it was my mates still coming up. Then i heard something mumblign behind the locked door. then it started knockign the door. i **** a brick and ran to the top. on the way back down there was still something mumbling and groaning behind the door and there was no way of getting in there or out so it really freaked us out so we left and said nothing

Should've told a teacher mate. But to be fair, i would've been scared if it was in year 7