Thanks for your quick reply mate.
I was just wondering as you said in one of your thread that the PP CCC was your prefered one

So, as I understand it the SS could be a good home strategy while the PP CCC could be an alternative in away games.
I played FM for years and have never managed another team than PSG (I'm French from Paris). I have always played in 442 with wingers (kind of your Might and Magic one, except with 2 ST Target Man and poacher, and a CM as playmaker). Since we've got Pastore and PSG version Qatar became the world's center

I've decided to play in 4231. I looked at different FM fans website to see people's experience with this formation, and try to understand how to apply in game your wishes and thoughts in real life. I believe to win is quite easy (especially with my team NOW), but the thing is that having great players can hide your mistakes in your strategy. In addition, I want to enjoy watching a pleasant game and tend to play in a Barca style, with efficiency (like everybody anyway). I've never downloaded any tactics before and prefer to make my own ones. This website is by far the most informative one comparing to any others. You seem to know what you're talking about and your thread are perfect as you explain every details of your tactics. Moreover, you reply to everybody and we learn from that too.
So, for all these reasons I'll never leave
