Shyftyy's 6-1-2-1-0 Counter football without Counter Strategy

Just finished a full test season, and I'm feeling exactly the same way I felt when using Romian and Veez tactics...
This kind of formations (like romian and veez) exploit the ME, but only for a while and under specific circunstances. After a storming start, during the season had several bad results that consisted in some 0-0 and 0-1 losses where you creat 5-6 CCC's and them ZERO. I always get extremely frustrated as you clearly deserve to win, but you simply don't. On the long run you get less points and LOTS of frustration than using a good normal 442 or some other normal tactic, because the feeling you have is that you deserved (A LOT) more, but the game unfairly penalyses you for using "odd" formations...
Still in statistical terms this is probably the best tactic around.... and a true CCC's creator
Just finished a full test season, and I'm feeling exactly the same way I felt when using Romian and Veez tactics...
This kind of formations (like romian and veez) exploit the ME, but only for a while and under specific circunstances. After a storming start, during the season had several bad results that consisted in some 0-0 and 0-1 losses where you creat 5-6 CCC's and them ZERO. I always get extremely frustrated as you clearly deserve to win, but you simply don't. On the long run you get less points and LOTS of frustration than using a good normal 442 or some other normal tactic, because the feeling you have is that you deserved (A LOT) more, but the game unfairly penalyses you for using "odd" formations...
Still in statistical terms this is probably the best tactic around.... and a true CCC's creator

That was a quick season :)

Thank you for calling this the best tactic around, I appreciate that. A lot of time went into it and it nice to see people enjoying it.

I too have had some of those matches where you dominate and simply fail to score. The tactic is designed to create CCC's and that is what does. I believe the ME is a bit at fault here but I with my newcastle full season test I was often able to create more by getting aggressive with the team during the teamtalk at half-time and of course rotating players for example substituting Ben Arfa for Marveux often led to goals for Marveaux where Ben arfa was simply missing everything.

That being said, the random factor comes a bit from the setpieces as well where I think I can improve a lot. I am now currently updating the player filters (WBs and FBs have been updated in main post already) and then I will see if I can improve the stability overall. Maybe Diavolo's idea of using a set-up which is slightly less obscure will help with that as well. Next patch (if there are changes to the ME) will either lift this tactic to the absolute top or absolute bottom :) Once again, thanks for testing and for the good feedback. I will keep trying to improve it!
Your missing the point? He plays for Bayern Munich not Monaco
I know! I repeat that I have offered 12 million to Bayern Monaco! and they accepted! Bayern Robben, Gotze, Muller, lahm! I now what bayern
It's getting fluid now, and not lost a single match with arsenal. Dominated all the top teams Home and Away so hope they wil keep up the good work :)
Just finished a full test season, and I'm feeling exactly the same way I felt when using Romian and Veez tactics...
This kind of formations (like romian and veez) exploit the ME, but only for a while and under specific circunstances. After a storming start, during the season had several bad results that consisted in some 0-0 and 0-1 losses where you creat 5-6 CCC's and them ZERO. I always get extremely frustrated as you clearly deserve to win, but you simply don't. On the long run you get less points and LOTS of frustration than using a good normal 442 or some other normal tactic, because the feeling you have is that you deserved (A LOT) more, but the game unfairly penalyses you for using "odd" formations...
Still in statistical terms this is probably the best tactic around.... and a true CCC's creator

I haven't been able to test this one properly, but I assume it works more or less the same way with Romian's. You're only partly correct here. These tactics are and remain 'unbeatable' against certain formations throughout the years. Against other certain formations, the ME adjusts after a while and creates the feeling of frustration you described. For example, Romian's works great against every 4-2-3-1 I ever encountered in 10 years with the same team. After the first season though, I just can't beat a team that plays 4-1-2-2-1. As Shyftyy said, a very good corner setup can save you a lot of that frustration... Alternatively, you can have a couple other formations trained to use when needed.
I haven't been able to test this one properly, but I assume it works more or less the same way with Romian's. You're only partly correct here. These tactics are and remain 'unbeatable' against certain formations throughout the years. Against other certain formations, the ME adjusts after a while and creates the feeling of frustration you described. For example, Romian's works great against every 4-2-3-1 I ever encountered in 10 years with the same team. After the first season though, I just can't beat a team that plays 4-1-2-2-1. As Shyftyy said, a very good corner setup can save you a lot of that frustration... Alternatively, you can have a couple other formations trained to use when needed.

Good point, I should really just continue with my Newcastle save into next season (season 2 then) and see where it ends up now that the reputation of my team has changed and the ME adjustments to it.
It's getting fluid now, and not lost a single match with arsenal. Dominated all the top teams Home and Away so hope they wil keep up the good work :)

Great to hear! It's a lot of fun of putting so much effort into something and see other people enjoy it. Adds a whole new dimension to FM for me :)
I tweak your version 2 with changing HB to DLP and BTB to CM (Att) I'm testing with Wigan in first season. First half season i use your Ver2. I will test to the end of the season.

Go for it! Looking forward to the results!
Half back and box2box are keys for this tactic imo...i wouldnt changing here anything. Core should be the same, i would tweaking striker position, wigback positions and maybe fullbacks. Defence and midfield should stay the same. This tactic allow a lot to tweaking, but some things should be stay like they are. Even my suggestions doesnt gurantee is all about balance ;)
Half back and box2box are keys for this tactic imo...i wouldnt changing here anything. Core should be the same, i would tweaking striker position, wigback positions and maybe fullbacks. Defence and midfield should stay the same. This tactic allow a lot to tweaking, but some things should be stay like they are. Even my suggestions doesnt gurantee is all about balance ;)

balance is KEY
Yes, my main concern is that if we for example move the WB forward to Wide Midfielder, the ME will not push the opposition forward as much. Also, the WM has the option to cross more often greyed out so you may end up with a different role set-up (which may or not may be as effective)

Then again, people should feel free to tweak it as they want. I myself learned a lot about the ME by tweaking different tactics, some failed in effectiveness but I learned something from all of them.
I'm happy with result in Europa CupView attachment 419319 View attachment 419320 . All game, i change Mentality to Counter. I want to change BTBs to CMs and want them mark tighter. I think CM defence better BTB and change HB to DLP because we have BPDs, i want DPL pass forward, not in defence area. Sorry my English :p
P/s : I use JMorrisQPR's tweak in version 3-4-2-1-0 Romain and my SS, i remove all OP
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because I like the tip! has the TC in yellow with a little personal training can play in that role! I tried it and immediately scored a goal and its movements I like more than those of Ozil! this last one you eat a lot of goals! then I paid 12 million, and now it's worth 23 ... I can always sell it and make some money;)

OK, but you play him as a SS?
That was a quick season :)
Playing FMC with FM Speeder on, playing with key highlights at full speed, no substitutions!

.... I was often able to create more by getting aggressive with the team during the teamtalk at half-time and of course rotating players for example substituting Ben Arfa for Marveux often led to goals for Marveaux where Ben arfa was simply missing everything.

I play FMC, so no team talks to help in that :p!
Playing FMC with FM Speeder on, playing with key highlights at full speed, no substitutions!

I play FMC, so no team talks to help in that :p!

Aha, yes. That can be nice but at the same time it also stops you from correcting when things don't go your way which is why I still prefer the full mode :)
Winning PL by 27 points in first attempt was not my goal...but what the ****! And winning the LC and ELC was just a bonus...fantastic stuff :) I?m Spurs...bougt Ayew and Santon, loanded Digne...that?s it!