Show off your regen/newgen - FM15

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Real Madrid want £79million for this tank. Should I go for it?

EDIT: I realise that he has 5 Bravery, but I think the rest of him should make up for it!
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Maybe get that guy when your one retires. And probably spend that 79m on that Spaniard, looks amazing! He looks more at home in DM than CM, probably Regista or DLP

The young winger has just signed for Man City, ending my hopes of signing him! Nightmare.
I'm trying to unsettle the Spaniard. He wants to leave Madrid, so I might just go in for the 79m bid. Never paid that amount for anyone though...
The young winger has just signed for Man City, ending my hopes of signing him! Nightmare.
I'm trying to unsettle the Spaniard. He wants to leave Madrid, so I might just go in for the 79m bid. Never paid that amount for anyone though...

Yeah I'm a complete tightarse even though it's not real money, but if you need someone for that position and you've got money to burn, why not?
The young winger has just signed for Man City, ending my hopes of signing him! Nightmare.
I'm trying to unsettle the Spaniard. He wants to leave Madrid, so I might just go in for the 79m bid. Never paid that amount for anyone though...

I personally wouldn't pay that much for a 26 yr old. If, however, you have endless money then he is certainly a quality player. Shame you didn't get that Mexican guy though as he is class. Although i would play someone called Barrington over anyone, ever




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Went onto BMG's squad page after they rescued a late draw against my 1860 Munich team with the intent of making an offer for their star striker when I spotted this 16 yr old CDM with a £5m value.
Had a look at his stats which are incredible and ended up buying him for £11.25m there and then.
Highlighted his Advanced forward stats to show how versatile he is.
Surely one of the best regens ever!