SUBLIMITY (433) by Jesaustralia

Well Jes, if ya need a new project, you can always tweak my take on a 4-3-2-1 with 3 CMs :P

Right now I'm having a break from this - I'm currently trying a few tactics, but if you can link to it then I check it out

Cheers mate
loving the tactic with real madrid finally big results. But 1 problem i can't find any regen players can someone help me with that?

Right now I'm having a break from this - I'm currently trying a few tactics, but if you can link to it then I check it out

Cheers mate

Fair enough, kinda stuck on F1 and TDF on the telly atm :)

I'll link the tactic in pm, as i don't want to "promote" my tactic in a popular thread belogning to somebody else :)
Fair enough, kinda stuck on F1 and TDF on the telly atm :)

I'll link the tactic in pm, as i don't want to "promote" my tactic in a popular thread belogning to somebody else :)

Oh I'm ok with that - I would close my eyes posting links to my own tactics in other peoples thread if it has a reference in my conversation with people - the moment someone tell me I can't do that I will go else where - simple as that - so if I can you can :)
Fair enough, kinda stuck on F1 and TDF on the telly atm :)

I'll link the tactic in pm, as i don't want to "promote" my tactic in a popular thread belogning to somebody else :)

Is their any idea you want me to follow in this tactic - possession - underdog or top etc?
Oh I'm ok with that - I would close my eyes posting links to my own tactics in other peoples thread if it has a reference in my conversation with people - the moment someone tell me I can't do that I will go else where - simple as that - so if I can you can :)

Well i could drop a link to my thread, even though it's kinda goes against my own morale and view on how to behave on forums :)

Is their any idea you want me to follow in this tactic - possession - underdog or top etc?

Well I tried or should i say trying to work something out with that formation, which could work both with a good->great teams, but also could do well with a team predicted to be a relegation candidate, which could make it useable for a newly promoted team also.
Was happy with the Real Sociedad test where I use V2 with more specialised roles, my liverpool test with V3 with changed role on striker and less specialised roles on the midfield didn't go as well as I hoped. One thing I havn't tested though is a real underdog team or a llm project - to be honest, I kinda ran out of ideas on how to improve the tactic.
almost at the end of my season and won the treble but my players don't seem to get better at there positions. bale as a striker is still at 50% training him as a CF but playing him on f9. Same goes for ronaldo still at 60% does that take so long or is that because i should train them on learning f9?
Well i could drop a link to my thread, even though it's kinda goes against my own morale and view on how to behave on forums :)

Well I tried or should i say trying to work something out with that formation, which could work both with a good->great teams, but also could do well with a team predicted to be a relegation candidate, which could make it useable for a newly promoted team also.
Was happy with the Real Sociedad test where I use V2 with more specialised roles, my liverpool test with V3 with changed role on striker and less specialised roles on the midfield didn't go as well as I hoped. One thing I havn't tested though is a real underdog team or a llm project - to be honest, I kinda ran out of ideas on how to improve the tactic.

Bsups - KL 4-3-2-1 3MC v2

I by accident posted your tactic so everyone else can try and tweak it as well.

Its not immoral at all - if you add to the conversation - if you just add a link and a few lines then its immoral - I can also add the fact that creators only think about their own ***/thread is immoral - so if you advertise others tactic in your own thread its then immoral and disrespectful that the favour isn't returned - Makes me think someone should get over them selves.

To what I'm here for:

I shared your tactic above becourse I know of some people who is very good at underdog creations - I personally dislike creating such becourse the ultimate goal is to buy and play with the best players in the end - I rather wanna create high end tactics that does a good job visually and ofcourse in turn great results as well. So if I'm touching the tactic above I would not be thinking about the underdog element of it. I will certainly look at it - I like 3 flat midfielders, but not like that :) - The wingers I'm not a big fan off so I might change that - but first I have to try it out and see what happens.

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almost at the end of my season and won the treble but my players don't seem to get better at there positions. bale as a striker is still at 50% training him as a CF but playing him on f9. Same goes for ronaldo still at 60% does that take so long or is that because i should train them on learning f9?

you are talking about fully developed players - as far as I know they won't be able to improve their positions - they already used up all their points most likely. Just focus on them being accomplished strikers - if you have a younger lad then those things be easier.

Dont know how this tactic is rated 3 stars, I have been hammering with Bayern, Lazio and Liverpool
Bsups - KL 4-3-2-1 3MC v2

I by accident posted your tactic so everyone else can try and tweak it as well.

Its not immoral at all - if you add to the conversation - if you just add a link and a few lines then its immoral - I can also add the fact that creators only think about their own ***/thread is immoral - so if you advertise others tactic in your own thread its then immoral and disrespectful that the favour isn't returned - Makes me think someone should get over them selves.

To what I'm here for:

I shared your tactic above becourse I know of some people who is very good at underdog creations - I personally dislike creating such becourse the ultimate goal is to buy and play with the best players in the end - I rather wanna create high end tactics that does a good job visually and ofcourse in turn great results as well. So if I'm touching the tactic above I would not be thinking about the underdog element of it. I will certainly look at it - I like 3 flat midfielders, but not like that :) - The wingers I'm not a big fan off so I might change that - but first I have to try it out and see what happens.


