Terry Stripped of Captaincy

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Why appoint a crock as our captain when he probably wont be able to play in every game in the world cup, its like appointing ledley king as our captain
In the end it´s the right decision, and tbh Terry himself should´ve come to the decision to resign from captaincy. It would´ve been the most sensible thing to do. And if he would´ve kept his **** in his pants, especially with the knowledge that someone like him wll be dragged into a media circus for it, none of this would´ve come up in the first place, so if there´s someone to blame it surely is him.
He may be a class player, but that alone doesn´t mean he deserves to be captain.
Cristiano Ronaldo for example he´s a good player, and that´s why he was made captain of the national team by the current Portugal manager, and so far he´s been ***** in the captaincy role.
He's paid a lot of money to play football. Not to be faithful in a relationship. Capello clearly doesn't have a problem with "consistent mistakes" as he's just appointed a captain who makes them more than anyone in the England squad. My dad had an affair. Is he a scumbag? Call me biased, but I know he's a decent guy. You don't know any of the circumstances of Terry's life and I'm guessing the media don't know what his relationship is like with his wife. People make decisions and some people live to regret them. I'm sure you don't need to judge Terry's character from the sideline.

Btw. You do realise the bolded bit was mis-information printed by the media? That never happened.

Well I admit, I have never met the man myself and I cannot doubt his footballing ability I am not catching on to this whole, 'Ohh no, Terry's not Captain were doomed' or 'Ferdinand is a **** Captain and a **** player' theory, any reason for our success has been down to Capello and not Terry, I think you have to be a bit of a scum bag if you pay someone to have an abortion and to keep quiet about an affair, it may be his private life but this causes a conflict of interest, he is Captain of his club and the face of Chelsea and England, anything bad about his life just gives his club and his nation negative media. In my view, Terry should of never married in the first place.
It seems everyone is quick to criticise Terry over the incident and not even cast a shadow of a thought about Bridge's ex girlfriend. Surely she has to take the blame aswell.

I read in the paper the other day that she said she slept with '5 other men' when she was with Bridge, which is pretty stupid as it is only going to make her look like even more of an absolute slag. But as i don't know the full extent of what has happened, i won't go off and judge people, start calling them scumbags and start believing in everything i read in the newspapers.
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So, what you're trying to say is..............it's ok to cheat on you're wife...........as long as it's with a slag?oO)

I know what you mean and she does sound a bit of a ***** especially since she seems to be flogging the story to the highest bidder which is a terrible thing to do to terry's wife and children; and if she was captain of england's woman team i would want her sacked and all but as she isn't and this is a football discussion............
Well I admit, I have never met the man myself and I cannot doubt his footballing ability I am not catching on to this whole, 'Ohh no, Terry's not Captain were doomed' or 'Ferdinand is a **** Captain and a **** player' theory, any reason for our success has been down to Capello and not Terry, I think you have to be a bit of a scum bag if you pay someone to have an abortion and to keep quiet about an affair, it may be his private life but this causes a conflict of interest, he is Captain of his club and the face of Chelsea and England, anything bad about his life just gives his club and his nation negative media. In my view, Terry should of never married in the first place.

That isn't my theory if that's what you're getting at. Again, that's inaccurate. I'm saying John Terry is a better England captain, I didn't say Ferdinand is a **** captain nor did I say he's a **** player. I'm just saying Terry is a better captain. Everyone is stressing too much on captains having to be role models IN PUBLIC LIFE..

If John Terry did something, would you follow? Clearly not if you're against having an affair. However, people will still have affairs. It's a personal choice, people don't think like "oh John Terry did it so it's ok". Morons will do as morons will do. Morons don't follow people's actions they just don't give a **** about what they do.

Again, I'll state, it's irrelevant what John Terry does in his private life. Morally decent people already know what's wrong or right and we have parents for real "role models".
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It seems everyone is quick to criticise Terry over the incident and not even cast a shadow of a thought about Bridge's ex girlfriend. Surely she has to take the blame aswell.

I read in the paper the other day that she said she slept with '5 other men' when she was with Bridge, which is pretty stupid as it is only going to make her look like even more of an absolute slag. But as i don't know the full extent of what has happened, i won't go off and judge people and start calling them scumbags and start believing in everything i read in the newspapers.

She may well be a slag but she isn't England Captain which is one of the most prestigous positions in English, if not world football, I am sure the papers have exaggerated some bits but he hasn't denied anything at all, he's a dodgy character, for some reason, his Dad deals cocaine and his mum shoplift M&S, why would you do that when your son is earning over 150k a week.
But surely the other england players opinion of terry will have changed and it is hard to motivate and lead people who don't respect you. Nobody thinks terry should have been stripped of the captaincy because the other players might catch unfaithullness and cheat on there wives...
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That isn't my theory if that's what you're getting at. Again, that's inaccurate. I'm saying John Terry is a better England captain, I didn't say Ferdinand is a **** captain nor did I say he's a **** player. I'm just saying Terry is a better captain. Everyone is stressing too much on captains having to be role models.

