WOW man, this is amazing! I expect Europe next yeargood luck!
Thanks. I hope for Europe too with that finish, and I got some good guys (just finished my pre-season) so I should be able to make the push. I will say that i went from 5000:1 (last year) to 500:1 this year. Still not even close to fight for the title, but that was before all the new signings and loan players. I would say I actually around 200:1 now with the players.
GJ! Will you post your tactics? They seem to be pretty good.
I would post the tactics but I am about to leave to go out of town for the holidays. I actually use two. Mostly is the fantascia (or something like that) to try it out since everyone said it was amazing. Its on here somewhere on this site (something like torres super sexy tactic). I also use my own tactic that I evolved from the 4-1-2-1-2 complete dominance tactic from last year. I used it for Newcastle, I changed all the attacking structure for all attacking players, but the defense is pretty much amazing. I will post it though when I get back which should be on the 28th or 29th.