Interresting kinda accidents you got xD

Well you got a point when it's a part of a conversation and that randomly spamming links without a proper reason is immoral.

About underdog tactics, i'm not a big fan of a tactic minded only on underdogs, but sometimes it's nice to have a tactic that can make a team predicted to be the bottom of a leauge out perform them selfs, as that brings the money(Sometimes) and the stature/reputation to get the best players possible, a tactic that works when you are predicted to relegate, so one can evolve and improve the team around the same tactic.

About the wingers, sometimes i like them, sometimes not, but with this tactic I had them doing well on assists and scorring, but as long as the don't end up as IFs, I know they can effective, but i kinda got a bit tired of those. With that said if you tweak on the tactic, i'll be courious to see where it ends, even if the wingers ends up as something else( was thinking about APs on AM R/L positions)
Interresting kinda accidents you got xD

Well you got a point when it's a part of a conversation and that randomly spamming links without a proper reason is immoral.

About underdog tactics, i'm not a big fan of a tactic minded only on underdogs, but sometimes it's nice to have a tactic that can make a team predicted to be the bottom of a leauge out perform them selfs, as that brings the money(Sometimes) and the stature/reputation to get the best players possible, a tactic that works when you are predicted to relegate, so one can evolve and improve the team around the same tactic.

About the wingers, sometimes i like them, sometimes not, but with this tactic I had them doing well on assists and scorring, but as long as the don't end up as IFs, I know they can effective, but i kinda got a bit tired of those. With that said if you tweak on the tactic, i'll be courious to see where it ends, even if the wingers ends up as something else( was thinking about APs on AM R/L positions)

If I'm uncertain about a tactic I remake it - that doesn't mean your version is bad - it means I got an idea thanks to you.

So I remade the whole thing - so I reckon you can't call it a tweak, but I still thank you for inspiring me - I changed all roles to roles I believe in and I changed team instructions as well to something I know works - so my apoligiez for this becoming more than a tweak - however its still a 4321 - and the centre CM is the big surprise he scores for fun and it looks like he utilizes the space in the centre really well - I'm highly enjoying that - the close down also surprises me - it feels like the opponent have very little options with their passes.

I could release it now but I decide to wait to test it out a little further, but for sure this one has to be released.

Dont know how this tactic is rated 3 stars, I have been hammering with Bayern, Lazio and Liverpool

I don't know how they rate that star system and to be honest I find it redicoulous and I find that it hurt some threads becourse of that - So if you provide content you get awarded with 3 stars - if you do an effort and passionately follows it - its not enough - so for me the stars system is a bucket of bullshit :) - and to be honest I find it disrespectful towards someone like myself who passionately have given alot of quality content from the get go - going back for 3 years. The star rating system should be removed or estimated through the amount of words shared :)

When that little thing is said - I'm very happy you enjoy Sublimity in the same way I am - I find it visually amazing to watch teams play with this tactic - it brings out the best of the 3d match engine.

If you have results to share feel free

Cheers mate
Interresting kinda accidents you got xD

Well you got a point when it's a part of a conversation and that randomly spamming links without a proper reason is immoral.

About underdog tactics, i'm not a big fan of a tactic minded only on underdogs, but sometimes it's nice to have a tactic that can make a team predicted to be the bottom of a leauge out perform them selfs, as that brings the money(Sometimes) and the stature/reputation to get the best players possible, a tactic that works when you are predicted to relegate, so one can evolve and improve the team around the same tactic.

About the wingers, sometimes i like them, sometimes not, but with this tactic I had them doing well on assists and scorring, but as long as the don't end up as IFs, I know they can effective, but i kinda got a bit tired of those. With that said if you tweak on the tactic, i'll be courious to see where it ends, even if the wingers ends up as something else( was thinking about APs on AM R/L positions)

I know someone like Wii has a big talent for creating underdog tactics - so I'm hoping he will look at it when he has the time :)
Massive release is coming up...

6 tactics - among them a sublimity new edition - all of them will be related to sublimity - their will be no results to show becourse I don't have the time to test all that, so I hope that if you try them you will share how you go.


WATCH WeArtibus On Twitch


Due to the Euro Final between Portugal vs France I thought you would like to have some new formations to play around with - unfortunately I release this without any sort of tests or any sort of results to show you - However those of you who post your results I will add to this post - feel free to try and tweak these tactics - new things can sometimes be discovered :)

What I can tell you is - these tactics are by all means related to Sublimity and also the reason why I release them in this thread and not my other thread. So when I say related I mean several roles are kept and team instructions match the way Sublimity is setup. Their are a few new roles I take into action in some of these tactics - they perform really well - so take your pick and enjoy!!




While I was testing another tactic I realized that the complete forward attack role from the tactic Kingdom works really well and I would like to implement that - Further I discovered that the CM attack role is amazing from the centre - I saw this role blossom as one of the best roles I've seen - Especially if this role has the space in front of him will make him highly efficient in terms of closing the gap between the striker/s and the midfield - it creates a great balance - The best part about it was his ability to be a threat in front of goal - The biggest reason for this role change in Sublimity.




