Scariest Thing youve ever seen

I once caught 3 people (Not so attractive neither) having what I can only describe as a threesome in the mens public toilets in the village/town I went to 6th form at... Horrifying. This was by the urinals at around 11 in the morning, me and my mate just froze and walked out. Haunted me ever since, tend to avoid public toilets nowadays. A close 2nd most horrifying story would be when I was in Holland and working part time at a cafe when I swear I met a serial killer...
weird looking spider in my bannanas thats about the scariest thing i seen

oh the missus first thing in the morning though thats more terryfying
Found a man hanging in Haigh Hall near my house. Loads of us were just running around in the woods and then one of the lads ran straight past us, pale as ****, screaming and because there was like 20 of us.. We went towards where he was running from, thinking someone was chasing him. We got around the corner, one girl screamed and started crying and about 5 of us went in to an opening in the trees.. It was made worse by the fact that he was on the floor. What had happened was the tree branch he had tried to hang himself had snapped, fell and stuck in the floor so that he was still hanging. But he had obviously smashed his legs to peices during the fall and hadn't been able to move, it was sickening and the police told us that it had happened 10 minutes before we found it and he had died from extensive spinal injuries during the fall. Funny thing is, we all heard a scream and a load thud not long before we actually found him.

Also seen videos on the internet but I have a strong stomach for stuff like that. Seen loads of vicious fights, one lad had blood coming from his ears after being jumped by like 15 people, taking it in turns kicking him, was awful. I normally block out bad stuff but if I think of some more I will update.

Behold, the future generation of the UK-a 17 year old, who didn't realise that cod came from the sea!

This is why you shouldn't send your children to Filton High School...
well not seen but heard, happened to my mom (who is the most normal and awesome lady around)

they had bought a new house when I had just left home to study abroad, the house itself was a National Monument in the city they lived, it was over 150 yrs old (my mom is an interior designer/architect)

she was asleep in my room (when I came home to visit/holidays etc) one night when she felt extremely cold and a presence in the room beside her, she woke up and saw standing right next to her a young boy with a candle staring at her with this young girl in the corner of the room with a hoodie type of clothing on just staring into nothing! my mom said she was not scared at all though :)

a few accidents, one guys arm was lying on the other side of the road after being hit by a car!
this internet video years ago of taliban beheading an American or someone with a blunt machete, it was disturbing!

not that much to be honest, keep out of trouble and stay away from things that I can avoid :)
she was asleep in my room (when I came home to visit/holidays etc) one night when she felt extremely cold and a presence in the room beside her, she woke up and saw standing right next to her a young boy with a candle staring at her with this young girl in the corner of the room with a hoodie type of clothing on just staring into nothing! my mom said she was not scared at all though :)

Sounds like something out of a movie?! Could she have been dreaming?
Im not saying you or your mom have lied, just sounds surreal. I would have been freaked out! How did she remian calm?
she knew she was awake, she is quite chilled hey :) nothing really bothers her or gets to her! it is **** freaky though! she said she felt safe and calm, like this aura..

trust me, it was the 1st thing I said to her as well :)
The scariest **** that has ever happened to me.. 11pm, my girlfriend calls me crying , she was alone at home because her parents were on holliday, i was like "what ? what ? what?!?!?!?!?" she couldn't even talk, she just tell me she was alone at home, she heard 3 strong noises on her living room, and when she went there one of her sofas wasn't in the right place, it wasn't a person because no one can enter in her house when she's alone , she locks like.. EVERYTHING. She just ran from home and went to a friends home near her house. Also when she was younger she says she saw a ghost on her room, a white light, standing in the air on her room. I never faced paranormal ****, but if i do i'd probably have a heart attack, i am so affraid of that kind of ****!
The scariest **** that has ever happened to me.. 11pm, my girlfriend calls me crying , she was alone at home because her parents were on holliday, i was like "what ? what ? what?!?!?!?!?" she couldn't even talk, she just tell me she was alone at home, she heard 3 strong noises on her living room, and when she went there one of her sofas wasn't in the right place, it wasn't a person because no one can enter in her house when she's alone , she locks like.. EVERYTHING. She just ran from home and went to a friends home near her house. Also when she was younger she says she saw a ghost on her room, a white light, standing in the air on her room. I never faced paranormal ****, but if i do i'd probably have a heart attack, i am so affraid of that kind of ****!

