Great site guys... just one improvement I can suggest, add .FM files to the list of file types acceptable for attachment.
what is an .FM file????
Sorry is this is a n00b question :$
Great site guys... just one improvement I can suggest, add .FM files to the list of file types acceptable for attachment.
You fancy changing your sig.
what is an .FM file????
Sorry is this is a n00b question :$
I don't understand.. what's wrong with his sig? :$
It's already been changed <)
I don't understand.. what's wrong with his sig? :$
I think you can just winRar them and they work.Great site guys... just one improvement I can suggest, add .FM files to the list of file types acceptable for attachment.
I think you can just winRar them and they work.
Make new users perform an IQ test and if it falls below triple digits don't allow them in?
Just a suggestion.![]()
Good idea.
But you should hope they don't make existing users perform the same test. (H)
You and me both.
The first two ideas aren't to bad.Just a couple of ideas I have:
- Have another two Mod's appointed whose sole job is to reply to sticky threads and aslo to help direct people to them on pointless threads
- Have a 100 post minimum to start a story
- Have an FM-Base bebo page
Just a couple of ideas I have:
- Have another two Mod's appointed whose sole job is to reply to sticky threads and aslo to help direct people to them on pointless threads
- Have a 100 post minimum to start a story
- Have an FM-Base bebo page
Wait, what?! Who mentioned my sig? First time i've come into this thread too, good timing ^^)Oh.. what was wrong with it?.. XD
What's wrong with 'Ride the Walrus' ' sig aswell?..
Wait, what?! Who mentioned my sig? First time i've come into this thread too, good timing ^^)
Wait, which one?
- Maybe have 1 or 2 more Mods
- Only allow Premium Member + Staff to do stories
- Premium Members should be aloud to delete post's of there threads (So spam ect ect, so there thread does not get closed due to some little ****)