COPACABANA - 4-2-2-2

This is how a 4222 looks like - their are no wingers in a 4222 - so when people say its a 4222 you should expect it look simular to the image below :)

Obviously I'm a big fan of anything Brazilian - Their Football - Their Futsal (Indoor football) - Their Women - and their Bird Eating Spiders :) - When all that is said - I have no idea on how this one is gonna work - The idea in my head think it will be a blast, but I have to try it out first to really see if I hit all the right notes :) - My concern is from DM's - CM's - the strikers - so a big question mark on this one. Lots of space for the very attacking wingbacks - which is the same as in Sublimity - This tactic could be tweaked to different roles in the future, but for now their is no information on it and I cannot tell you how you will go with this one - all I can say is - this one should be highly dominant.

If you try it can you please tell us all how you go with it - your information will be priceless :)



GOOOOL - 2-6-2

Back in fm13 I created a very successful tactic called Gooaall262 and this a simular take on that one using the Sublimity model - if I pulled this one off it will be a blast I'm telling you :)

It looks like a very attacking formation and it is lol - but it might surprise you - though it looks very attacking its still balanced - the DM I have a few doubts whether it fits in with this one - however it could be changed to an anchorman as it was back in the day.

This is ofcourse an idea that also could be changed in the future - if you try it please tell us how the visuals look like and ofcourse how you go with GOOOOL in general presenting your results.




Bsup asked me to tweak his tactic - I'm not a big fan of tweaking - cause it means I have to limit myself - my ideas will become much less - I don't like that - So I hope Bsup understand that I publish this one with my own ideas implemented - this is still just a formation you could create sooner or later - a very common formation actually - meaning someone would use something like this :) I reckon.

This one I did test for a little bit and it was insanely amazing fantastic - I discovered the CM attack role creating this tactic and he became a goal machine along with other goal machines from the centre of the midfield - that is something special - AHH **** right now I'm getting a new idea lol - but I have to finish this under pressure cause The Tour de France starts within 10 minutes :)

The first 11 had average rates over 15 matches around 8 or above or highly above :) - I discovered for myself another role that I thought would be **** - The Inside Forward Support - absolutely amazing stuff from these guys - I took inspiration from Kingdom by Zyndar & CE - the same goes for the Complete forward attack role - works amazing too - ofcourse all that combined with my Sublimity setup from the TI's to several roles from Sublimity - So you would be able to see simular play but with three different frontmen. I wanna dedicate this one to Bsup - actually I wanna dedicate the whole post to him becourse he got me started and I end up releasing 6 tactics for you guys becourse of him - Some stuff revealed itsself in the process which was great.

Try it out and tell me/us how you go - this is yet another strong alternative in the Sublimity series :)




You don't release 6 tactics without a 442 - again this one was created from the top of my head using Sublimity settings ofcourse - the interesting part in this one is the fact that I use a wide width compared to other 442's out their who choose narrow usually - Did I pull it off?

It could easily be a fail - Their are some roles in doubts, but again I wanna keep it Sublimity all the way. Anyone who wanna try a different sort of 442 - this one is certainly it.


League Table using Parma in Seria D - by Crossroader



DOMINAE 4-1-2-2-1

I was on a roll when I created this last one - while it looks more defensive due to the DM - it is extremely attacking and I could have my doubts whether this one is balanced enough or not - if it works it will work tremendously I think.

It basically gets the wingbacks to attack the wide areas the CM's to attack the centre and the lovely threesome on top that would complete this formation if its successful. Whether the DM is to offensive or not I don't know - a good alternative would be changing him to an Anchorman.

Again this one uses some of the Sublimity setup with a few role changes, but same TI idea. I can only say try it out


End Word
Now I have released 6 tactics that involves Sublimity and I might not be able to squeeze anything more out of this niche, but ofcourse I will always try. Thank you Bsup for kick starting my engine lol - and thank you guys for using my **** :)

Enjoy guys
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Jes my tactic I was talking about is not worth of posting actually, concedes a lot of goals, I think it was just some seasons wonder lol... so I have actually dropped it and to move on.
Jes my tactic I was talking about is not worth of posting actually, concedes a lot of goals, I think it was just some seasons wonder lol... so I have actually dropped it and to move on.

Did you get better players than normal to Weston - becourse what you did was really good - and with a club like Weston I wouldn't estimate how many goals you conceede to be honest its Weston - Theirs the lowest level England and then below that is Weston lol

But feel free to post it here if you like - its ofcourse up to you - Cheers mate
Did you get better players than normal to Weston - becourse what you did was really good - and with a club like Weston I wouldn't estimate how many goals you conceede to be honest its Weston - Theirs the lowest level England and then below that is Weston lol

But feel free to post it here if you like - its ofcourse up to you - Cheers mate

It is Leeds third season which disappointed me, I haven't still continued with the Weston save.

By the way your post of the 6 tactics, make the tactic pictures a little smaller lol, covering all my screen, but again it is me using small resolution so not worth to say it I think lol