Shyftyy's 6-1-2-1-0 Counter football without Counter Strategy

Shyftyy - Thinking of starting a game with this formation. Few pages back you said that player filters and formation might be changed a bit. What were you thinking of changing on the player filters out of interest?

Great! Hope you enjoy it as much others :)

When I released the player filters I spent the most time on the three key positions: the HB, the BBMs and the SS. The rest I considered to be fairly generic. That also means those filters are very generic. Possibly too generic so I can do better on those. Thank you for reminding me.

I cant recall saying that the formation woukd change. Some instructions were changed from v1 to v2 which is what I think you are referring too. I believe the deep formation is key tot its success as it forces the ME to come forward.
Mids instead of WBs is a great idea, and you can change the SS to a F9.

If works, some SS would be great! Good luck

Yes, would be interesting to see if the ME comes forward as much when the team starts occupying the more forward positions.
This tactic have so much space to create formation. You can make false 9 and shadow striker behind him(these 2 roles working like a charm), then you can move wing back to mid positions, you can even decide to play with 1 box2box or 2 box2box. It would be worth to make fullbacks more attacking....maybe complete wingbacks, because of 2 CBs and halfback, who drop to defence, when you are in possession. Really good set limit. It reminds on guardiola bayern formation.

I will start career is late, must go to bed now ;)
Just made a few matches with your version 2. Still early days but must say I'm very impressed!!! BEAST tactic.
these results with the arsenal in mid-season, january! I'm Shakhtar but I was already qualified for the knockout champions, and against chelsea in the premier ...and I immediately just 4 goals in the league!

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Very nice Andy! Only 4 goals against in 19 games played :) This is with v2?
Very nice Andy! Only 4 goals against in 19 games played :) This is with v2?

yes ;) ​of course post more results later! I'm a bit slow I know, is that the games I see them in extended mode :)
Do you change something Home and Away Andy? Because im busy with arsenal 2 but don't really going well for me :D
Well you play much better at home! I alternate workouts with a balanced, ball-control attack and the pre-race with offensive moves and team play! for example when I saw it in 3 games have only 1 goal, I put attack and teamwork, ah I modified only cross soft rather than cross thesis, I suggest you upload the tactic on all 3 slots available! so that the learn faster
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Well my tactic isn't fully fluid now so i wil wait and see, if i am still strugeling then i wil post some SS ok :D
I am not scoring enough with V2. Against weak team, the game often ends 0-0 or 1-1....
I am not scoring enough with V2. Against weak team, the game often ends 0-0 or 1-1....

Hmm. who are you playing with and what match training are you using?
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Well my tactic isn't fully fluid now so i wil wait and see, if i am still strugeling then i wil post some SS ok :D
Sell ​​Giroud, Chamberlain, Walcott! the first I sold it for 25 million, the second 20 and the third at 24! these are the sales and purchases of the screen :)

Sell ​​Giroud, Chamberlain, Walcott! the first I sold it for 25 million, the second 20 and the third at 24! these are the sales and purchases of the screen :)

Why did you buy Mandzukic??
Why did you buy Mandzukic??
because I like the tip! has the TC in yellow with a little personal training can play in that role! I tried it and immediately scored a goal and its movements I like more than those of Ozil! this last one you eat a lot of goals! then I paid 12 million, and now it's worth 23 ... I can always sell it and make some money;)