Hi all...
Just won Arsenal away
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I am testing Raikans new 'short n sweet' tactic but i have been struggling to score or create shots on target away from home so ive trained my players in match prep to use Raikans 'might n magic' counter away tactic and this is the 1st away game i used it in...

But i do want to stress that Raikans new 'short n sweet' tactic as been working really well for me and as you all can see from my earlier SS...
1st Season

Hi all..
Well finished my 1st ever season managing in Russia and i must say what a long one.. 44league games, 2cup runs and a Cl run... Which i think is hard to win with a Russian team as you have a 2 month break(December-Feburary) which when you come back from the winter break your 1st game is the CL knockout stage and all your team are lacking match fitness so IMO i do think its hard to win the CL:'(... But not impossible:).
But apart from that my season went well:D.. I won the league with 4 games to go and after all the 44games i was 16 points clear, I also won 2 Russian Cups but got knockout of the last 16 of the CL by Villarreal:'(.
Also from the Rangers away game in the CL i started to use Raikans 'might n magic' counter away tactic for away games and as you can see from the SS i had some good results away from home.. My home tactic is Raikans new 'short n sweet' tactic which i was testing for him:)

Here are some SS please feel free to ask for more:D
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Hi Raikan007..

i'm new here. I just want to ask you about away tactics. Can you post your away tactics here?? Thank you..

*Sorry, my english is bad.. =)
Raikan007, wonderful tactic! It produce excellent results.
thanks Dave, great results and update, thank you!

Appreciate that mate and your welcome... Im enjoying my CSKA save im about to start my second season and i think ive made some good signings and also had a few promising youth players that im gonna try and develope:D

Here are some SS
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Home game using new S&S tactic(Amc)
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Away game using M&M counter away tactic
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The CL group ive been drawn in
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download link doesnt work
hey bud, did you get it to work? its uploaded to fm-base so there should be no problem.. unless you are downloading too many things, wait for a while before downloading it after your last download has finished :)

let me know if it does not work
awesome dave, really good average positions, best I have seen yet! that is exactly what you want in a possession tactic :) nice job
awesome dave, really good average positions, best I have seen yet! that is exactly what you want in a possession tactic :) nice job

Yes ive had really good results home and away... Ill update later today when i get my CL last 16 draw:)
I had a wonderful season using this tactic. I scored myself a Scottish Treble (Scottish Premier League, Cup and League Cup) With Hibernian! Firstly though its not a miracle tactic, I didnt achieve this in my first season, I achieved it in my third, with my Transfers and Player selections playing as big a part as Raikans Fantastic Tactic.

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I'm very pleased to say that with Raikans help I broke the Old Firms grip on Scottish Football, the game must of sensed the fact I'm a rangers fan because Celtic were a real thorn in my side in every competition!

I got into the first knockout round in the Europa League using this tactic, but I was beaten 2-1 on aggregate by Lazio.

Still though great tactic, I certainly recommend others try it out!
2nd Season update with CSKA

Hi all well im in my 2nd season with CSKA and ive had a Fantastic 1st half of season but take a look for yourself please and you be the judge but im very happy sofar:D

SS of some home and away games
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A few more of my fixture's, league table etc
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Records broken:D
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My CL last 16 tie:D
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Every little helps:p lol (put this straight into wages budget)
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Sorry there alot of SS just want to show off that Raikans new S&S(Amc) tactic and M&M counter away tactic is working for me fine:)