paranormal activity 3 maybe? :)
I had 'poulterguiests' move stuff around in my house but I have my dogs with me a lot of the time so it doesn't really bother me. There has been cutlery fall on to the floor in the kitchen, even the dishwasher has opened and plates have fallen out and smashed. The dishwasher clicks shut so to go in to the kitchen when there's nobody in the house and to see a broken plate on the floor is creepy, but it doesn't really bother me, I don't beleive in it and I've always thought if you don't beleive in it, it won't bother you.
hahahaha, until one day your Missus eats your face off or breaks every bone in your body...

you do know Paranormal Activity was inspired/based on true events...
I saw a ghost in the WWII dungeons in Dover which **** me up abit.
mine have to be a big spider, big ain't the word, you know pint glasses, the spider was as big in roundness as the glass, I saw it in a glass and I jump in my body like 100 miles, my brother wouldn't go near it, my dad did, I'm scared of spiders a lot, hate the buggers.
massive bump I know but was just looking on this thread and thought I would bring it back to life :P

Well anyway back in March one of the most scariest moments of my life happened. Basically me and my mate were waiting at the bus stop at about 9am on our way to Dag and red v Sheffield weds and two men who liiked they were about early 20s walked past and they looked pretty rough and then all of a sudden they began walking back and one went to my mate was you just looking at me. My mate then said no I was just talking to my mate and waiting for the bus. Then he said to us come take a walk I wanna talk we said no just leave us alone and then he put his hand in his trousers and said come unless you want to get hurt so me and my mate decided to go as he could of had a weapon such as a knife in his trousers. He then asked my mate to empty his pockets. my mate had his phone and 30 quid on him but luckily most of the money and his phone were in an inside pocket in his jacket which the men couldnt see so they only got about 5 quid from him. one then started touching my pockets and felt my phone and told me to give him it. I said no please I only got it recently which I did I oonly had it about 2 weeks. He was like I dont give a **** do u wanna get hurt blah blah blah. I also had 20 quid on me and cause I didnt wanna get hurt I just told him to take the 20 quid and let me keep my phone and luckily he did.

What made it worse was there were about 3 grown men at the bus stop too who didnt bother helping us when the two men started :/ My mate then called his dad who came down with about 5 mates and I gtried to get in contact with my parents but couldnt. My mates dad and his mates went looking for them and thankfully found them and got our money back :).

I have thought about what happened so much since it has happened and think to my self it could of been worse as I got my money back and we didnt get hurt etc but it still shook me up alot and I havent been to dag and red game since and dont plan on going again any time soon :/

I assume it was around Barking and Dagenham area? Not a nice place, that's for sure.

---------- Post added at 03:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:56 PM ----------

I once caught 3 people (Not so attractive neither) having what I can only describe as a threesome in the mens public toilets in the village/town I went to 6th form at... Horrifying. This was by the urinals at around 11 in the morning, me and my mate just froze and walked out.

I would've asked if they wanted to make it a foursome.
I assume it was around Barking and Dagenham area? Not a nice place, that's for sure.

---------- Post added at 03:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:56 PM ----------

I would've asked if they wanted to make it a foursome.

Wow, so many irrational people here. For most of these things there's a simple solution.
I assume it was around Barking and Dagenham area? Not a nice place, that's for sure.

---------- Post added at 03:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:56 PM ----------

I would've asked if they wanted to make it a foursome.

Couldn't have even if I wanted to, was bursting for the toilet...

If anyone replies to that statement with any sort of ''Golden Shower'' comment/entendre then...Shame on you.