If John Terry did something, would you follow? Clearly not if you're against having an affair. However, people will still have affairs. It's a personal choice, people don't think like "oh John Terry did it so it's ok". Morons will do as morons will do. Morons don't follow people's actions they just don't give a **** about what they do.

Again, I'll state, it's irrelevant what John Terry does in his private life. Morally decent people already know what's wrong or right and we have parents for real "role models".

We'll find that out won't we, and to be frank, I don't want a moron or a morally indecent person as Captain as England, its hard to judge whether Terry will be a better captain but Capello has a set rules and Terry has obviously broken them, I doubt he is doing it for the media, if a player breaks the rules, he may suffer, whether they are captain or not.
She may well be a slag but she isn't England Captain which is one of the most prestigous positions in English, if not world football, I am sure the papers have exaggerated some bits but he hasn't denied anything at all, he's a dodgy character, for some reason, his Dad deals cocaine and his mum shoplift M&S, why would you do that when your son is earning over 150k a week.

Im not talking about it in footballing terms, In the general situation why is Terry getting all the blame whilst she has seemed to have found an escape root and is even getting money out of the whole thing.
Im not talking about it in footballing terms, In the general situation why is Terry getting all the blame whilst she has seemed to have found an escape root and is even getting money out of the whole thing.

True but he made her have an abortion so she has public sympathy, JT is the villain of all this.
Chelsea where ever you may be
Don’t leave you wife with john terry
Could be worse he could be souse
He f*ck your wife then rob you house

sorry couldnt resist
True but he made her have an abortion so she has public sympathy, JT is the villain of all this.
I don't like terry but to be fair to him the abortion bit was only ran by, well, lets say, the less respectable papers. It is most probably absolute ****.:$
True but he made her have an abortion so she has public sympathy, JT is the villain of all this.

Yeah, as Taylor said im not too sure that this is 100% true but im sure it doesn't even matter now because everyone will be holding negative opinions against him.

---------- Post added at 08:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:35 PM ----------

Chelsea where ever you may be
Don’t leave you wife with john terry
Could be worse he could be souse
He f*ck your wife then rob you house

sorry couldnt resist

Better version:

Chelsea wherever you may be, Don't leave your wife with John Terry, His Dad deals coke and his Mum steals tea, He cried when he missed a penalty.
Personally that has ****** me off! Beckham, Ash Cole have all cheated on there wives and just because some low-lifes journalist's are being pathetic and trying to ruin a great England captain and player's dream of captaining his team at the World Cup, i'm sure if Ash Cole was captain at the time, would he get the same amount of publicity!! And now this Calamity Ferdinand has got the job!!! PATHETICC!!

Should be Stevie G.
What a load of hypocrites!!
Would you all resign from your jobs if you had an affair with a work-mates EX partner???
I think not... There is absolutley no differnce in this instance, except that it has been dragged through the media circus.
John Terry was, is still, and will be the best captain for England, no excuses.

But, whatever has happened is done now, the big question is how will Rio cope having to lead JT in the summer, and how will JT take it??
Can you imagine having to give instructions to your recently demoted supervisor?? Don't imagine it would go down too well..
Will the rest of the England team still play with the same respect for TJ??
Personally that has ****** me off! Beckham, Ash Cole have all cheated on there wives and just because some low-lifes journalist's are being pathetic and trying to ruin a great England captain and player's dream of captaining his team at the World Cup, i'm sure if Ash Cole was captain at the time, would he get the same amount of publicity!! And now this Calamity Ferdinand has got the job!!! PATHETICC!!

Should be Stevie G.

I vote Hargreaves. (H)
What a load of hypocrites!!
Would you all resign from your jobs if you had an affair with a work-mates EX partner???
I think not... There is absolutley no differnce in this instance, except that it has been dragged through the media circus.
John Terry was, is still, and will be the best captain for England, no excuses.

But, whatever has happened is done now, the big question is how will Rio cope having to lead JT in the summer, and how will JT take it??
Can you imagine having to give instructions to your recently demoted supervisor?? Don't imagine it would go down too well..
Will the rest of the England team still play with the same respect for TJ??

terry is still a footballer getting paid. so he didnt resign. he still gets the same wage.
what is all this rubbis about rooney shud b captain its a joke the most over - rated footballer in english history hes a joke gerrard should pf been captain