Sorry for being a noob, but what is PA 199 and where do you see it? Im thinking it is linked with the potential of the player somehow?
Sorry for being a noob, but what is PA 199 and where do you see it? Im thinking it is linked with the potential of the player somehow?

PA = Potential Ability. The only way you can see it is using Genie Scout or Real Time Editor
Alrite MAT8

oHH My Bad were wuld U find the Real Time Editor btw lolzzzz ????.

No idea how I got this guy so cheap - must be a real *** or something, but a great capture.

One season in, he's officially a wonderkid and his value increased ten-fold and I turned down 20 million plus offers for this guy....


Amazing goalie I found while he was 17 years old, broke into the Honduras national team the same year (weak nation , I know, but great all the same).

Already declined several offers for this guy from 15 million and up.


Not too great in the mental attributes yet, but three of my scouts (JCA/JPA at 20/20, 18/20, 19/17 respectively) were salivating over him and urged me to sign him whatever the price.
Haven't played him yet as he's too young and will be joining us at the end of the current season.
I broke the bank with a deal worth 3 million now, 4 million over the next 3 years and 1 million after 10 international caps, but he seems worth it.

Curiosity took the best of me and I had to check him out in Genie Scout (after I signed him) and it tells me he will potentially be the best player in the world as Left Back. I can't wait til the end of the season....
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Here's some updates on the regens I have previously posted, aswell as some other ones I have picked up, all seem pretty handy. The Inter regen, looks amazing, I want him but they want £30mill for him, and I just dont have that cash as Newcastle.
Heres my star , i usually play him league cup games or games against lower teams or even champions league when i have already qualified scored 5 goals for me

I post this because he is an English Defender. Its difficult to find technically good English Defender. Plus, all three positions are natural for him, so he is very versatile as wel.

---------- Post added at 07:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:39 PM ----------

Erm I think Im having problem with this. Picture not appearing. Trying again. Sorry for being such a noob. :S


---------- Post added at 07:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:00 PM ----------

Thanks Redders. I didnt put the IMG extension.
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Regen players are players that have been created by the game to replace retiring players, you can tell who is a regen by the cartoon face.

Here are my 2 special regens, i have very high hopes for Sergio i believe he can be as good as Fabregas, Xavi etc. Genie scout says he has pa of 188.

and also see Cucchi who came into my youth academy in the summer, i hope he can develop into a first team regular.
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:O That Marco Bertacchini looks amazing.
yeah he is good... i remember when i try a new formation, first game i use montgomery, i lost,
then next i change with bertacchini, i won... he is a really good mc/dm.... :p
do regens ever go straight into a club or are they free agents first?
when do regens first appear?

---------- Post added at 01:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 PM ----------

PA = Potential Ability. The only way you can see it is using Genie Scout or Real Time Editor

where can you see the genie scout?
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regen can appear in your youth team or others team....
and genie scout u can download it....
Here is my first proper Regen on FM10, bought him for around £16.5m from Villareal.